Category: Recent News
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Purple 5-Leg Top 30A 3000mAh 20700…same as other 5-leg top contact 20700’s
This Vapcell is identical in appearance and performance to the other 5-“leg” top contact 3000mAh 20700’s that I have tested from Ampking, Efest, EBAT, Keeppower, EnerCig, and iJoy.
Vapcell clearly marks this cell with an accurate continuous current rating, which is fantastic and should be done by every company.
But, as the other 5-leg cells have done, this Vapcell is overrated in capacity. It delivered 2916mAh and 2929mAh for the two cells I tested. I am rating this cell at 30A and 2900mAh. This is very frustrating considering the accurate current rating. There’s just no need for this exaggerated capacity rating.
Two cells were purchased for the purposes of testing by me.
Ratings graphic:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
American Cancer Society Position Statement on Electronic Cigarettes
A step in the right direction?
Based on currently available evidence, using current generation e-cigarettes is less harmful than smoking cigarettes
These individuals should be encouraged to switch to the least harmful form of tobacco product possible; switching to the exclusive use of e-cigarettes is preferable to continuing to smoke combustible products.
Yeah, there’s some shitty stuff in there too, but let’s focus on the good for now.
Read the entire article HERE.
Thanks to Michael Torsiello for the heads up!
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: IMR, INR, and ICR are not battery chemistries!
A PBusardo Review – The Vapefly Galaxies MTL RDA + Show-N-Tell with the Innokin Lift Box + Contest Winner & A New One!
Bunch of stuff going on in this video…
1) We do some house keeping.
2) We review the Vapefly Galaxies.
3) We do some show-n-tell on the Innokin Lift box as we review the Galaxies.
4) We find out who won the last “Not A” Contest.
5) We kick off a new one.
6) Finally…and most importantly… we discuss the Domino’s Pizza Carry-Out Insurance Policy! (we actually do that first) 🙂
* New Contest ends on Wednesday 2/21/18 at 11:59 PM EST.
The Links:
Domino’s Pizza 🙂
Delaware Vapor
Vapefly Galaxies @ Heaven Gifts
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell YR1030 AC Internal Resistance Battery Tester
This is just a quick look at a battery tester Vapcell sent me. This was not a comprehensive test or a check of build consistency between units, durability, reliability, or safety.
The YR1030 is an affordable, accurate tester that measures the AC internal resistance of a battery. This is the the internal resistance typically listed in a battery’s datasheet. It is measured using a low voltage, low current 1000Hz sine wave injected into the battery and then measuring the battery’s response.
The AC internal resistance is lower than the DC internal resistance which is used to determine how much a battery’s voltage will sag when current is drawn from it. But, the AC internal resistance is the industry standard and the only number typically posted by the manufacturers.
This meter can be used to measure the AC internal resistance of different cells to roughly gauge their relative performance or to help find fakes. Vendors could use it for spot checking new shipments to see if low amp fakes were mixed in with a batch of higher current rated cells.
It operates from an internal pouch cell, probably LiPo, which is recharged via USB. The cell stayed cool and charged to 4.14V in my unit. This helps extend the life of the cell versus charging to 4.20V.
The tester comes with the dual-pin probes shown in the photos. The alligator clamps and battery testing fixture are optional extras. Which you use depends on how you will do your testing. I recommend using the pin probes or battery fixture as using the alligator clamps means you need a way to mount the battery.
I compared the readings from the Vapcell YR1030 against the ones I got using my BK Precision BA6010 Battery Analyzer. The results were quite close and consistent. This is important as a consistent error, i.e., an offset, can be compensated for. But inconsistent readings are useless.
This meter has “binning” functionality to help sort battery grades based on internal resistance ranges defined by the user. I suspect this is a popular unit for the China battery wrappers to use for grading cells.
The internal layout and design are okay but the flux residue on the circuit board from the hand soldered components was disappointing to see. At this price point though there has to some compromise. I saw some weirdness and locking up when recharging and trying to turn it back on but cycling the power cleared up any issues.
I would have preferred that the unit was powered from the battery being tested, instead of from an internal LiPo, but that’s just a personal preference.
You must be consistent in your testing though to get the best results from this unit. Clean the battery contacts, charge the battery, let it sit for an hour to come to room temperature, and then test it multiple times. Handle it as little possible to minimize the temperature rise from your body heat. This is all important for consistent readings. Contact Vapcell with any questions you have regarding the features and use of this unit.
Overall this seems to be a good unit for the price, around $75USD, and could be a nice addition to a shop’s/vendor’s cell testing program. I believe that Liion Wholesale ( has them and the accessories in stock.
Vapcell ( donated one unit for the purposes of testing. Thank you!
Photos and test results:
Test report:
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Testing batteries can be dangerous and should never, ever, be attempted by anyone who has not thoroughly studied the dangers involved, understands the risks, has the proper equipment, and takes all appropriate safety precautions.
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Vaping Industry Makes Its Case (HESA – 2018)
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
The future of the vaping industry in Canada is on the line as Bill S-5 rounds the final turn on its way to becoming law.
Canada’s new federal vaping regulations are before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health this week and today representatives from the vaping industry made the case for a vaping as a safer alternative to smoking.
Marc Kealey and Boris Giller from the Canadian Vaping Association weighed in on retail standards, certification and the importance of flavours, while Sherwin Edwards from Vapselect Inc. argued vaping has been unfairly demonized in the press.
HESA MPs tossed a few hardballs, see how the industry reacted-on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released Feb 14, 2018
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Sony VTC4A 18650 Samples…beats VTC4, estimated 1900-2000mAh, 25A/30A
I received two samples for testing from Vapcell. They were a bit dinged up but performed well. I was told that they will not be generally available for several months, perhaps the end of the year. I do not know who has them in stock now or when they will.
I am testing them now because of the large number of requests I received and to let vendors know how they perform. I will retest these when full production quantities are available as Sony might make small changes to the cell’s performance before then.
The two VTC4A’s I tested outperformed the VTC4. At a 10A and 20A discharge the VTC4A hit harder than the VTC4, performing even better at the higher discharge current level. I will do higher current discharge testing and comparisons when I am able to get full production versions of these cells. This is a great cell though.
For a 25A continuous discharge the VTC4A runs at about the same temperature as the VTC4 does at 20A. Sony will probably rate the VTC4A at about 5A higher than the VTC4. This could mean a continuous current rating of 30A or higher for the VTC4A, perhaps with temperature-limited operation at some point above that.
My preliminary estimate for the VTC4A’s current rating is 25A though, up to 30A if the temperature is kept below 80°C. This can change at any time as I learn more about this cell.
Why don’t I rate it higher? Sony seems to trade off cycle life for performance when setting its ratings. That is, Sony gives the VTC series of batteries high continuous current ratings but that results in high operating temperatures and fewer cycles before they start losing capacity and performance. Until I can do some cycle life testing of production versions of these cells I am setting the ratings mentioned above. These ratings should result in about the same cycle life as cells from Samsung, LG, and Panasonic/Sanyo.
The VTC4A’s I tested delivered 1988mAh and 2002mAh at 0.5A. The capacity might change a bit before the cells are available in full production quantities but I am estimating the VTC4A’s rating at 1900mAh minimum and 2000mAh typical. If the cells I received were not A Grade then the capacity ratings from Sony could be higher, e.g., 2100mAh typical.
I have requested a copy of the datasheet but no one has it yet.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Vapcell (www.vapcelltech). Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
A PBusardo Review – The Eleaf Basal + Last Contest Winner & New Contest
In this video we wake a look at the Eleaf Basal, find out who one the last contest, and kick off a new one!
The Links:
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
The Test Sheet:
Eleaf Basal - ReviewForm
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: How can we extend the life of our batteries?
Episode 6 of “Minding Your mAhs” has been uploaded to my Battery Mooch YouTube channel.
Here is Episode #2 of The Smoker’s Show.
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look at and review starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
Thank you to our Sponsors!
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See all the Episodes HERE.
Powerpoint containing the slides can be downloaded HERE.