Category: Recent News
If you think a flavor ban won’t affect you because you DIY or don’t like flavors… how about NOT being SELFISH and think about the VAPERS and SMOKERS it WILL affect.
If you think it won’t get us anywhere… I personally choose NOT to lay down and play dead. I will do my part to fight for our right to vape and how we choose to vape until the end.
Don’t be: #PartOfTheProblem!
NO EXCUSES! Take the survey!!
Follow this link to take the survey…
Flavor Survey @ CASAA:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: QSO Orange 30A 3100mAh 20700…a great 30A battery, beats VTC5A and 5-leg top contact 20700’s
This cell performed well, both its continuous current and capacity ratings are accurate, and only the continuous current rating is on the wrap of the cell. I love seeing this and hope it’s a continuing trend for other companies too.
This QSO outperforms both the Sony VTC5A and the 5-leg top contact 20700’s, hitting harder and running for longer. This cell roughly matches the Sanyo NCR20700A at 10A but the Sanyo is still the better performer at high current levels. It appears to be the same cell used by Vapcell’s gold 30A 3100mAh 20700.
Both cells I tested delivered more than 3100mAh when discharged at 0.5A down to 2.5V. I am estimating this QSO’s ratings at 30A and 3100mAh.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Qiso ( Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – FDA Crackdown | JUUl Targeted for Teen Use
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It had all of the markings of a meticulously executed political attack campaign. After weeks of escalating news coverage, stoking fear over a reported frenzy of teen vaping, the FDA on Tuesday announced it was cracking down on sales of e-cigs to minors—vilifying the popular JUUL vape brand in the process.
What’s driving this finely tuned hatchet-job against vaping? RegWatch turned to Carl V. Phillips; intrepid reporter and vape analyst at the to find out—only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released April 25, 2018
Cramer: Vaping is decimating the cigarette industry
What’s this mean? IMHO it means people are getting healthier and our fight is going to get harder.
See the video HERE.
A PBusardo Review – The Innokin Proton Kit & New Contest
In this video we take a look at the Innokin Proton Kit and give one away!
The Links:
CVE – Canada
The Hall Of Vape – Germany
Vape Bromance
Heaven Gifts
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
The Test Sheet:
Innokin Proton - ReviewForm
A VAPINGREEK POST: The KangerTech U-BOAT & A GiveAway!
Hi Taste Your Juice maniacs!
Dimitri here, the other half of the Bromance team! I am back on YouTube doing reviews! With the trend of pod systems and AIO Hybrids coming to the market rapidly I decided (since I am a high nic and MTL vaper) to get back into looking at product for vapers but also doing videos that might benefit smokers looking to make the switch with easier equipment. My BFF has kindly allowed me to post my content for you here on his page and I am happy to do so. My contributions will also include advocacy, interview and science as they are just as important to me as the new shiny stuff that comes across my desk!
So thank you for having me and I look forward to interacting with all of you!
My social media links, Facebook-Twitter-Instagram all .com/vapingreek
You can find more information about me and follow my podcast here: SmokeFreeRadio Podcast
You can find my YouTube channel here: VapinGreek YouTube Reviews-Advocacy
And check out my newest review on the KangerTech UBOAT here: The KangerTech U-BOAT & A GiveAway
I would like to personally welcome my friend Dimitris Agrafiotis to
As you may or may not know Dimitris has returned to the review game and is looking at any and all pod systems on his new “Pod Mart” channel.
Since I’m not focused on those devices at the moment, I’ve invited him to add his reviews to the content here and he’s accepted the invitation. If I decide to start looking at more pod systems, I’ll throw his pink loving ass off the site. 🙂
Of course his reviews can still be found on YouTube HERE.
From time to time Dimitris will also be posting important information about advocacy & e-cig research here as well.
And just who am I?
I am many things to many people: husband, father, restaurateur, lover of life and all it has to offer. But just as important is the fact that I am an ex-smoker.
I have chosen electronic cigarettes as a less harmful alternative to smoking and want to share with you my journey on how I got started and how far e-cigs have evolved… and what better way to do this than with the power of reviews, radio, and my love for conversation?
I am a believer of free speech, fighting for the rights of those unduly wronged, and calling out those who attempt to stifle the truth
If you look to the left, you’ll see the new VapinGreek page under Information/Resources. All of Dimitris’ posts will be kept there as well as on the main news feed page.
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Purple 25A 3000mAh 18650…it’s a 20A VTC6A rewrap, better than VTC5A
This cell is identical in performance and appearance to the great performing Sony VTC6A. The VTC6A might not hit quite as hard as the VTC5A at the start but its 3000mAh capacity means it performs better than the VTC5A after that. The VTC6A is a great option for both regulated and unregulated mod users at up to 25A if you don’t get it hot.
The cells I tested still had a faint image of the Sony printing on the metal can indicating it was a VTC6A manufactured in November, 2016. Not a great date but it still performed better than the VTC5A.
I don’t have the VTC6A’s datasheet but my 20A-25A estimated rating for it seems to fit what I am seeing online, that it is rated 20A continuous with a temperature-limited rating of 25A. That is, if you don’t let it get hot (over 80°C) then it can be run at 25A.
This Vapcell’s 25A rating is a bit higher than the VTC6A’s continuous rating. But if you do not exceed 80°C then you can use it at up to 25A.
This Vapcell’s 3000mAh rating is accurate though and is my estimate until I get ahold of the VTC6A datasheet to see where they set the rated capacity and nominal/typical capacity.
I do not know who has this cell in stock or when anyone will be stocking it. Please check with Eciggity, your favorite vendors, or Vapcell for more information.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Eciggity ( Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
A PBusardo Review – The Usonicig Rhythm Kit
In this video we take a look at something new… The Usonicig Rhythm Kit. The first ultrasonic e-liquid vaping product.
The Links:
E-Cig Wizard
Pulp E-Liquids
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 4/21/18 – I called the two ports by the connection “ultrasonic ports” uh… no… those were just screws. 🙂
- 4/21/18 – I accidentally ended the last “Not A” Contest early. Sorry about that. Don’t worry, there will be plenty more.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: H-PRIV2 owners…Never operate your mod without both plastic battery tubes in place!
The tubes are held in place by an adhesive but in the one mod sent to me they were pulled out fairly easily. Without these tubes in place any tear in the wrap of your batteries could cause one of the batteries to be short circuited. This can cause it to overheat, vent, or even explode.
Always make sure both plastic battery tubes are in place before inserting batteries into your H-PRIV2!
Since I had the unit I decided I might as well do a tear down. They did not make it easy! The screws were hidden under very well stuck on side panels.
Tear down photos:
My sincere thanks to All Day Vapes for bringing this to my attention and sending me a unit to inspect!