Category: Recent News
From Matthias
Hi Phil,
I know how you like stories from previous smokers, here is mine:
I tried to quit smoking 3 to 4 times, including nicotine patches, be aware, they burn and taste bad, nothing helped, made me very cranky (like a ticking time bomb), you know the deal.
It started 2008, I just came back from a business trip from Chicago and had some money to spend. I walked to my favorite store for getting Zippos in the town I lived in at that time and noticed a sign outside about electronic cigarettes. I asked about it, he showed it to me and I bought it for a ridiculous price for a 901 device and some depots. I saw it as a last straw to quit smoking and as a test. What did I had to lose? Either it may work or not. Well, I drove home, read every bit I could find about it, which wasn’t that much, and put me under pressure by smoking the rest of my pack. At 6:30pm on 05/31/2008 I started vaping. I made it through the weekend and didn’t missed cigarettes. It had everything: nicotine, something to suck on, throat hit. Only the mouth feel was different, plastic instead of a soft filter. I went back to the store, bought some more depots and different flavors, I was happy. After a few days I noticed that I slept better, coughing got better and my apartment didn’t smelled better, not like a used ashtray.
I started to look around if there is more on the market and ran over the pen style devices, which was also expensive but overall cheaper than the 901, more varieties in flavors and so on. I ordered a set and what a difference it made, more flavor but also trickier to use. Keep in mind that you also had to be a bit masochistic back into the days. Product quality was mediocre, depots wasn’t filled correctly, no liquid flow, leading to burned tastes and so on. I even shopped around in china for cigar style devices.
In 2009/2010 the german market gained traction, online stored popped up, selling devices out of their kitchen or backyard (I visited a few) and new devices came to the market, like pipes, which I really liked but after two months the wood began to crack because of liquid seeping out of the atomizer, wetting the wood. Also the first liquids came to the market, including test kits which where reviewed in the forums.
I think 2011 or 2012 the first came to the market with a real switch. Man, what a difference this small beast pumped out in flavor and clouds. It was reliable, lasted log, easy to refill. The first reviewers popped up on YouTube, igetcha69, Grimm Green to name a few. A colleague told me about your channel and I was hooked, since you were different. I still remember your liquid test with very strange flavors like Crab juice.
Modififying the 510 depots was a big deal, including rolled teabags, steel mash, name it. Tanks entered the market with punched or slotted atomizers but longevity of only a few days. I liked them but they leaked like hell and gunked up pretty fast. I think the Ego changed the whole market. Easy to use, reliable, good flavor and good vapor production. The 510 connection became the de-facto standard which allowed modders and small production devices entered the market and the first DYI Atomizers where available in germany. I also bought them, are you kidding?2013 and 2014 I bought my first real mods, tried the Genesis devices and bumped into you at vape bash 2014, we talked a few words, but there was no way to have a real conversation. I also showed my my mod called The Swabia (which was built in the Stuttgart area). I also visited Nick, who was either hung over or flat out tired 😉
(I worked in IT at that time and travelled to our branch near Chicago annually).
I watched nearly every review you and Nick pumped out and based my buying habit on them.
In that timeframe I also started buying juice in larger quantities, esp. from Flavor Art from Italy and switched over to mixing my own juice, since I had more freedom flavor-vise, and it was cheaper 😉 I also was still a MTL vapor, had a Kayfun 3.1 (loved it), the 4 (which I also really digged) but switched over to DTL and ditched making my own coils because I got fed up with making and fiddling my own coils. DTL gave me everything I wanted.2016 I got on a 7000 mi road trip, starting in WA, down to CA, over to NV, UT (saw Brice Canyon), CO, KS, TN, GA, FL, TX, all by car. We did a installation of Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) in 10 shoe stores. I came to the US with 1l of my juice, the uwell crown and a Wismec Reuleaux 200. On that trip I bought a Aspire Cleito in Ridgecrest (main attraction: a 90 degree curve on the main street and a cinema 😉 ) and ordered the Hohmwrecker G2. I still use both daily. I also left IT after 20 years and joined our ESL team in Germany.
In 2017 I had the opportunity to move to the US helping to gain traction of the ESL market in the US. On 06/27/2017 I left Germany with two suitcases and my two cats.
The best decision I’ve ever made. I really like it here in NW Indiana. 🙂In 2012 my mum was diagnosed with COPD, making her to quit smoking. She asked me if I could help her start vaping, send her some devices I had laying around, some juice and she made almost immediately. Half a year later her lungs got significantly better, after a year her lungs where back to 90%.
2013 she opened her small store in northern Germany and is specialized on converting smokers to vaping with easy to use and inexpensive MTL devices like the AIO.Thank you for all the passion and time you put into your videos, your crankyness sometimes, your advocacy and your help converting smokers to vapers with everything you (and Dimitris) do.
I don’t blame you for having your own juice or devices, everyone needs to make some money and you worked hard for it.
Thank you for the last 10 years of this bumpy ride the first years.I never smoked a cigarette since 05/31/2008 6:30pm.
A PBusardo Review – The GeekVape Aegis Legend Kit & New Contest
In this video we take a full look at the GeekVape Aegis Legend Kit and give one away!
Note – I failed to announce the winner for the last contest which was for the Innokin Proton. That winner will be announced in the next review video.
The Links:
Legend Kit @ Heaven Gifts
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
The Test Sheet:
GeekVape Aegis Legend - ReviewForm
A PBusardo Video – The Hall Of Vape 2018
Some interviews, a look at the show, and some comedy as Dimitris and I bring you the Hall Of Vape 2018.
We hope you enjoy it!
The Links:
The Hall Of Vape
Stattquaml – Squape
SmokerStore – Taifun
Vapor Giant
Five Pawns
E-Smoke Guru – Skyline/Skyfall
MM Vapors
The Video – Part 1:
The Video – Part 2:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Moving Backwards | Global Nicotine Expert Rates Canada’s Vaping Policy
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
As the Royal seal is set to emboss Canada’s new federal vaping legislation: what do family friends from across the pond think of the Canadian approach to tobacco harm reduction?
In part-2 of our “Forgotten Crisis” series Paddy Costall from the Global Forum on Nicotine rates Canada’s vaping policy and suggests a consumer-focused approach could lead to a better way.
Learn more—only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released May 9, 2018
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Ampking 40A-50A 3000mAh 21700…performs identically to Samsung 30T but in a different can
This cell performs identically to the incredible Samsung 30T, including temperature, but is in a different steel can. I was told it is a Samsung 30T by Ampking but I am unable to explain the use of a different can.
The Samsung 30T and its rewraps, like this Ampking, are the highest performing and hardest hitting cells available to us as of May, 2018.
This Ampking’s “40A-50A” current rating is exaggerated and undefined but the 3000mAh capacity rating is accurate.
I am estimating this Ampking’s ratings at 35A and 3000mAh, same as the Samsung 30T.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Ampking ( Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
From Jeff
Hi Phil
Just watching the smokers show today have watched every episode since you started.
I have sent a link to four of my work college’s of each episode’s and all of them understand a lot better what benefits vaping have over smoking.
Each of them came to me to help them purchase a starter kit and juice this was 3 weeks ago since they started and they all are loving it and 100% off the stinkys.
So guys your show is doing a good job educating smokers about the benefits of vaping we as vapers need to advise smokers where to view your show so we all have a part to play to get this info out.
I was watching tonight and when you were discussing the benefits over smoking its not just a health benefit we have a large area of our country that suffers every year from bush-fires evidence says a lot of these are started from smokers throwing smoke butts from vehicles this would be eliminated if they vape not to mention all the cigarette buts that litter our streets and waterways
So at the end of the day vaping is a cleaner and healthier solution for us as people and the environment.
Keep up the good work guys
Here is Episode #8 of the Smoker’s Show
In this episode, we go over the “Next Generation Nicotine Delivery” document by Charles A. Gardner, PhD. We also see a “choppy” 🙂 interview with Gavin from Five Pawns, and take your questions.
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look at and review starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
Thank you to our Sponsors!
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See all the Episodes HERE.
Materials referenced in this show:
Foundation-For-A-Smoke-Free-World-Charles-GardnerFROM THE VTA – A NATIONAL CONVERSATION – YOU’RE INVITED!
VTA has been providing detailed guidance and leadership on the issue of proper product marketing and marekting standards for more than one year. Now, in light of FDA’s enforcement actions against improperly marketed products last week, VTA will host A National Conversation on Marketing Standards on May 16, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. (EDT) / 1:00 p.m. (CDT) / 11:00 a.m. (PDT).
This conversation will focus on three key areas:
- Review FDA’s actions and the claims FDA is asserting.
- Strategies for dealing with product removals (whether you are a retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer) arising from FDA enforcement actions.
- VTA Marketing Standards for Membership and what your company needs to do to address this core concern.
This is an important conversation. We encourage you to SIGN UP TODAY for this online meeting. We also encourage you to send this e-mail to anyone and everyone in the industry that you know. Because this discussion is too important, we are not limiting it to VTA members, but are offering our thoughts to the entire industry. Don’t hesitate. SIGN UP TODAY!
BACKGROUND, ICYMI: On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, the FDA announced that it and the Federal Trade Commission had jointly issued warning letters to 13 companies covering 8 specific products. The FDA claims these products are misbranded under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, while the FTC claims they violate regulations governing unfair or deceptive marketing. Specifically, they cite the fact that it is the “labeling and/or advertising that cause them to imitate food products, particularly ones that are marketed toward, and/or appealing to, children.” As importantly, FDA is taking the position that such marketing may drive children to consume the product which, of course, is neither intended nor safe. Though it has been covered broadly in the media, it is important that you review the FDA’s statement and warning letters yourself, which you can do by clicking here.
The industry can and should expect that more warning letters covering even more products will be issued to more companies. FDA has clearly indicated that this was only the first round. What this means for your company depends on the products that you are selling and/or marketing.
VTA is again calling upon all of its member companies to adopt the VTA Marketing Standards for Membership and to ensure that their marketing and selling practices are conducted in accordance with those practices. These standards should be adopted by all companies within the distribution chain as we all have a responsibility to ensure that from manufacture to distribution to retail, we are not putting a target on our backs and undermining the enormous work that we are doing to convince regulators that this industry can and will act in a responsible manner.
Thank you for taking the time to join us on May 16, 2018.
Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association
Here is Episode #7 of the Smoker’s Show
Sorry this post is so late. This is the LAST episode, not tonight’s. This is the one I had to do from Montreal.
In this episode, we discuss flavors and go over information gathered in the Global Data survey regarding e-cig usage.
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look at and review starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
Thank you to our Sponsors!
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See all the Episodes HERE.
Powerpoint containing the Smoker’s Show slides can also be downloaded HERE.