Category: Recent News
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Never let this happen to your batteries!
A PBusardo Review – The Joyetech Espion Tour
Things could be a lot better with this one, however, the new Tour from Joyetech does get the “Full Busardo”.
We also add more to THE STOCKING!
The Links:
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
The Test Sheet:
ReviewForm-Joyetech Tour
From John
I just wanted to write you to thank you. I’ve been listening to you for a couple of
months and your advice helped me quit smoking after 20 years. I’ve been smoke free
over 2 months now. I’ve been using your advice to slowly to ease my mother into
vaping as an alternative. I successfully have her trying an Abay system now and I
think it’s gonna take just using your techniques from the smoker’s show that you
have mentioned on and off. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that after years
of failing to quit, not only am I smoke free, but my mother is on her way as well.
If it weren’t for the great people, like you and Dimitris, in the vape community, I
think many people, like myself, wouldn’t succeed. Thanks for everything you and
Dimitris do for the community.John
LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – JUUL Rule | FDA Stomps Big Vape, But at What Cost?
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
What to make of FDA’s new JUUL Rule? Well, you could feel ‘hope’ after hearing Commissioner Scott Gottlieb state that there is a “public health benefit” for adult cigarette smokers who switch to vaping. Gottlieb also emphasized the importance of flavors for adult vapers and he clarified FDA “is not revisiting the compliance policy” for vapor products sold in age-restricted locations i.e. vape shops.
This sounds like great news, but is it?
It’s certainly not good news for JUUL or its millions of customers who now face the dreary prospect of lost access, to the products they rely on, to kick smoking or to stay quit. Ramifications could be dire says Dr. Michael Siegel from Boston University School of Public Health.
In this episode of RegWatch hear Dr. Siegal dismantle each of the most inflated, overwrought misperceptions of vaping and learn why he thinks FDA’s regulatory action against JUUL could have “devastating impacts on the public’s health.”
Only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: November 17, 2018
Today’s announcement makes one thing abundantly clear: FDA has heard our message.
First, flavored ENDS products must be treated differently than dangerous combustible cigarettes. We applaud Commissioner Gottlieb’s recognition that combustible cigarettes and flavored cigars must be treated differently than live-saving ENDS products. ENDS products – specifically flavors – are fundamental to improving public health through transitioning adult smokers to less harmful alternatives.
Second, from the first time that we met with the Commissioner we heralded the importance of vape shops. Today, we are pleased to see FDA’s recognition of the hard work from vape shops around the country in being responsible stewards and representatives of our industry. We are proud to represent vape shops in nearly 30 states, and today’s announcement vindicates the hard work our retailers do every single day to ensure proper distribution and strong enforcement of age verification to keep these products out of the hands of minors.
Third, FDA indicated its intent to continue to crack down on the improper marketing of ENDS products, rather than simply ban flavors in ENDS. This was the single most important message we left with the Commissioner, and his actions to date and again today demonstrates that he is dedicated to eliminating those improper marketing practices as we are.
As FDA finalizes a framework around certain aspects of today’s action – including third party online verification – we’ll continue to keep you informed of developments related to today’s announcement. We will also provide a deeper dive into the announcement later.
Here is the summary of the major points in FDA’s announcement:
- Flavored ENDS products that are not sold in an age-restricted, in-person location.
- Have all flavored ENDS products (other than tobacco, mint and menthol flavors or non-flavored products) sold in age-restricted, in-person locations. All ENDS products, including e-liquids, cartridge-based systems and cigalikes, in flavors except tobacco, mint and menthol, would be included. For instance, the proposed policy would apply to flavors such as cherry, vanilla, crème, tropical, melon and others.
- To advance this goal, the FDA is revisiting the compliance policy on PMTA authorization for such flavored products sold in physical locations where people under the age of 18 are permitted.
- The FDA is not revisiting the compliance policy with respect to ENDS products sold exclusively in age-restricted locations – for instance, a stand-alone tobacco retailer (such as a vape shop) that adequately prevents persons under the age of 18 from entering the store at any time; or, a section of an establishment that adequately prevents entry of persons under the age of 18 and the flavored ENDS products are not visible or accessible to persons under the age of 18 at any time.
- At this time, ENDS products with tobacco, mint or menthol flavors, as well as any non-flavored ENDS products, sold in any location, would not be included in any policy revisions. This distinction among flavors seeks to maintain access for adult users of these products, including adults who live in rural areas and may not have access to an age-restricted location, while evidence of their impacts continues to develop. It also recognizes that combustible cigarettes are currently available in menthol in retail locations that are not age-restricted. This approach is informed by the potential public health benefit for adult cigarette smokers who may use these ENDS products as part of a transition away from smoking.
- The FDA, however, will not ignore data regarding the popularity of mint- and menthol-flavored ENDS among kids. We will continue to use all available surveillance resources to monitor the rates and use patterns among youth and adults for these products, and we will reconsider our policies with respect to these products, if appropriate.
- Flavored ENDS products (other than tobacco, mint and menthol flavors or non-flavored products) that are sold online.
- In addition, we will seek to curtail the sale of applicable flavored ENDS products that are sold online without heightened age verification processes.
- The FDA will be working to identify these heightened measures for age verification and other restrictions to prevent youth access via online sales. These best practices would be available soon, so sites can quickly adopt them.
- Because no tobacco products should be sold to kids (including non-flavored ENDS products or those with tobacco, mint and menthol flavors), the FDA will continue to enforce the law whenever we see online sales of these products to minors and will closely monitor online sales of mint and menthol ENDS products.
- Flavored cigars.
- Research shows that, compared to adults (25 or older) who smoke cigars, a higher proportion of youth who smoke cigars use flavored cigars. This data also indicates that eliminating flavors from cigars would likely help prevent cigar initiation by young people.
- Given these public health concerns, I believe flavored cigars should no longer be subject to the extended compliance date for premarket authorization — regardless of the location in which the products are sold.
- The FDA’s proposal to revisit the compliance policy for flavored cigars that are new tobacco products does not apply to the entire product category, as some products were considered “grandfathered.” Accordingly, the FDA intends to propose a product standard that would ban flavors in all cigars.
- In July, the comment period for our ANPRM on flavors in tobacco products closed. The FDA has expedited review and analysis of these comments, and we intend to proceed with developing a proposed regulation. As included in the most recent Unified Agenda, the FDA intends to prioritize the issuance of this proposed rule.
- ENDS products that are marketed to kids.
- The FDA will pursue the removal from the market of those ENDS products that are marketed to children and/or appealing to youth. This could include using popular children’s cartoon or animated characters, or names of products favored by kids like brands of candy or soda.
- Menthol in combustible tobacco products.
- Informed by the comments from our ANPRM, the FDA will advance a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would seek to ban menthol in combustible tobacco products, including cigarettes and cigars.
- The FDA started this process several years ago with an ANPRM. That ANPRM issued alongside the FDA’s preliminary scientific evaluation, which suggested menthol use is likely associated with increased smoking initiation by youth and young adults.
- Now, armed with the additional years of data, comments from the public – and with the perspective of our Comprehensive Plan and its implementation – the FDA will accelerate the proposed rulemaking process to ensure that our policies on flavored tobacco products protect public health across the continuum of risk.
From Jesper
Hi Phil
First of all I want to say a big “Thank YOU” for what you do for the vape industry.
I like to listen to the “Smoker’s Show” while making coils and wicking them for my tanks.
When I so this, I call it “Knitting for men”!Because of the time difference, its rare that I watch them live, but hope to watch
more live episodesI have been vaping for 6 years, and have a lot of mods/ecigs that I don’t use. I
did give 2 smokers an ecig (Eleaf Basal and a Joyetech Aio) and bought them some
e-liquid (3 different flavors) – which resulted in them switching to vaping.Keep up the good work – Also Dimitris 🙂
Best Regards Jesper
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Eizfan 10A 5000mAh 21700…accurately rated, identical to Samsung 50E
This is an accurately rated, good performing ultra-high capacity 21700 cell. It is identical in appearance, performance, and operating temperature to the Samsung 50E but Efan strongly denies that is it a rewrapped 50E. They say it is a cell made by them.
The Efan datasheet lists the minimum capacity at 4780mAh and nominal capacity at 5000mAh. The four Eizfan’s I tested delivered 5006mAh-5010mAh at 1A (0.2C) down to 2.5V. This is astounding consistency and they all easily meet their minimum capacity rating. This consistency is typical of good OEM cells from Samsung, Sony, LG, etc., but is better than any China manufactured cell I have seen so far.
This Eizfan outperforms the Samsung 48G but I have not tested the LG M50 yet so I can’t compare them.
There is a “15A” number on the wrap and the datasheet claims a “Max short time discharging current” rating of 15A but the time is not listed and the criteria used to set the rating are unknown. Therefore it is a useless rating.
I am rating this Eizfan at 10A/30W and 5000mAh. I will be retesting these again at some point to confirm they have not changed what cell they are wrapping.
Four cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Efan ( Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
Test report:
I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability and testing news and a say in what I test then please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:
These tests only note the ESTIMATED ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in my ratings tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market, we get swamped with fakes, or new information becomes available to me. Please, never assume that the ratings in the tables are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
A PBusardo Review – The EHPro/NatureVape True MTL RTA
Folks, it’s a good time to be a MTL vaper! We’re seeing a lot of cost effective, high quality MTL tanks and this one is no exception. In this video we take a look at the True MTL RTA.
We also add more to THE STOCKING!
The Links:
SmokingVapor (Mi-Pod’s Site)
True MTL RTA @ Heaven Gifts
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
From Dee Dee Don
After losing my vape set up I converted back to smoking.
I just recently got a new set up about 2 weeks ago but I was duel using ( vaping and smoking).
For once in my life I had to be honest with myself and admit that I enjoyed smoking, and I love the flavor of a good tobacco!
Then I listen to one of your YouTube video about duel users and transitioning and so I took your advice ( suggestions) and got myself a all in one ( Orca solo) and some tobacco e-liquid higher nic level.Thank you again for your advice and your videos!
P. S
Thank Dimitris for me!
Your guys make a great team!
Sincerely, transitioningUpdate:
4 days in, smoke free ( no cigarettes)
Thank you again for your advice ( suggestion)! 👍
Duel using ( mod and Aio)Dee Dee Don