Category: Recent News
LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Killer Ads | FDA Admits Youth-Targeted Ads Discourage Adult Smokers from Vaping
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
Just days following the launch of its first youth-targeted, national anti-vaping ad campaign, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revealed it would not be running television ads on mainstream media. Why?
Millions of Americans both young and old are now familiar with the TV spots which deploy the unsettling visual metaphor of an organism invading the lungs, bloodstream and brain of youth who experiment with e-cigarettes.
It’s a powerful TV ad with a message so troubling FDA now admits, if adult smokers see it, they could be discouraged from trying e-cigarettes as an aid to stop smoking.
It’s a startling admission by the regulator.
Join RegWatch on location in Austin Texas for the 2018 SFATA “Save the Vape” Conference and hear why Mark Anton the executive director of the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association calls FDA’s anti-vaping rhetoric “reprehensible”.
Only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: December 13, 2018
THE 510 REPORT WITH GRIMM GREEN – Vapings Biggest Enemy PART1
Very rarely do I watch or share other reviewer’s videos. The reason is simple. I like to keep my ideas and perspective of products my own and I don’t like them influenced by what others have to say.
Although Nick is a fellow reviewer and someone I respect, I’ve decided to share his latest 510 Report video here.
First, Nick’s “510 Report” are not review videos, they are advocacy and news videos about vaping.
Second, this particular episode speaks to something I’ve always believed in and have shared on many occasions… Big Pharma is our biggest enemy and a powerful one they are.
So have a look at this video and see if you agree. I’ll post part 2 here when it is released as well.
Thanks for doing these Nick and I hope you continue your efforts in this space!
Here’s where you can find more Nick “GRIMM” Green:
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The Video:
From Kirk
I am the former Command Sergeant Major of the 101st ABN DIV and now a DOD Civilian. As you may know there are many smokers in the military and I started smoking after getting injured in AFG. Your show and my wife, motivated me to quit and vaping made it very easy. I now purchase vape kits and challenge young Soldiers who smoke to trade their pack of smokes for a vape kit (Uwell Nanchuka w/ the Innoken Zenith) and a 30ml of ejuice that they think they will like. I have found that if you can provide the nicotine and a great tasting ejuice (Lem’n Berry by Grippum LLC has been the most successful) most Soldiers quit. So far 16 of 19 have completely quit smoking.
Airborne Rangers Lead the Way
A PBusardo Review – The Wismec Reuleaux Tinker & Column Tank
The looks of the Reuleaux have certainly changed. How difficult it is to spell has not. 🙂
In this video the Wismec Reuleaux Tinker get’s the “Full Busardo” and we add one to the stocking as well!
The Links:
Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
My brother from a Greek Mother joins Lindsey Stroud of The Heartland Institute for the Voice Of Vapers podcast. Give it a listen, give it a share!
In this episode of Voices of Vapers, Dimitris Agrafiotis joins Lindsey Stroud to discuss his history in the vaping community. Dimitris is executive director of the Tennessee Smoke Free Association, president of the Global eVapor Consulting and a host at SmokeFreeRadio. Dimitris and Lindsey discuss his efforts in Tennessee, the role of state and federal advocacy associations, self-regulation from the vaping industry, Dimitris’ efforts in the European Union, China, and how vaping is not Big Tobacco. You can find out more information about the Tennessee Smoke Free Association at You can reach Dimitris at
You can find the podcast HERE!
IMPORTANT – PLEASE TAKE ACTION AND SHARE – NY – Suffolk County – Stop a Flavor Ban!
NY – Suffolk County – Stop a Flavor Ban! |
The Suffolk County Legislature is moving rapidly to adopt an all-out ban on flavored vapor products. A hearing is scheduled for: Thursday, December 13, 20182:00 PM Health Committee Rose Y. Caracappa Auditorium, William H. Rogers Legislature Building 725 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY The proposed law (Resolution No. 2128) would ban the sale of nicotine-containing e-liquid in all flavors except tobacco, mint, and menthol. There are no exceptions for specific retailers. Please make plans to attend this hearing! Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue. If you do plan to speak, plan to keep your remarks to ONE MINUTE or LESS. When commenting on this ordinance, be sure to include your experience with vaping and what role flavors play in keeping you smoke free. In advance of the hearing, please take this opportunity to send a message to council members urging them to oppose this ordinance. NOW is the time to make contact with your county legislators and urge them to reject this proposal! Take Action – Click HERE to send a message!
A PBusardo Review – The Sound Of Atties Whisper RDTA
In this video we take a look at the Whisper RDTA. A DL, MTL, RTA, RDA and bottom fed “do-all” atty? Let’s see!
We also add more to the stocking!
The Links:
Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A PBusardo Review – The Acrohm Fush
In this video we do some Show & Tell on a tool kit I was gifted by VapnArt, then we take a look at the Acrohm Fush Semi-Mechanical Mod.
We also add more goodies to THE STOCKING!
The Links:
Naked 100
Five Pawns
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
The Smoker’s Show Episode #20
Dimitris is out of town attending the VTA Advocacy Conference so I’m be joined by my special guest Bill Tarling!
In this episode…
- Special Announcement from Five Pawns
- Meet Larry – Testimonial from a fellow vaper
- Demand Vape Visit/Tour/Interview
- Open Q&A (Chat)
You’ll find the entire show below, but here is the Demand Vape Tour and Interview on it’s own:
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look at and review starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
Thank you to and please support our Sponsors!
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See all the Episodes HERE.