Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


On Tonight’s Show We Discuss:

  • The Juul
  • Nicotine strengths or lack thereof in vape shops.
  • The new FlavourArt North America Facility
  • Phil Cruise 😉

We are also joined by Wayne Walker of and Richard Hong, Vice President of FlavourArt North America to discuss the Make The Switch Initiative and Competition!

As always we answer your questions and take your calls!

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!



  • For 10% off Innokin/Platform Products at MyVaporStore use coupon code: MTL10
  • For 15% off your Lunar Rover order use coupon code: smokersshow


*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!

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Lot’s of cool stuff on the Smoker’s Show tomorrow night at 9PM EST!

  • Get a tour of the new Flavour Art North America Facility!
  • We announce and explain the launch of “Make The Switch”!
  • Special Guests… Richard Hong & Wayne Walker!

As always we’ll be taking your calls and answering your questions!
Don’t miss it!

Click the banner below to be taken directly to the show at 9PM EST!

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For those of you who don’t know what the iQOS is, it’s a “heat not burn” product. It uses an electronic heating device and a “Tobacco Unit” or “Heat Stick” or “HEET” which is, for the most part, a cigarette containing many of the same chemicals used in cigarettes.

HEETS are made up of elements that include a tobacco plug, hollow acetate tube, polymer-film filter, cellulose-acetate mouthpiece filter, and outer and mouth-end papers.

Instead of burning the tobacco, it heats it up to 350˚C releasing nicotine-containing vapor.

Although it is a tobacco harm reduction product, and better for you than a cigarette, there is still question as to whether or not it’s “as safe” as vaping. I’ve spoken to a few experts in the field and the consensus is that vaping is still a safer alternative than the IQOS.

We’ve all seen and heard of the “at least 95% safer than smoking a traditional tobacco cigarette” when it comes to vaping from the Royal College of Physicians. It would be very interesting to know the percentage IQOS delivers.

And yet, here we are. It has been approved for sale in the U.S. by the FDA. According to the press release:

Following a rigorous science-based review through the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) pathway, the agency determined that authorizing these products for the U.S. market is appropriate for the protection of the public health because, among several key considerations, the products produce fewer or lower levels of some toxins than combustible cigarettes.

You can read the entire release HERE.

So wait a minute… isn’t this exactly what vaping is?

the products produce fewer or lower levels of some toxins than combustible cigarettes

The IQOS did get through the PMTA but they had to pay to play.

My question… is it fair?  Philip Morris has plenty of money to throw at a PMTA. I would imagine many if not most vape companies do not. And if they do not, will they be able to keep the products that many people know and love on the market.  Products that have “fewer or lower levels of some toxins than combustible cigarettes”.

If “the protection of the public health” is truly important to the FDA, they need to create a more cost effective and streamlined or “accelerated PMTA” for the vaping sector.

I’m happy that the IQOS will be available as a harm reduction product for smokers, but I want vaping products to be available as well.

  • I want a level and fair playing field.
  • I want variety and choice.
  • As an adult, I want to be able to choose my flavor.
  • I want to see vape shops continue to survive and thrive.

Safer than a cigarette is safer than a cigarette and it should not take years and millions to put these potentially life saving products in the hands of smokers.

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Cherry-Pick | Expert Analysis of Leaked Vaping Study

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Since November 2018, when University of Waterloo Professor David Hammond first shared results of his new youth vaping study with Health Canada and the mainstream media, only one interpretation of the data has been made available to the public. And that interpretation is one of high alarm.
In February and April of 2019, Health Canada launched two separate public consultations seeking input on potential regulatory action that might stem the crisis of youth vaping. However, industry stakeholders, harm reduction advocates and members of the public had yet to be afforded access to Professor Hammond’s study in order to evaluate the data and test the interpretation.

RegWatch was provided a copy of the study by a highly-placed source within the tobacco-control community and last Thursday we published the document so that the public may see the same data, findings and conclusions being considered by regulators as they deliberate over the future of vaping in Canada and the U.S.

In this episode of RegWatch hear tobacco control policy expert Clive Bates’s analysis of the study and learn what he thinks of RegWatch’s decision to publish.

Only on RegWatch—By

Produced by: Brent Stafford

Released: April 29, 2019

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Leaked | Public Gets Long Overdue Look at Youth Vaping Study

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

It’s quite possibly the worst kept secret within the tight-knit ranks of tobacco-control, the research study conducted by Dr. David Hammond of the University of Waterloo, which purports to show a substantial increase in youth vaping in both Canada and the United States.
Numerous stakeholders including regulators, academics, tobacco-control activists and even the media have either seen the report or have been briefed on its findings; every one that is, except those in the vaping industry, harm reduction advocates and members of the public.

RegWatch has obtained a copy of the study and in this brief live streamed edition we are releasing it to the public so you may see the same data, findings, and conclusions being considered by regulators as they deliberate over the future of vaping in Canada and the U.S.

Download the report HERE.

Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: April 25, 2019

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories The Smoker's Show

From Janine

A beautiful, heart-felt letter from Janine. Keep up the fight Janine, as will we. I’d also like to send words of support and encouragement both to you and your friend.

Evening Phil,

I was going to phone in for the first time on tonight’s Smoker’s Show but I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone. I wanted to speak to anyone watching the show who was considering switching from smoking to vaping, to encourage them to do so. As a former smoker of 40+ years, I switched to vaping almost 4 years ago and have remained smoke free for that time.

For the last year I tried to encourage my dear friend of 35 years to give vaping a try and hopefully put down the cigarettes for the last time. I gave her 3 different devices all designed for MTL, several coils and different strengths and flavours of e-liquid. I gave her a lengthy tutorial as well. She actually quite enjoyed it and hoped vaping would be the answer. I had high hopes she would succeed. It didn’t work for her.

I received a call from her last week, her voice cracked as she gave me the news – she has lung cancer. To be honest, it doesn’t sound good. She is only 55 years old and facing the fight of her life.

After the call ended, I sat staring into the trees from my patio and wondered how I could have helped her more when I tried introducing her to vaping. Did I give her the right devices? Should I have tried harder? Would it have helped?

It’s been a week since I received that call and I’ve had time to digest the news. Although I am gutted and frightened for her, I have come to terms with the fact we will never know if vaping would have helped, whether or not her fate was already sealed. And it really doesn’t matter at this point.

I became angry today, thinking about how vaping is in trouble – the anti-vaping, junk science spewing nay-sayers are getting far too much attention these days, and I fear they are winning. All the lives saved and the possible future lives, don’t seem to matter. Here in Canada we too are now at risk of losing the very thing that could quite possibly be the answer to putting down cigarettes for good. And it does’t matter. Scientific studies are proving that vaping is less harmful than smoking, and it doesn’t matter. The drain on medical systems due to smoking-related illnesses could decrease drastically, and it doesn’t matter. When will truth replace fear and panic? I wish I knew.

What does matter is reaching as many smokers as possible; to spread the word that vaping really can help save lives. And that is what you and Dimitris do with The Smokers Show. It’s likely you will never know how many people you have and will continue to help stop smoking through vaping. But if you can help just one person switch, you have done your jobs.

This is why I wanted to call in tonight, to encourage perhaps that one person watching who was considering making the switch, to do just that – give it a try. And if you don’t quite succeed, don’t stop trying. Please, don’t stop trying.

All the worry in the world won’t help my friend. What will help is if I do my damnedest to encourage people to at least consider giving vaping a try and to continue writing my local Member of Parliment, which I have done repeatedly over the last 10 days. I have sent links to , sent informational videos on vaping and pleaded with her to educate herself on the subject rather than regurgitate the false studies and bloated numbers regarding teen vaping. Dammit, I have to try.

I apologize for this lengthy email, Phil, I know you are a busy person. Thank you for all you and Dimitris do for the vaping community, you have helped me in my vaping journey and I am most grateful.

Vaping may not have prevented the fight my dear friend is about to face, but it could help prevent future battles. I’m up for that.

4 years smoke free

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Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


Tonight’s Show is all about the China Trip Re-cap. We discuss:

  • The Trip
  • The Workshop presented at RockyTopVapor
  • Upcoming Events For Us
  • The “Make The Switch” DIY Effort We’re Involved In With FlavourArt (More Soon!)
  • The IECIE Show in China
  • The New Innokin Offices
  • The 1 Millionth Zenith
  • BiiP Assembly
  • And More!

We also have some fun along the way!
As always we answer your questions and take your calls!

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!



  • For 10% off Innokin/Platform Products at MyVaporStore use coupon code: MTL10
  • For 15% off your Lunar Rover order use coupon code: smokersshow


*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!

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Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Joe

Mr. B…first off we miss you up here in sunny upstate NY. I wanted to take a minute to personally thank you (and Dimitris) for your dedication on the Smoker’s show. I have follow you for a long time. The first time I viewed your channel I remember it being a very dimly lit video 🙂

Have been a long time vaper and hated to admit I was both a vaper and a smoker for almost 9 years. Over the last few years I had eased up on all the reviews and YouTube videos and continued to both vape and smoke. I did, however, cut my cig intake from over two packs a day to less than one. Then I saw the Smokers Show series an started watching. Loved it!

Well, a couple months ago I found out I am going to be a grandfather. Since I had thousands invested in all this fancy vape gear I needed to figure something out. I had smoked for over 40 years. My daughter always begged me to quit, if not for me…for her. Even my sister begged me to quit. Then both kind of gave up. Now, my baby girl is grown and going to have a baby. Whoa. I really needed to wake up!

I turned to you and Dimi and the show. No fancy cloud formations. No flashing mods or quadruple twisted overturned bee hive staple tank track coils…just a support forum and the topic of getting off cigs. I feared not having a cigarette handy, and the escape that smoking gave me. You guys helped me through that.

I have a grandchild on the way, tomorrow we find out the gender. All the family around. And I will be waking into that party not having had a cigarette in almost 5 weeks. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal for most, but after over 40 years it becomes a part of you. A bad part, but a part nonetheless. It’s a huge deal for me. My family knows that as well.

For the first time in a LONG time my daughter gave me a big meaningful hug. It meant the world to me. And tomorrow, I can tell my sister that it’s been 5 weeks. It IS a big deal for me. I never thought I could really do it. The fight isn’t over yet. I still crave, but you guys have helped me occupy my mind with “proper” vaping.

I don’t think you guys really understand how much we appreciate what you do and what you stand for. And I can’t begin to describe it. But THANK YOU for the support and the content! So far, I did it!

I am on a renewed mission now to get my friends to try what I should have a long time ago. I won’t part with my Z Biip, but I have lent a couple of them a few of my pods. Haven’t seen them back yet, but they are trying. And watching your past episodes. One said she was binge watching. Lol.

Honestly, I don’t care if I see my stuff back again because one of them was having a horrible reaction to Chantix. Won’t go into detail, but it hurt to see one of my employees try so hard to quit so she can have necessary surgery…and struggle with that med. Chantix may work for some and that’s great. But not her nor my step daughter.

Glad to say Kim stopped Chantix and is vaping on the device I gave her. And happy. She has cut her nic level down to 6mg and plans to go lower! Her doctor called me and told me that he’d deny ever speaking with me…but thanked me. Felt good.

So good that I’d give all the gear I have to see that! Anyway, sorry for the run on again but finally…doing what I have wanted to. Quit smoking myself AND getting others to give it a try.

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Shoe Drops | Health Canada Puts Flavours, Nicotine & Adult Access on The Table

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Regulatory intervention on flavours in vaping products (i.e. a flavour ban) is ‘not’ off the table says James Van Loon, Director General of the Tobacco Control Directorate at Health Canada.
The federal regulator is considering every measure to stem the tide of youth vaping and is calling on parents, educators, youth and public stakeholders to weigh in on key issues in a consultation on potential regulatory measures to reduce youth access and appeal of vaping products in Canada.

In part-2 of our exclusive interview with Director General Van Loon, hear a detailed discussion on youth vaping statistics, flavours, nicotine salts, online sales, the upcoming federal election and much more.

Only on RegWatch by

Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: April 22, 2019

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Tonight on the Smoker’s Show – The China Recap & Will be both be able to stay awake long enough to finish the show!! 🙂

Going to be some fun stuff so don’t miss it and don’t forget to  bring a smoker along and participate.  We have lot’s of kits and liquid for them from our sponsors!

Click on the banner below to be taken directly to the show tonight at 9PM EST!

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