Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Susan

Hey Phil! It’s me – Susan. It has been awhile since we spoke. I believe the last time was on Facebook. Anyway, I just had to write to you about the Zlide tank. When I first saw it online, I knew that I just HAD to have one. I didn’t think anything could pull me away from the Zenith, but oh my goodness! This tank could not be any more perfect!!

When it came in the mail, I just sat and looked at it for nearly an hour. It was too gorgeous to even use 🤗! My husband was looking at me as if I had grown a second head, then
he finally asked me if I was going to fill it up, and I just mumbled like an idiot. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

I had ordered the gunmetal with the red drip tip. They were all so pretty, but I had never owned anything in gunmetal before, and with that red drip tip – oh my❣

You and Dimitri are truly doing a wonderful job with these tanks. I’ve always been a mtl kind of girl, and you have hit it out of the ballpark with the Zlide. I’ve loved all of your tanks, but this one is just special, somehow.

I won’t keep you. I can’t even imagine how busy you must be nowadays. I just had to write to you about my new, gorgeous Zlide tank. I am truly in love with it😍, and couldn’t be any more happier if I tried!

I only have one small problem…. after I started vaping with the Zlide with a rapture-like look on my face, my husband said, “You’re gonna give me the Zenith now, right?” 😮🤣

Keep up the great work! The vaping world is most definitely better off with you and Dimitri in it.
Talk to you soon, my friend! 💞

LOL Susan! I think you need to get hubby a NEW tank, not a hand-me-down! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to write this and we’re so happy you like it!!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News


Post #5 of 9 about battery fakes. Please read post #1 (link below) before asking any questions here. Thanks!

These fakes are very hard to detect visually. Both fake and genuine HG2’s have four spot weld points on top and free-floating (not glued on) top ring insulators. The fakes have a slightly wider ring around the battery near the top but that will be very hard to see without having a genuine HG2 for comparison.

Photos of the fakes and test results:

There’s no other way to detect the fakes than internal resistance (IR) or discharge testing. The HG2 has an AC IR spec of <=20mOhms. My genuine ones measure around 15mOhms. The fakes measure about 35mOhms, indicating that they will have huge voltage sag and a low current rating.

The fakes perform MUCH worse than genuine HG2’s, DO NOT USE THESE FAKES!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Fake Samsung 25R Alert

Post #4 of 9 about battery fakes.

Please read post #1 (link below) before asking any questions here. Thanks!

These fakes have two micro-weld lines on top, underneath the top insulating ring. Genuine 25R’s do not have these micro-weld lines. In bright light, look at the metal can through the wrap, near the top. Genuine 25R’s must have a five as the second character in the first line of codes on the metal can. The other characters and codes do not matter. If it is not a five then it’s a fake. If there are no codes then it’s a fake. If the second character is a five then it can be genuine or a fake (codes can be faked!). The fakes have the same free-floating (loose) top insulating ring as genuine 25R’s. Do not assume that if the ring is loose (not glued) that the battery is genuine!

Photos of the fakes and test results:

The fakes have a very low current rating and should never be used for anything! We do not know their age or internal condition. I will not be testing the fakes because they can change at any time and they might have used several different batteries for the fakes.

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News


Post #3 of 9 about battery fakes.

Please read post #1 (link below) before asking any questions here. Thanks!

The fakes do not have the four top spot weld points that the HE4 has. The fakes also have a flatter ring around the cell near the top and a darker plastic top crimp seal (not the top flat ring insulator you can remove) than the genuine HE4.

Photos of the fakes and test results:

The performance of the fakes is terrible compared to genuine HE4, which is no surprise. I do not know what cell they rewrapped for these fakes or what its current rating is. If you have any of these fakes, don’t use them in anything!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Fake Samsung 30Q alert

Post #2 of 9 about battery fakes. Please read post #1 (click HERE) before reading this post. Thanks!

The code on the can makes me think they might be 2.75A-rated  Samsung 29E’s. This fake looks a LOT like the 30Q and would test out about the same in capacity if a testing charger was used to check it. The top insulating ring was free-floating (not glued on) too.

Photos of the fakes and test results

The counterfeiters are definitely learning! But more we expose them the harder and more expensive their job gets and that is always a good thing.

Right now the top code line printed on the metal can is the best way to spot the fake as it can be seen through the wrap in bright light. I‘m sure the codes will soon be faked too though.

The performance of these cells is miserable compared to the genuine 30Q and the cell will run a lot hotter. If you have any of these fakes, don’t use them in anything!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Eight different fake battery types to report!

Post #1 of 9

A vendor sent me a box of fakes, dozens of batteries, that he received after saying no to the supplier’s offer to send samples. They were sent anyway. This vendor will not be named because they do not sell fakes and were never going to sell these samples. They were sent to me for testing and to help warn the community about how widespread fakes really are.

The fakes in the box were 30Q’s, HE4’s, 25R’s, HG2’s, 30T’s, VTC5’s, VTC5A’s, and VTC6A 21700’s.

I will be posting about one fake type each day. Please read the following before contacting me or asking any questions on those posts…

– I am unable to tell if your batteries are genuine or fake from photos you send me. Contact the vendor you bought them from if you think you have fakes.

– The printing on the wraps is not a good way to tell if a battery is genuine or not. The quality can vary and what’s printed changes based on which factory and assembly line made them.

– The date/batch codes on the wraps for these fakes might be genuine codes! Do not assume every battery having the same code as these fakes is also a fake. Also do not assume that if you have a battery with a different date/batch code that it is genuine.

– I will not give these fakes a current rating. They’re frakkin’ fakes of unknown grade, date of manufacture, and internal condition. If you have any then just don’t use them, or any fakes.

– There are other fakes for these battery types out there. Do not automatically assume that if your batteries don’t match these fakes that they are genuine.

– Other battery types are being faked too. There is no battery that we can say will never be faked.

– Our only defense is to buy from a trusted or authorized vendor.

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Posted in Recent News

VTA Update: Federal District Court Rules Against FDA

Federal District Court Rules Against FDA;
Vacates FDA’s 2017 Guidance Extending PMTA Deadlines

May 16, 2019

As you may have heard, yesterday the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland issued a 54-page decision in American Academy of Physicians, et al. v. FDA, et al., Case No. 18-CV-00883, that may have a future impact on FDA’s compliance policy for deemed “new tobacco products” that were on the market on the August 8, 2016 effective date of the deeming rule.  As explained below, however, there remain a number of procedural steps that must first occur (including potential appeals of the decision) before we will have a clear understanding of the actual impacts of this decision on industry.  The case could result in significant changes to FDA’s compliance policy and deadlines for filing premarket submissions for deemed “new tobacco products” that were on the U.S. market on August 8, 2016.  However, at this time, we do not view this development as having any immediate impact on industry’s ability to continue marketing such products.  We will continue to update you on any important developments.


On May 10, 2016, FDA issued a final rule deeming all products that meet the statutory definition of a tobacco product, except accessories of newly deemed tobacco products, to be subject to FDA’s tobacco product authority (Deeming Rule).  In conjunction with the Deeming Rule, FDA announced a compliance policy for newly deemed products (e.g., cigars, pipe tobacco, e-cigarettes) that qualify as “new tobacco products” (i.e., products not commercially marketed in the United States as of February 15, 2007, or modified in any physical respect since) but that were on the U.S. market on the August 8, 2016, effective date of the Deeming Rule (Deemed Products).

The initial policy allowed the continued marketing of Deemed Products until staggered deadlines for filing premarket review submissions for them (and for up to one year thereafter during FDA’s review of such submissions) as follows:

  • Substantial equivalence (SE) exemption requests were due 12 months after the effective date (8/8/2017);
  • SE reports were due 18 months after the effective date (2/8/2018); and
  • Premarket tobacco applications (PMTAs) were due 24 months after the effective date (8/8/2018).

In May 2017, FDA published a guidance document entitled “Three-Month Extension of Certain Tobacco Product Compliance Deadlines Related to the Final Deeming Rule” under which the Agency announced that it would extend by three months all future compliance dates for requirements under the Deeming Rule, including those for premarket submissions for Deemed Products.  In July 2017, FDA announced a new comprehensive plan for tobacco and nicotine regulation intended, in part, to “ensure that the FDA has the proper scientific and regulatory foundation to efficiently and effectively implement the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” and “[t]o make certain that the FDA is striking an appropriate balance between regulation and encouraging development of innovative tobacco products that may be less dangerous than cigarettes.”  In order to reach these goals, FDA further extended the compliance dates for the filing of premarket submissions for Deemed Products to August 8, 2021, for combustible products and to August 8, 2022, for noncombustible products (August 2017 Compliance Policy).  FDA also modified the compliance policy by permitting the continued marketing of a Deemed Product after the applicable deadline throughout FDA’s review of a timely filed submission.

In March 2018, a number of health groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, as well as a handful of pediatricians, challenged FDA’s August 2017 Compliance Policy on the basis that it: (1) conflicts with the Tobacco Control Act, exceeds FDA’s statutory authority, and violates the Constitution’s Take Care clause because premarket review of new tobacco products is required under the statute; (2) was promulgated without notice and comment in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA); and (3) was not the product of reasoned decision-making and is therefore arbitrary and capricious in violation of the APA.

On March 26, 2019, the District Court issued a Letter Order denying the parties’ motions without prejudice in light of FDA’s issuance of the March 2019 Draft Guidance proposing to revise the Compliance Policy.  The court stated that because “the Draft Guidance, if finalized, will supplant the 2017 Guidance—the focus of Plaintiffs’ claims in this lawsuit—and perhaps necessitate an amendment to Plaintiffs’ Complaint, it is premature and would be neither efficient nor a wise allocation of resources to consider Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment at this time, when the very guidance that Plaintiffs’ challenge is subject to possible imminent revision.”  However, after the plaintiffs filed a Motion for Reconsideration, the court changed course and decided the case on the merits.

The Court’s May 15 Decision

On May 15, 2019, the District Court in American Academy of Pediatrics et al. v. FDA issued an order finding in favor of the plaintiffs and vacating the August 2017 Guidance.  The court ordered: (1) plaintiffs to submit additional briefing regarding a remedy in fifteen pages or less within fourteen days; (2) defendants to respond in fifteen pages or less within fourteen days of the plaintiffs’ submission; and (3) plaintiffs to reply in ten pages or less within five business thereafter.  With respect to the “remedy,” the court acknowledged that the application deadlines set in the Deeming Rule and the May 2017 Guidance have passed and states that “[a]ny Guidance providing for a compliance period will, of course, have to adhere to the notice and comment requirements of the APA [Administrative Procedure Act].”  The court concludes: “. . . [I]n adopting new Guidance, [FDA] can propose that the deadlines can be set sufficiently soon beyond the end of the notice and comment period to afford relief to Plaintiffs and to attempt to combat the epidemic-level use of new tobacco products like e-cigarettes, especially by teenagers.”

Potential Impact of the May 15 Decision

It appears that the court misunderstood the underlying facts and both misunderstood and misapplied the applicable law.  Based on our initial review, we believe there exists a reasonable likelihood of reversal should FDA appeal the decision.  Importantly, because this decision goes to the heart of FDA’s authority to exercise enforcement discretion with respect to premarket review and other legal requirements—a tool FDA commonly uses in implementing the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act across all categories of products within the agency’s jurisdiction, including drugs and medical devices—we anticipate that FDA will appeal this decision.  Even if FDA does not appeal this decision, however, the court’s reference to the need to adhere to the notice and comment requirements of the APA in implementing the court’s order indicates that industry may still not need to file premarket submissions for Deemed Products for many months if not years.  We will continue to monitor this case and update you on any significant developments.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Tony Abboud
Executive Director

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The VandyVape Jackaroo Kit

In this video, the VandyVape Jackaroo gets the “Full Busardo” treatment. Another rugged shock, dust, and waterproof device for your vaping pleasure.

The Links:
Element Vape

Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!
Use coupon code “pbusardo” for 15% off your order at Lunar Rover!

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in CE Style Tanks & Clearomizers Devices Pod Device Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Joyetech Exceed Grip + Contest Winners!

In this video we take a quick look at the Joyetech Exceed Grip. We also find out who won the last two “Not A” Contests and kick off a new one!

The links (no affiliate links ever used):

Exceed Grip @ Heaven Gifts
KHW Mods

Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!
Use coupon code “pbusardo” for 15% off your order at Lunar Rover!

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


A PBusardo Video – The FlavourArt North America Facility Tour!

Although this video appeared in the last Smoker’s Show, here is the stand-alone video.
Join us for a tour of the new FlavourArt North American Facility!

Thank you to Shaun, Richard, and everyone at FlavourArt for inviting us on this tour and allowing us to bring it to everyone!

Wishing you the best of luck with the new facility!

The Links:

Thank you to and please support the premier TYJ Sponsor… LUNAR ROVER!
Use coupon code “pbusardo” for 15% off your order at Lunar Rover!

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.


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