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Tonight on the Smoker’s Show…

  • The ECC recap
  • Some interviews from ECC
  • PLUS Tobacco Harm Reduction Addiction Counseling with our special guest Father Jack Kearney!

See you all at 9PM EST tonight!


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VTA Calls For Health Officials to Disclose Facts & Act Responsibly

August 29, 2019

VTA Calls For Health Officials to Disclose Facts & Act Responsibly

In light of the seriousness of reports regarding lung disease in youth, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) strongly urges public officials to thoroughly investigate the circumstances which might have led to each reported hospitalization before making statements to the public as to whether certain products are implicated in these incidents. To date, several public health agencies have failed to provide clear information and, instead, are unnecessarily frightening consumers by failing to distinguish between e-cigarettes and non-nicotine vaporizers.

Recent reports increasingly indicate that these adverse events are linked to illicit substances such as THC and cannabis, not e-cigarettes. For example, the New Mexico Department of Health has clearly determined that products containing THC are likely responsible for the cases highlighted in New Mexico. Despite this, virtually every other public health official continues with their generalized and repeated references to “e-cigarettes.” Such inaccurate warnings will result in either (1) people continuing to use the risky products actually causing the harm about which they have not been specifically warned; or (2) many smokers using e-cigarettes becoming ‘scared’ by these reports and moving back to deadly combustible cigarettes.

VTA condemns in the strongest possible terms the sale or use of black-market products and does not endorse the manipulation or adulteration of vapor products to consume THC, THC oil, marijuana, or synthetic products like K2. E-cigarettes and other nicotine-containing vapor products are designed for the consumption of nicotine to provide adult smokers an alternative to cigarettes; they are not intended to be used to consume illicit substances.

E-cigarettes and nicotine-containing vapor products are used by millions of adults as an alternative to combustible cigarettes, and most vapor products on the market are of high-quality. Nonetheless, no person should:

misuse or alter a vapor device designed for vaping nicotine-containing products by attempting to vape anything other than an e-liquid designed to be used with that device;
use any products other than those purchased from a reputable establishment; and
use a vapor product offered to them by someone else without knowing precisely what they are consuming.
FDA has imposed regulatory requirements on nicotine-containing vapor products for more than three years, since August 8, 2016, including strict labeling and packaging restrictions that require vapor companies to, among other requirements, disclose all of the ingredients in the products sold.

In stark contrast, none of the products designed for THC, cannabis and any other non-nicotine substances are regulated by the FDA.

Importantly, major medical groups and governments have conclusively determined that vapor products are 95% safer than combustible cigarettes, and studies have shown that they are nearly twice as effective at helping adults quit smoking than traditional methods.

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: The “Molicel P30A” battery doesn’t exist! It‘s an Efest creation

Some web sites were selling a “Molicel P30A” 20700 in what looks like a Molicel OEM wrap but I am told by NPE, global distributor for E-One Moli to the vaping community, that there is no such cell.

Efest created this “P30A” by taking cells with plain wraps and printing “MOLICEL INR-20700-P30A” on them. E-One Moli is developing a P30A but it is an 18650 and won’t be available for at least a year.

Efest’s Alibaba pages had this cell listed too, as recently as August 27th:

I contacted Efest about this. They got angry and frustrated with me that they had to talk about this. Umm…I don’t frakkin’ care.

Efest took plain wrap cells, made up a model number, and made the cells look like original-wrapped Molicels. There was no indication on the wrap that this cell was printed up by Efest. They say it’s the Molicel INR20700A but I cannot confirm that.

This cell has been available since at least January 2019 and Efest had no problem selling it for months on their Alibaba pages and had no problem with vendors selling it either.

But a few hours after I tell them I am going to post about this cell they have an apology posted ( or their Facebook post at and they remove the “P30A” cell from their Alibaba pages. Hmm….

As far as I’m concerned Efest has learned nothing from this incident and would still be selling this “P30A” if they weren’t confronted. Seems like it’s still business as usual at Efest…try to get away with doing something but if we get caught then apologize and hope it all goes away.

VENDORS: I’d be very interested in hearing what Efest told you, and didn’t tell you, about this cell. Anything we discuss will be kept strictly confidential unless you say it’s okay to reveal.

My sincere thanks to the member of Aussie Geek Vaper’s “Vape Club” (and who prefers to remain anonymous) who spotted this cell for sale on an Australian web site and contacted me!

I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability, battery and charger testing and news, and a say in what I test, then please consider becoming a Patreon patron and supporting my testing efforts:

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Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback

From Larry

Dear Mr. Phil Busardo,

I am xx xx xx, you can call me Larry. I am 48 yrs. Old. I have a lovely wife and a beautiful daughter. I’ve been Married for 14 years. A smoker for 3 decades. And I am from the Philippines. I’ve been planning to write you this letter for about A year now to share my vaping experience to you.

I was introduced to vaping by a friend on December 2017. And my first set-up was a Vgod tube mech mod kit clone. Because it was a gift I tried it and I did not liked it. So I went to a local vape shop and asked for a set for smokers. And they gave an Avocado 24mm atty and a Wismec 80W Sinuous P80, and taught me to direct lung it. Still I hated it. The atty was also a clone. Then I find myself going to YouTube.

Watch reviews and learned from there. watched Jai Haze, Mike Vapes, DJlsb, Matt from SMM, Vap’n Fagan and then I watched you with the video of the Geekvape Aegis 100W. I collected mods and atty still nothing worked for me. I am a dual user as you may say. I smoke a pack of Marlboro lights a day. Until I finally get to watched the Smoker’s Show.

Gradually I get the motivation to quit smoking and REALLY the struggle is real. I am still a dual user. However I do find myself still smoking more than vaping. Cigarettes here in the Philippines are very cheap. A pack of Marlboro lights or reds you can only buy them for 100 pesos or about 2 us dollars. Or you can buy it on sidewalks for 12 cents each.

Lately I bought a zenith tank online. I was about to use it until the online store stopped selling the Plexus coils. So I haven’t used it yet. For the fear of liking it then stopping because I have no coils to use, plus the fact that I am still looking for the flavor that I will truly stick on daily.

Innokin products are really rare here in the Philippines. Finally last week, I pre-ordered the Adept kit and the Z-coils. Then the damn thing got unlisted from that store online. But the seller said that they will deliver it when it is ready by September 20th.

I wrote this letter to you sir Phil and also Dimitris, to remind you that I too am inspired by your work and care for smokers like me. You are not like the other reviewers on YouTube who hates smokers that are possible vapers to be added to the community.

Please forgive my English. 😁 I maybe grammatically wrong sometimes.

Please do not stop to inspire and help save People’s lives thru your work together with Dimitris.

I will stop smoking. Slowly… I can make it, thru your Smokers Show. Watching it adds inspiration and morale to smokers like me.

Thanks to you sir. And may God bless you always.

Yours Truly,

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Yves

Hello Mr Busardo.
I’d just like to thank you for everything you do around vaping. First, the
intelligent informing opinions one can read on your blog, for example this :
And second, I’ve finally found a way to make my coils way better watching your
videos :). So, I have a juice which finally tastes very good using my material
the way you do (a simple Siren atomizer).
Go on the good job, and take care :).
Best regards,

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: iJoy 25A 1400mAh 20350…still obscenely overrated, thin paper top ring, no better than 18350’s

This is a retest of this iJoy cell and they are still overrated to the point of absurdity. While they performed better than the last time I tested them the iJoy’s perform no better than the Keeppower/Vapcell/YDL 18350’s I recently tested (9A-10A, 1000mAh-1100mAh rated).

To extend cell life, minimize voltage sag, and increase your safety margin, I recommend staying at 7A-9A or under for these iJoy’s. That’s about 20W-27W per cell.

These cells have a VERY thin paper top insulating ring. While paper will not melt if the cell overheats, which is good, I strongly recommend not allowing any eliquid to get on the top of these cells. It could possibly soften the ring and allow it to become damaged easier.

The two cells I tested delivered 1415mAh and 1443mAh. This is decent consistency for a China-manufactured cell. I am rating this cell at 1400mAh. Its very high internal resistance means that it has a huge amount of voltage sag though and it will not run for any longer than the better performing 18350’s.

Like all the small cells I’ve tested the cell-to-cell performance consistency for these iJoys is not good. There’s not a huge difference between cells but you might notice it if you have one of the better ones and one of the worst ones.

Two cells were were purchased by me for the purposes of testing.

Ratings graphic:

Test report:

I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability, battery and charger testing and news, and a say in what I test, then please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:

These tests only note the ESTIMATED ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, Molicel, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.

Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.

Any rating in my ratings tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market, we get swamped with fakes, or new information becomes available to me. Please, never assume that the ratings in the tables are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.

To see how other cells have tested check out this link:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: The best performing 18350’s have a problem…inconsistent performance

I recently tested the YDL 18350D and three sets of cells that, in my opinion, are all rewraps of the YDL cell. In the attached discharge graph below you can see how they perform at 10A. If these were Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo cells the graph lines would be very close together, almost as one thick line. That‘s how we can see their good performance consistency.


But that is clearly not the case with these 18350’s. There is a fairly large difference between the best performing cell I tested and the worst. It’s not a “grade” issue in my opinion as each set of two cells had a decent performer and a poor performer.

The average performance of each set is roughly the same but the worst performer delivered about 280mAh down to 3.2V at 10A and the best performer delivered about 480mAh. That difference in capacity, which affects vaping time, will be noticeable if you are unfortunate enough to get one of the worst and one of the best.

What can we do about this? Unfortunately, nothing.

These are probably the best performing 18350’s we can choose from now. None of the big manufacturers make 18350’s and I don’t think they ever will. The market for these cells is incredibly small and not worth the investment in R&D and the assembly line that would be needed.

All we can do right now is hope the cells we buy are the better performing ones. But if we think we see a difference between the ones we’re using then at least we know we’re not going crazy. There can be a real difference between 18350’s wrapped by the same company!

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Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


The Smoker’s Show S02E02 – Special Guest: Daniel Batista AKA DJlsb Vapes!

On Tonight’s show we were joined by Daniel Batista AKA DJlsb Vapes. We discuss converting smokers, the trend at vape shops, and the recent stories about people being hospitalized due to “vaping”.

As always we take your calls and answer your questions.

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!



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  • For 15% off your Lunar Rover order use coupon code: smokersshow



*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!

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