Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Panay

I will say I’m one of your international success stories. After purchasing the wrong device (Direct to lung) and finding your YouTube advice, boom no more cigarettes! 19th December 2019 will be 2 years, since then I’ve helped 14 people successfully give up cigarettes.

My good mate went from 40 cigarettes to zero in 4 days.

The debate on vaping has been brought to the forefront and is getting the ear of your president (Trump). Maybe this might be a blessing. Once the truth comes out that vaping save lives (adult smokers), Trump might support vaping as a tool to stop smoking, then your skirmish with all this disinformation will be behind you. Have Faith.

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Posted in Is It Safe Recent News

Public health expert on e-cigarette panic

From CBS News:

Researchers are working hard to determine the cause of more than 500 reported cases of lung illness affecting e-cigarette users. But even before this outbreak, e-cigarettes divided the medical community. Public Health England describes e-cigarettes as “at least 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes” – a claim New York University professor David Abrams agrees with. Abrams tells “CBS This Morning” Tony Dokoupil why he’s concerned about what the current panic about e-cigarette safety could mean for public health.

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Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


The Smoker’s Show S02E04 – YOU ARE BEING LIED TO

This is an important show to discuss what’s happening in the vaping world right now and the coordinated attack against vaping.

We discuss the real problem, the cause of the problem, what to watch our for, and what you can do to help.

We tried to broadcast this live from Greece, but the stream was corrupt. I was able to pull this from Dimitris’ phone. Luckily we had both streams running at the same time so the content of the show was not lost.

Keep that in mind as I’m looking as the show’s camera, and not Dimitris’s phone.

The opinions given in this show may or may not reflect the opinions of the Smoker’s Show Sponsors.

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!




  • For 10% off Innokin/Platform Products at MyVaporStore use coupon code: MTL10
  • For 15% off your Lunar Rover order use coupon code: smokersshow



*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!


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We’re going to try to do this smoothly from Greece.  Click the banner below to join the show at noon EST, but if we need to change the link last minute, please bare with us.

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Vaping Saves Lives | If You Smoke, Make the Switch Says Public Health England

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

In an extraordinarily prescient interview with RegWatch mid-summer Martin Dockrell, the head of tobacco issues at Public Health England feared if vaping products are pulled off the U.S. market “a whole bunch of smokers who might otherwise have quit never will. And they’ll die and that will be a tragedy.”
In this full-length edition of our exclusive interview, hear Dockrell outline his concerns over the future of vaping and why the UK approach to the war on smoking has been an enormous success.

Does vaping save lives? Find out!

Only on RegWatch, by

Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released: September 14, 2019

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Mark Slis (Scientist & Vape Shop Owner) drives 500 miles to speak about Michigan’s flavor ban

Although this has already been on my Facebook, I thought it worthy of a post here as well.  It is a well conceived and heartfelt testimonial.

Mark Slis drove 500 miles from Houghton, Michigan to the state capitol in Lansing to tell lawmakers that a flavor ban would destroy his business and let down his 1,000 regular customers.

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From CASAA – National Call to Action – Light up the White House Switchboard

My apologies for this being late, but I am traveling and trying to keep up with this madness…

Yesterday, Donald Trump, along with HHS secretary Alex Azaar, announced that the administration would be banning all flavored vapor products from the market. The move is in response to early findings from the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) that show the number of young people who vape has increased by 25% in 2019 (accompanied by a 28% decline in teen smoking).

The White House needs to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves a vaper! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.

We need to
Light Up The Switchboard
At The Whitehouse!

On your call:

  • The operator will likely ask where they can direct your call
  • Simply tell them that flavored vapor products saved your life; and,
  • tell them “We Vape, We Vote.

Be polite, be brief, and say thank you.

>>>Share this post!<<<

We know that people are scared and angry and we wish there were some hopeful words that we could offer to make things better, but this is just about as bad as we’ve seen it. We are facing a total favor ban on a massive, national scale, and such a measure will bolster state and local lawmakers to take similar action. While any enforcement action coming the FDA will likely take weeks or months, cities and states can move faster. We are also constantly facing waves of disinformation from officials who are supposed to be looking out for public health.

In the coming days and weeks, we will be working to provide you with up-to-date information and opportunities to connect with lawmakers. Some of you will probably need to save up for plane and bus tickets–whether your heading to D.C. or your state capitol. Everyone will need to share their stories, especially with people who are curious about switching to vaping instead of continuing to smoke.

But today, lets show the White House just how many people the administration is putting at risk. Light up the phones!

Thank you for Taking Action,
Alex Clark

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Posted in Is It Safe Recent News


Once again, do not panic if you are a vaper.  Keep a cool head and understand what’s going on.

The issues you are hearing about are not related to tobacco harm reduction.  They are not related to traditional vaping of nicotine e-liquids.  If they were, don’t you think you would have heard about this a LONG time ago?

The issues are arising from black market THC (weed) cartridges tainted with Vitamin E Acetate which is being used as a cutting agent.  If I find ANYTHING to the contrary, rest assured I will post it here.

This website does not discuss nor support vaping in this manner.  It does and will continue to support vaping as a tobacco harm reduction tool and an at least 95% safer way for you to get your nicotine over that of a traditional combustible tobacco cigarette.

This website does not condone youth vaping and agrees it needs to be stopped, but by enforcing laws already in place and not by bans that will also affect mature adults.  Mature adults who should be free to do their own research, make their own decisions, live with their own choices, and vape flavors that appeal to them and will keep them from tobacco cigarettes.

Although the news is getting better, many stories conveniently leave out the truth, and in many cases, the damage to vaping in the traditional sense has been done.  From people not trying vaping, to people giving up vaping (hopefully not to return to cigarettes), to the vape shops and retailers being hurt.

So please if you vape to stay off of cigarettes, continue to do so.  DO NOT GO BACK TO SMOKING!  Purchase your e-liquids from reputable vape shops and online retailers.

Also please continue to support your local vape shop as they are feeling the fall-out of the propaganda and fake news.

Maybe they have saved you and it’s time to save them.

Keep in mind that even with all the mind boggling panic and hysteria we are seeing in our own country over this issue, they remain calm and level headed over-seas.  From Public Health England…

Is this because sickness there costs money and sickness here makes money?

There is clearly a corrupt agenda at play here.

So please stay safe.  Please stay informed.  Please continue to spread the truth about vaping.  Please continue to support your local vape shop.

Thank you and Vape Happy Everyone!

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Posted in Recent News

VTA Responds to Trump Administration; Calls Proposal Misguided

VTA Responds to Trump Administration; Calls Proposal Misguided 

September 11, 2019

Flavored vaping products are one of the most effective smoking cessation tools on the market. A study by the New England Journal of Medicine found that vapor products are nearly twice as effective at helping adults quit smoking than any other nicotine replacement methods like the patch or pill. Not only that, but the Royal College Of Physicians and Public Health England have reviewed all the peer-reviewed research and concluded that nicotine-vapor products are at least 95% safer than cigarettes. There has been no indication that industry standard nicotine-containing vapor products are to blame for recent cases of lung illness. In fact, FDA investigators found that cannabis or THC products were likely the cause.

Banning flavors would be a public health travesty.  More than two million Americans have died from cigarette smoking related illnesses over the last five years. If a federal flavor ban is enacted, more than 10 million adults will be forced to choose between smoking again (something the FDA has said will happen if vapor products are pulled from the market) or finding what they want and need on the black market. President Trump shouldn’t follow the lead of San Francisco, Mike Bloomberg, and the far left anti-business extremists.  This type of government overreach, that will surely shut down more than 10,000 American small businesses, is something we’d expect from other administrations. We urge this administration to change course before millions of Americans are forced to switch back to deadly cigarettes, small businesses around the country are forced to close their doors, and tens of thousands of people are laid off.

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Vapor Technology Association Files Motion For Preliminary Injunction


September 11, 2019


WASHINGTON D.C. – September 10, 2019 – Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) and Vapor Stockroom (VSR) announced that they filed their motion seeking a preliminary injunction in their lawsuit against the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).  The VTA and VSR have requested, and FDA has agreed, to an expedited briefing schedule on the motion.

There are two primary goals to the motion and lawsuit:  (1) demand that FDA publish the actual proposed Pre-Market Tobacco Application rule (“PMTA Rule”) that industry has been waiting on for 3 years; and (2) establish a deadline that allows companies, particularly small businesses, the chance to comply with the still unwritten PMTA Rule.

Last month, the VTA and VSR filed a federal lawsuit against FDA over the constantly changing PMTA deadline and process.  The industry should never have had to file a lawsuit to demand that FDA engage in the legally required notice and comment period regarding the creation of a PMTA Rule, beforeimposing the deadline for compliance with the same rule.

The Motion explains through expert testimony that without an injunction, the vapor industry – an industry that is the size of the iron and steel forging and the commercial fishing industries in the U.S. – faces a near-complete shutdown in May of 2020.  Scientific expert testimony also explains that there are at least ten reasons why companies cannot conduct and complete the myriad tests, research studies, and surveys that FDA is demanding within the arbitrarily selected ten-month deadline.  A link to the preliminary injunction motion and supporting brief can be found here.

Maintaining a May 2020 deadline for filing PMTAs will result in the dangerous scenario that the FDA itself has said “should be avoided if at all possible.”  “What makes this motion so compelling is that the FDA already has warned that ‘dramatically and precipitously’ removing vapor products from the market will lead to the ‘mass market exit’ of vapor products which, according to FDA, will lead to an increase in smoking, something that FDA testified is a public health outcome that ‘should be avoided if at all possible,’” explained Tony Abboud, Executive Director of the Vapor Technology Association.

“Our company, and our industry in general, has for the past three years been complying with every regulation and every deadline set by the FDA.  As a result, FDA already knows the ingredients that are found in each and every one of our products.  But, when FDA has failed to even publish the draft, much less final, PMTA regulation, and is imposing an impossible 10-month deadline for complying with that still unwritten rule, we had to ask the Court to intervene,” said Tony Florence, President of Vapor Stockroom.

Anyone advocating for the ‘mass market” removal of vapor products should heed the FDA’s own sworn testimony.   The preliminary injunction motion, if granted, would prevent a mass exit of vapor products from the U.S. market, the closure of thousands of businesses nationwide, and the loss of tens of thousands of jobs.  Even worse, the devastating threat of increased smoking if vapor products are removed from the market, is compounded by the very real dangers of the black market activity which public health experts have predicted would follow the removal of vapor products.

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