Posted in Is It Safe Recent News

From Doctor Farsalinos: The witch hunt against e-cigarettes continues while people get sick from illicit THC and remain uninformed

A good read from Doctor Farsalinos…

It is ironic to realize that today’s period of information revolution has not only improved access and education for everyone but has also resulted, in many cases, in an unprecedented spread of misinformation and confusion. Take for example the recent case of e-cigarettes and lung disease cases, a story that will be listed in public health history books as one of biggest campaign of misinformation and public deception ever. An immoral “moral panic” campaign based on fiction, intimidation, terror, confusion and misinformation.

It is unfortunate that people who have no expertise in this matter and rely on the media and experts to receive valuable information and make informed decisions are passive receivers of the most irrelevant, unreliable and confusing information they can possibly receive.

Read the entire article on his website HERE.

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I know how many of you think.

Maybe you’ll see this page or visit this site and be instantly turned off by what you see.  Maybe you didn’t like seeing someone blow a ridiculously huge cloud of vapor.  Maybe you don’t like the stereotypical image you’ve seen of vapers… the way some dress, the tattoos, ear gauges, and snapback hats.

Maybe you have no compassion for vapers OR smokers.  Both dirty habits right?  Do nothing and we’ll all just die away in time.

I bet many of you feel just like this…

I can assure you, they… we… are people too and some damn good people if you took the time to know us.  We deserve rights and freedoms same as everyone else.  We should not be discriminated against.

Vapers should perhaps be commended vs. hated.  Many of us have struggled our entire lives with cigarettes.  We did it!  We finally did what everyone has been telling us to do.  We gave them up!  We found something that actually worked for us when everything else failed.   It’s not perfect, we know that.  It’s harm REDUCTION not ELIMINATION… we know that and we make no claims otherwise.  Those who tell you it’s entirely safe are wrong.  Those wanting it to be entirely safe can try to make it that way, but they also don’t understand the concept of HARM REDUCTION… well at least here in the USA, they seem to get it over in the UK.

When everything else failed, we found something that worked, and now they’re trying to take that very same thing away from us.

If I’m going to enjoy a pleasure in life and I know that pleasure is not entirely safe for myself, as an adult I should 1) have the right to do so, 2) have the right to do so in an at least 95% safer manner.

Folks, we choose nicotine the same way so many other all over the world choose caffeine.  I bet you would have a lot more sympathy, compassion and understanding if we were fighting for a Grande Mocha Frappuccino vs. vaping products.

Maybe your local Starbucks shouldn’t be considered a coffee shop.  Perhaps it should be considered a caffeine dispensary.  I bet it would too if, in the past, people got their caffeine in a way that was harmful to themselves and those around them (IE – cigarettes).

I understand the youth vaping issue.  It IS an issue and needs to be resolved.  But bans that affect adults as well are not the answer.  Bans that will drive vapers back to being smokers are not the answer.  Bans that will prevent adult smokers from finding a product and flavor they enjoy allowing them to successfully transition to vaping are not the answer.  Bans that will cause a black market of illicit and potentially dangerous products are not the answer.  Bans that will cause sickness and death are not the answer.

Please know that vapers are your friends, family, and neighbors.  They are young and old, white and blue collar.  They are covered in tattoos and have ear gauges or have none at all.  They are mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers.  They are good people.

These good people deserve your compassion, your sympathy, your understanding, and your support.  These good people do not deserve to be discriminated against. These good people deserve the ability to choose and use a product and flavor that can help them live a longer life.  These good people deserve not to die.

How will you feel when someone tries to take something you enjoy away?



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Gregory Conley on Health Concerns Related to Vaping and E-Cigarettes – Washington Journal C-Span

Excellent interview given by Gregory on C-Span. Thank you Greg!

American Vaping Association’s Gregory Conley discusses health concerns related to vaping and e-cigarettes

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Chris

Hey Phil. It’s just a quick note to say I have been following you from day one over here in UK. I have been vaping for the best part of 9 years now and your channel along with others was the main stay of interest and in some part the obsession that finally kicked my 20 year 20 a day habit. I don’t want to go on about the personal health benefits to myself which to anyone who stopped and took up vaping will be obvious. I just wanted to thank you for your commitment and dedication to help people and educate as best you could and still do. What is happening in your country is an absolute disgrace and my heart goes out to all who won’t have the opportunity I had through greed and corruption. Keep up the fight and God bless you

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Time for our government and health organizations to start thinking about not only the children, but how what they’re doing will affect adults as well.

Also time for them to start thinking about another way they can “save the children”… by keeping their parents around longer!

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Cannabis vaping — not nicotine — is primary cause of lung illness, CDC finally says

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally acknowledged Friday that a vast majority of the mysterious, vaping-related lung illnesses are linked to cannabis products — not nicotine.

The outbreak has confused consumers, largely because politicians have placed most of the attention on vaping nicotine. On Sept. 4, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was the first to announce a ban on flavored nicotine vaping, while remaining silent on tainted, black market cannabis oils that are vaped. Massachusetts and New York followed with their own bans on vaping.

You can read the entire article HERE.

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“Tobacco Talk” Survey – Retailers React to FDA’s E-Cig Flavor Removal Plan

I thought you might find this report interesting from Wells Fargo Securities…

Thank you Jen Eldridge.  Notable clips:

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CDC’s Failure to Demand Urine THC Testing of All Outbreak Patients is Inexcusable and is Putting the Entire Nation at Risk

“CDC’s Failure to Demand Urine THC Testing of All Outbreak Patients is Inexcusable and is Putting the Entire Nation at Risk
The CDC has irresponsibly botched its entire investigation of vaping-associated respiratory illness (VARI) by failing to recommend or demand that clinicians perform a urine THC drug test on every case patient, and this is putting the entire nation at risk while leading to terrible public policies that are causing immediate harm to thousands of people.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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Crusade Against Vaping E-Cigarettes is Catastrophic for Public Health

𝗖𝗗𝗖 𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗦 𝗔𝗥𝗘 𝗔 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗧𝗛 𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗘 – “Who would ever bet that products used without serious issues for over a decade by more than 20 million people worldwide would suddenly cause an outbreak of acute (sudden, developing within a few days of weeks) lung failure and several deaths only in one geographical region? But there was no outbreak of serious lung failure in any country other than the United States. Why? The answer is simple: conventional e-cigarette products and liquids are not associated with the disease. Simple epidemiology and common sense make this clear: it is impossible for products which have been used for years without any intoxication outbreaks to cause this serious illness only today and only in one region. These cases are not related to long-term use of e-cigarettes, and they are not linked to vaping products that have been available for years.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Andrew

Crazy what’s going on. Thinking back to better times when all this started. I am however optimistic. I just wanted to say I hope all is well with you. You’re one of the reasons I continue to Vape. I always trusted your opinion and followed your advice with regard to E-liquid’s and devices etc. I was a fan and now I am proud to have you as a friend. The same goes for Dimitris. Please relay that to him. I’m going to keep this short. I just wanted to wish you well, both of you. Hope we all cross paths soon!

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