Category: Recent News
New Analysis Links Big Tobacco With Raimondo’s Flavoring Vaping Ban
Nothing but the truth? Not for Congress
The most bizarre moment came toward the end of the hearing when Tlaib decided she’d just about had enough of this witness’ pro-vaping testimony. In what has become a viral exchange, Tlaib addressed me directly. “I looked you up…you call yourself a converted conservative and reformed Marxist. Are you a conspiracy theorist?” the congresswoman asked with a straight face. Being a former Marxist-turned-conservative is apparently a conspiratorial act to Congresswoman Tlaib. A conspiracy of what? Common sense, perhaps.
Click the image below to read the entire article.
VTA Gets TRO Preventing NY from Enforcing Flavor Ban
Washington, D.C., October 3, 2019 — This afternoon, the New York State Appellate Division granted a temporary restraining order in the lawsuit brought by the Vapor Technology Association, Benevolent ELiquids Inc., and Perfection Vapes regarding the proposed flavor ban in New York State, which was set to be enforced tomorrow, October 4, 2019.
The Order entered by four appellate judges ruled that the State is “temporarily enjoined and prevented from enforcing” the flavor ban until a ruling on the motion for a preliminary injunction is determined. That motion is scheduled to be heard on October 18, 2019.
Tony Abboud, Executive Director of the Vapor Technology Association said, “We are very pleased with the New York State Appellate Division’s decision, which acknowledges the strength of our claims about the State’s executive overreach, and which preserves the ability of hundreds of small businesses to remain open and continue to serve their adult customers. The New York State Legislature, instead of enacting a flavor ban, already has decided to address concerns about youth vaping by raising the minimum age for vapor products from 18 to 21 and imposing a major tax increase. We continue to stand ready to work with the State of New York and all interested stakeholders on the many real solutions that should be implemented to achieve the twin goals of restricting youth vaping, which already is illegal, and preserving flavored alternatives for adults desperately trying to quit smoking.”
The Vapor Technology Association is the leading U.S. non-profit industry trade association whose 1,000 members are dedicated to innovating and selling high quality vapor products that provide adult consumers with a better alternative to traditional combustible cigarettes. VTA represents the industry-leading manufacturers of vapor devices, e-liquids, flavorings, and components, as well as the largest wholesalers, distributors, importers, and e-commerce retailers, in addition to hundreds of hardworking American brick-and-mortar retail store owners throughout the United States.
The time for silence is over. The time to be heard is NOW. For too long, we have waited for our politicians to do the right thing. No more. Now is the time for the vape community, to come together, in one voice, and make our presence known. We are thirteen+ (13+) million strong, with families and friends, who have seen the positive change, that vapor products have provided. If our politicians will not listen to our voices, then our voices will be heard at the Ballot Box this 2020 election.
Here’s how you can participate and help. Click the banner below to find out more!
On the road again for this Smoker’s Show and we broadcast live from FlavourArt North America. We were there judging the “Make The Switch” DIY competition.
We continue our discussion about what’s happening in the vaping world and the coordinated, corrupt attack against vaping.
We hear from Shaun and Richard of FlavourArt on how the misguided information coming from the United States is affecting Canadian vapers and business.
We discuss the importance of a PR campaign to regain the public’s trust and perception of vaping and to tell the TRUTH vs the fake news they’ve been hearing courtesy of mainstream media.
There is a lot of passion, anger, information, and direction in this video. Please share, subscribe, and thumb up.
* Note, this video replaces the one we streamed live which had issues with the audio. This version was pulled from the Facebook Live we ran at the same time, edited, and published here. Apologies for the video resolution quality.
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
- For 10% off Innokin/Platform Products at MyVaporStore use coupon code: MTL10
- For 15% off your Lunar Rover order use coupon code: smokersshow
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!
Setting the Record Straight on Vaping
Calls to ban vaping are largely being driven by the recent outbreak of lung disease overwhelmingly associated with people using black market THC-tainted vape liquid. Bans on vaping products, such as bans on popular, FDA-regulated flavors, won’t solve that problem, but rather will grow the already thriving black market for vape products.
See the entire article HERE.
Why this addiction expert says e-cigarettes are ‘holy grail’ for public health
This is a good interview, but look at how it is conducted and look at how the personal bias and the agenda of the interviewers is blatantly on display. Can’t we just report the news anymore with opinions and biases withheld?
Dr. Sally Satel, addiction psychiatrist and Yale University School of Medicine lecturer, joins “Squawk Box” to discuss vaping health risks as more deaths are reported.
Why this addiction expert says e-cigarettes are ‘holy grail’ for public health from CNBC.
From Jeannie
Regarding the MAKE THE SWITCH competition at FlavourArt…
You know from my post of the make the switch BiiP and my box of flavors that I was one of the people entered. I just wanted to tell you that I am so thrilled the 4 of you did this project. It was reaffirming for me as a diy’er to do something just for smokers. It was apparent in the chats that so many vapers just didn’t get it.
It. Was. Never. About. Vapers.
Thanks for that. This is why you guys are fucking rockstars.
From Joe
Hey Phil,
I’m just checking in with U. I’m 65 and I got the news that Eddie Money died @ 70 of cancer of the esophagus on 9/13/19. I read up on the disease & it’s associated with smoking. I quit that day. I’ve been using the Lunar Rover 12 mg tobacco [that you sent me] in my Innokin EQ. It’s been over 2 weeks since I smoked. I am determined to stay smoke free.Thanks again.. Joe in Philadelphia
From Terry
Hey Phil, Saw your Live stream yesterday and I know I am no body but I really appreciate the help you are giving the community. I have followed your vids for years now and you are one of the main reasons I started vaping because of your reviews and tutorials. Remember your Kayfun tutorial wayyyy back when? 😀 Anyway You and Dimitri are leaders in my mind of this community.