Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: HOUSE VOTE [Online Sales & Flavor Ban]
“The House will vote next week on a bill aimed at reducing youth vaping rates by banning the sale of flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. The bill, sponsored by House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and Rep. Donna Shalala (D-Fla.), would also ban online sales of e-cigarettes and tobacco products. The Pallone-Shalala bill would ban flavors in all of these products. It includes a narrow pathway for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approved flavored products if they are found to reduce smoking rates. Opponents of e-cigarette flavor bans argue those products are useful for adults to transition away from traditional cigarettes. After May, companies that want to sell e-cigarettes in the U.S. will have to receive approval from the FDA and prove their products benefit public health.”
“Mexico has announced it will ban the import of electronic cigarettes by presidential decree starting Thursday. The commerce of electronic cigarettes in the country was banned in 2008, however the “regulatory framework” necessary to prevent the trade of the devices on the black market would be satisfied by the new decree. The ministry cited the World Health Organization (WHO) as saying that vaping devices are harmful and represent a threat to the general population.”
“Duke University, a college campus with deep roots in tobacco money, is set to go smoke-free this summer, but it’s more than tobacco products that will be banned. Administrators announced in an email to students earlier this month that e-cigarettes and vaping products will be included in the ban, too. The smoke and vape-free policy, scheduled to take effect on July 1, has been two years in the making. It will apply to all property and facilities owned or rented by Duke.”
Duke, despite tobacco industry ties, says no to smoking on campus. Even e-cigs
“Several states have considered bans on flavored cigarettes and vaping products. Outright prohibitions probably will do more harm than good, as will unusually high excise taxes. Research and experience show that when cigarettes and other products are heavily taxed, the consequences mimic America’s failed experiment with alcohol Prohibition. Legislators in five northeastern states — New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and Maryland — have introduced bills to ban flavored cigarettes and vaping products in some fashion. Consumers also may be getting the products they want from different counties, states, Indian reservations or international sources. Some may even use “do it yourself” with menthol-flavored oils or through homemade vaping devices and e-liquids. Consumers do not need a nanny, and they won’t passively accept a ban. Some people like flavored cigarettes, and other flavored nicotine products, and many are willing to obtain them by crossing a border or buying online. States everywhere need to inform themselves about the data. High taxes and outright bans will lead to large-scale smuggling and other lawlessness.”
A PBusardo Video – Winners Winners Chickens & Dinners
Real quick video to announce the outstanding contest wieners including the stocking contest!
The links:
Five Pawns
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
VAPING NEWS: NEW JERSEY [Forcing Vape Shops Out Of Business]
“Hundreds of stores are stocked almost entirely with flavored nicotine products that will soon be illegal to sell in New Jersey. Mr. Mitrani, 48, had a second store in New Jersey and one in New York. He is shutting down one of his New Jersey stores at the end of the month and preparing to stock the very item he has spent years helping customers quit — tobacco — in the other. Darth Vapor, like roughly 270 similar shops in New Jersey, is filled almost entirely with products that will be illegal to sell in the state by mid-April. “How does a whole store that pays employees and rent survive on five flavors of tobacco?” Mr. Mitrani said. “The answer is it can’t.””
From Jeff
Hey Phil,
Just wanted to say thanks for your Significant impact on my life. My story is about the same as millions of other lifelong former smokers so I won’t go on about that. And my introduction to vaping is a familiar gas station story.. But 10 years ago I ran across a guy doing videos from what looked like a bomb shelter and instantly felt a connection. Here was a guy doing something for what appeared to be the sheer love of it. No sales pitch, no angles, just tasting juice and holding hardware vendors accountable … for grins. I don’t know if you were on a life saving mission back then or what, but as it turns out you touched a lot of people in need. As I put the mod down for the last time, I just want to thank you for the education, smiles, advocacy and dedication to your craft. I made the decision, but with some help I am 10 yrs smoke free and now device and juice free. From one mtl to another I wish you peace my friend.
“The Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill today to prohibit smoking or vaping in vehicles carrying children 14 and younger. The bill, by Rep. Rolanda Hollis, D-Birmingham, passed by a vote of 78-19. The original bill covered only smoking, but House members approved an amendment by Rep. Barbara Drummond, D-Mobile, adding vaping. Today’s vote sends the bill to the Alabama Senate, which could give it final passage.”
“Eight months after the Journal of the American Heart Association published a study implying that e-cigarettes magically cause heart attacks before people even try them, it has retracted the article. Even before publication, in other words, JAHA’s editors and reviewers recognized that there was a logical problem with asserting a causal link between e-cigarette use and heart attacks based on cases that predated e-cigarette use. They asked Bhatta and Glantz to address that crucial issue, and the authors failed to do so. JAHA published the study anyway.”
” Increasing taxes on e-cigarettes in an attempt to cut vaping may cause people to purchase more traditional cigarettes according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health. For every 10 percent increase in e-cigarette prices, e-cigarette sales drop 26 percent while traditional cigarette sales jump by 11 percent. The research team, economists from six universities including Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, looked at Nielson Retail Scanner data from 35,000 retailers nationally across the years 2011 to 2017. Their study was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research this week.”
Raising Taxes on e-Cigarettes Increases Cigarette Sales, New Research Shows