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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Ban Delayed | Australian Vapers Win Reprieve, Battle Is Not Over

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

It was a surprise decision issued by Australia’s Minister of Health to ban the personal importation of liquid nicotine for vaping beginning on July 1.
The order was issued on June 19, leaving little time for harm reduction activists and a coalition of MPs to mount an effective challenge to a law, which many agree, could drive tens of thousands of vapers back to smoking.

Under growing pressure, Health Minister Greg Hunt decided on June 27 to delay the ban on importing nicotine. However, the fight to legalize vaping is far from over.

Joining us today on RegWatch is Dr. Colin Mendelsohn, Founding Chairman of the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association and member of the Expert Advisory Group that develops the Australian national smoking cessation guidelines.

Why did the Australian government issue the ban? What impact would it have had on public health? How did the vaping community mobilize against the ban? Were there surprising allies in the fight? And, what’s next in the fight to legalize vaping in Australia?

Find out! Only on RegWatch by

Live Streamed: June 29, 2020

Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE

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Posted in Devices Pod Device Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The First Ever Mod Pod? The Univapo Unico Mod Pod

In this video we take a look at what could be the world’s first “Mod Pod”! The Unico from Univapo. A simple and satisfying pod mod type device.

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The Vapor Supply

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*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: GEORGIA [Vape Tax + Tobacco 21

“The Georgia Senate Friday voted to impose a tax of up to 7% on vaping products and raise the age to buy both the nicotine delivery devices and tobacco to 21 from 18. The new tax could bring in as much as $19 million, according to the bill’s sponsor. Mullis echoed Harrell’s position that higher cigarette taxes won’t happen this year on the Senate floor Friday, but predicted lawmakers might raise the tobacco tax in 2021. “I’d say that’s coming, probably next session, but no, no additional tobacco tax, no additional taxes on anything except excise funds for vaping products,” he said.”


Ga. Senators OK Tax On Vape Products, Raise Cigarette Purchase Age To 21

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Ray

Hi Phil, First I want to say thank you for helping my dad quit smoking. He has been following you for 10 years and actually met you in Vegas.

He is very grateful but I am expressing my gratitude because his 60th birthday is coming up and I don’t think he would have made it unless he quit when he did.

I also have quit because of the knowledge he shared with me, that he learned from you, Dimitri, and Grimm Green.

Really, just thank you again for helping my dad be around longer for all that love him. I hope your staying safe and thanks again.

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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Slice & Dice | Vape Crusader Fights Toe-To-Toe

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

He’s a secret, wrapped up in an enigma, and smothered in secret sauce. Who is he?
Mike Peterson from “Vaping and the Mic” describes him as “the onion chef of Twitter.” says his “gritty distinctive style is ever-readable.” And THR advocate Ivanna Awrey exclaims: “Bless your crankiness, Kevin Crowley!”

Joining us today for a special edition of RegWatch is the man himself, Kevin Crowley. The founder of the most-comprehensive pro-vaping resource on the web: The sharp edge on the @Vapingit Twitter account. And the man whose work advocating for vaping is so impactful, researchers mistake him as a bot. Yes, a bot!

This conversation could go anywhere, don’t miss it!

Live Streamed: June 25, 2020

Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DVINE – FLAVOUR CRAFTERS – VAPE NATION

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Although we have our own issues here in the US with vaping, it’s always feel good to help our vaping brothers and sisters around the world.

Australia is under attack and could lose all vaping. You can help!

Sign the Vape Petition HERE.
Find out more about “Legalise Vaping Australia” HERE.
Donate to the Australian Vapers’ Fighting Fund HERE.

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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Public Persuasion | Finding A Winning Message to Save Vaping

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

There’s no doubt the U.S. vaping industry faces a public perception problem of gargantuan proportions.
While advocates maintain (and research backs up) that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, everyday anti-vaping forces meet continued success in their effort to permanently poison the public understanding of vaping.

Compounding the problem is a simple fact: vapers are not a monolithic group drawn from one political perspective or party. How then should the vaping movement activate politically in this U.S. presidential election in order to meet what is clearly is a political threat i.e. flavor bans, taxation, and other onerous regulations?

Joining us today on RegWatch is Matt Culley, a prominent vaping activist and virtuoso of vaping product review videos on YouTube. Known as Matt From SMM, he’s amassed near 300,000 subscribers and 60 million video views. Culley is one of the first product reviewer superstars to venture into the vaping advocacy space, bringing a strong ethical voice and his support for progressive values to bear.

Is there a winning message to persuade politicians and the public about the virtues of vaping?

Find out! Only on RegWatch by

Live Streamed: June 24, 2020

Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE

Make RegWatch happen, go to:

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: GEORGIA [$1.25 per ml Vape Tax]

“A late-session push in the Senate would raise the state’s cigarette tax and stick a tax on vape products, which has so far eluded legislators. The Republican-led effort would raise the state’s current 37-cent per pack rate up to $1.35, which rivals what Florida charges its smokers. People would pay $1.25 per fluid milliliter or cubic centimeter for vapor products, which are not taxed today.”

BILL TARLING —  Claims that vapor products do not get taxed is misleading — they are taxed just like other consumer products. A $1.25/ml tax means you would be paying $75 just in tax for a 60ml bottle of e-liquid (plus the Retail Cost)


State Senate Push For Cigarette Tax Hike Aims To Cushion Spending Cuts

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: AUSTRALIA [Nicotine Ban Delayed]

“Health Minister Greg Hunt has delayed the ban on prescription nicotine-based e-cigarettes by six months to January 2021 after feeling the pressure from members of his own party. Mr Hunt said in a statement today that further time would be allowed to put in place a streamlined process for patients obtaining prescriptions through their GP.”


Health Minister delays ban on prescription nicotine-based e-cigarettes

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: BETHLEHEM, NEW YORK [Vape Shop Moratorium & Licensing Passed]

“The town of Bethlehem adopted stringent new tobacco and vaping sales regulations on Wednesday night that will require a town license to sell smoking products. The Town Board voted to approve a six-month moratorium on the approval of any new vape or smoke shops while town officials create the licensing system as well as set the cost of the permit. The board also passed a new local law that not only creates the licensing system but also bans vape shops 1,000 feet from a school. The licensing system would also include a “cap and winnow” system that would require two tobacco licenses to be retired before a new one will be issued. Board member Jim Foster, the sole ‘no’ vote on the two measures, said he would have supported the passage if he believed it would save even one child from picking up a smoking habit.”


Bethlehem votes to pass new tobacco regulations

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