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Mini-Sub Tank from Mom And Pop Vapor Shop Review

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Posted in Cartomizer Tanks

Mini-Sub Tank from Mom And Pop Vapor Shop

A PBusardo Review – Mini-Sub Tank from Mom And Pop Vapor Shop

Vendor Links:
Mom And Pop Vapor Shop


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Posted in Success Stories

From Andy

Hello Phil,
I just turned 29 and was able to kick a 14 year habit its now been over 2 months now
with out a cigarette.I want to thank you for all the time you put into your site and
YouTube! i really enjoy you videos they are fun and educational. thanks to you and
Grimm Green i have been able help some of my friends kick the habit as well. Agen
thank you for all that you do and keep up the good work

Posted in Success Stories

From Rudolph

Hey Phil,

New to vaping and with your videos and ECF got on the fast track to vaping. I have
been free of the analogs for more than a month now and it has been great. I
appreciate all your videos and wisdom. You represent a wealth of wisdom and
knowledge for us newcomers. I am a great fan! keep on doing what you do! Love your

-Rudolph Halmo
Eldersburg MD

Posted in Success Stories

From George

Hey Phil great new site!! The lavatube with a standard res carto helped me completely kick the regular cigs! Thanks for leading me to the ectoplasm it’s the best juice I’ve tasted so far! I really like it at 5.5-6 volts. I seem to really like the higher voltage. Thanks for everything!

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It’s here, it’s beautiful, and it could be yours. Watch the review to find out how to win it. Many thanks to the fine folks at for this fine product and supplying one for the giveaway.

Jazz Cartopipe Review

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Check out the review to see what happened to the one I gave to a friend.

NOTE: This is not an official “OVALE” product and should not be confused with the company

Ovale F-50 Review

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I added the “Current Contests” section to the Reviews & Videos sidebar. This is where you will find vids with running contests in them.

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I received story today from Cindy. It touched me enough that I wanted to share it with you as well. Cindy agreed to allow me to post it, and I thank her for that. This is why I would like the pipe to go to a good home.

Dear Phil,

Good morning. Just wanted to write after watching your review. I’m not entering the contest, but wanted to share a story with you. The one person (besides myself…for being a follower) who got me hopelessly hooked on smoking was my ex-husband. He smoked like a fiend so I did, too. When he was in his early 20’s he decided that smoking a pipe was cool and used it as well. He used to walk around with that thing constantly and bought several, adding to his collection until he had at least 10 different styles. When we divorced in 1986 he was still going strong.

At 44, in June of 2000, on his way to work one day, he suffered a massive heart attack and passed away. When I saw your review today I couldn’t help thinking, as you did, that if we had vaping then…it may very well have saved his life. If things had turned out differently and he was still alive, I would be submitting this as an entry to hopefully send to him (anonymously, of course) and get him off the analogs.

Thank you for all you do to help educate people. I know you’ve been instrumental in helping people to quite that nasty analog habit. Keep it up.


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Ok gang, here is the deal. I received one of these to review. I was contacted by the vendor because he felt there was an issue with the head unit. So I double checked and sure enough, it ain’t firing anywhere near where it should be. I set it to it’s max setting at 6V, I got the following readings under load:

1.25 Ohm – 3.13V
1.5 Ohm – 3.5V
2.0 Ohm – 4.03V
3.0 Ohm – 4.13V
4.0 Ohm – 4.23V

Numbers were Te Te Terrible! Is this happening with all the head units from all the vendors? Dunno.
But I do know this vendor was proactive enough to contact me, ask me to hold off on the review, and is sending all the units back until they can get the numbers where they should be.

Good thing he got to me before I created the review!!

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