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Well, no. Not really. I’ve done some, but you know me, I’m a Boge carto guy… BUT I do get questions all the time about attys and dripping. I usually put these questions off to other, more experienced users as I don’t like to make up information and I don’t have a lot of experience with attys (other than the old 510 atty/cartridge system I used when I first started). So, in order to increase MY knowledge and experience and hopefully pass some of that along to you, I’ve decided to dedicate this week (and possibly longer) to dripping.

Are you excited Dimitris?

I’m going to start with what many people consider the best… an HH.357 atty (I chose the 2.0 Ohm version). To sexy it up a bit, I’ve added a drip shield and drip tip from Empire Mods to the mix.

What is dripping you might ask? It’s the act of “dripping” your e-liquid directly onto your atomizer. No cartridge, no tank, no carto… pure and clean. It’s not for everyone, but those who do it, swear by it.

I’m taking notes as I go and will pass them along when I’m ready. What I can say at this point… so far SO GOOD!

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Posted in Event Videos Recent News


Matt has something up is sleeve or should I say… his tube 🙂 Some very cool stuff here from these guys and great to talk to!

Vendor Link:
E Pipe Mods

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Posted in Recent News


I forgot my PV at home! Guess I’m still a little tired from VapeBashFest. Damn good thing I’ve got a pass-through at work! 🙂

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Posted in Success Stories

From Alex

I stumbled across your videos on youtube around 3 months ago now, little did i know
how much my life would change so much in two months.
I have heart disease (non-smoking related) but after smoking for 9 years it was
really starting to take its toll. I had super high BP, regular chest pains, and a
couple of major scares, yet stupidly nothing would stop me smoking.
Until I found your videos. I got straight on the internet and with the help of your
videos researched for a week solid, ordered my kit, and haven’t touched a cigarette
since I received it in the post.
The difference its made is incredible, not only has my sense of smell & taste come
back, I’m no longer getting chest pains, my breathing is better, and my blood
pressure has dropped to normal without medication.
So I’d just like to say a HUGE thank you to you for being so passionate about vaping
and making those videos,
Alex, UK.

Posted in Recent News


Just got back home safe and sound and I’m EXHAUSTED. I put the photos up, but haven’t had time to annotate them yet. I’ll get to it as soon as I can, along with the vids, and my comments on what was a truly amazing experience.

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AWESOME! I met so many cool people and shook so many hands. It was… well… AWESOME! I had a chance to meet many people I really look up to in the community. Nick GrimmGreen Green, Amber The VapeBabe, Dimitris, CJ The Vaping Monkey, and the ENTIRE CREW from VP Live (what a bunch of good guys), Cisco himself!, MAP, Brandon from Evolv (who wants to use my review on his website and I’m HONORED), Gary from COV (who let me try his Odysseus which I liked so much I bought one), Andre (who tried to put Smoov stickers all over me), and so many more (give me a break, it’s midnight and I’m running on 4 hours of sleep).

The reception I received was warm, welcoming, and humbling.

To everyone who came up to me, shook my hand, and told me you enjoyed the vids, or get a laugh, or they help, or just appreciate what I do, I can’t even tell you how it made me feel.

Thank you.

I wanted to post some photos tonight, but GrimmGreen is hogging up all the bandwidth 🙂 Actually, the wireless here is very slow so it’s going to have to wait till I get back. I’ve got enough video to keep me editing for weeks!

VapeFest tomorrow! Goodnight for now.

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Hey everyone!

I’ll be at VapeBASH on Friday March 30th, and VapeFEST on Saturday March 31st. I’ll be checking out the vendors, filming & taking photos for you and the website, and meeting some of the people I’ve come to know and become friends with over the internet.

I’m really looking forward to it!

I wish you the safest of travels and hope to see you in Chicago!

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Posted in Recent News


Check it out here: Who’s Your Daddy Tank Review

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Posted in Cartomizer Tanks

Who’s Your Daddy Tank

A PBusardo Review – Who’s Your Daddy Tank – Big Daddy Vapor

Vendor Links:
Big Daddy Vapor


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Posted in Recent News


Grimm Green and Amber (The Vape Babe) are starting a juice company!

The company will be the NAMBER JUICE CLUB. The website will be It’s not live yet but should be sometime in April.

Best of luck to Nick and Amber!!

When are you two gonna get married and make little sample bottles? 😉

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