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If you’re looking for an inexpensive and good looking tank for your Boges… check this out.

I saw these for the first time at VapeBash when visiting the Kalamazoo Vapor Shop booth.  Smoktech is now making a shorter version of their tank that will fit a regular sized Boge (or similar) carto.   You don’t have to cut your DCT tanks down anymore!

Will it be as slidey as the longer Smoktech tanks causing a potential “Oh Son Of A Fu…” episode? Possibly, but I haven’t tried one yet to know.

I’m sure we’ll be seeing these from other vendors soon as well. Here’s a link for ya…

Smoktech Shorty Tank from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop

Also, a very cool looking tank made for your eGo that will also use a Boge or similar sized carto:

Smoktech eGo Tank from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop

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It appears that Innokin has decided to rename their upcoming VV device which was originally named the Infinity. The Infinity & Infinity Pro names, as you may or may not know, have been used by NotCigs for several years for one of their VV models.

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The Joker AV Review

A PBusardo Review – The Joker AV from VaprLife

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Can’t wait to try their juice line! Much respect to GrimmGreen and Amber for all they’ve done for vaping! It was very cool meeting them both!

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Posted in Success Stories

From Mike

Hey Phil! My name is Mike S. I am new to the vaping
community as I have been vaping for a little over a month now. I gotta say, I’m
lovin it!! I too started smoking “analogs” when I was 17. I am 33 yrs young now and
I was feeling through the years that cigarettes were becoming a crutch that I leaned
on all too often. I’ve tried to quit on a few occasions, making it nearly a year on
one, but I always went back.

Well recently, I finally had enough of analogs. The way they smelled, made me smell,
the taste left in my mouth, and the COST!!! A co-worker and a trip to the wonderful
world of the Internet on a search for a safer alternative led me to your reviews.
But let’s rewind a few. I have tried an e-cig in the past. I’m sure you’ve heard of
them. The company name is safe-cig. Small battery with prefilled cartos that are
suppose to be the closest thing to the analogs I used. Yeah, not true. Those didn’t
last long with me. My co-worker showed up to work one day with an ego t tank system
rockin mega dual coil cartos and drip tip. He let me vape his device a few times. On
the first draw or two, I choked on the vapor. But after that…BAM! I wanted one! A
week later, I was vaping on my own. I too now use an ego battery with mega dual coil
cartos which I’ll be upgrading to the provari variable voltage soon. But I jumped
ahead a little here…

I am in law enforcement, so the lack of “wind” during heavy activity was a major
drawback. Not being able to be physical for a longer period of time can be a
disadvantage that may cost a life or my own. Luckily, I found your reviews. They
have been a HUGE help to me. Not only are they very very informative, they are
entertaining as well. I like how you leave nothing out. From unboxing, all the way
to breaking devices down to bare bones. To be honest, I nearly watched every single
one of them in one sitting. You have helped me tremendously and I can’t say thank
you enough!!! From juice reviews and device reviews, I have learned so much and
have recommended my co-worker to tune in as well. With my new found knowledge, I
may have also converted some analog users to the “light” side known as vaping.
(yeah, star wars reference) Included is my dad. Which it will be nice to see him
off of analogs as well as anyone else who still is.

So this ran a little long, but again, thanks so much for great reviews and the
information you pass on. I really appreciate what you do and enjoy your humor. Big
thumbs up!! Haha had to do that. Thanks again and keep them comin and I’ll keep

Posted in Recent News


Ok! Here is the deal…

David Norris has graciously invited me to attend the White Rose Vapers Club Meeting that will be held on April 14th in York PA. It’s a trek, but it is drivable for me and I think I may have my second wind coming off of VapeFest and VapeBash so… I’ve decided to attend!!

Here is the info:

April 14th, Cobblestone’s Banquet Room, 205 S George St, York, PA 17401, from 4pm until 9pm. At 9pm the room opens to the public (private for the vape meet until then) and a DJ starts playing music. Walk up the staircase, located inside, on the left side.

By the way, this almost didn’t happen because Dave said, and I quote,

“Rob from Bluemist Vaping regularly attends our meets. I will be happy to ask him to bring some more Crab Juice along just to sweeten the pot!”

Dave, if Rob from Bluemist shows up with Crab Juice, the pot may be full, but it won’t be sweet :-).

So… come out, hang out, get to know your fellow vapers, share stories, and of course… VAPE!!
Let’s make this their biggest event yet!

Don’t forget, if you have friends who smoke, bring them along! Let’s spread the word and get people started on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

I will, of course, be bringing cameras and shooting video to share the experience with you.

I’m very much looking forward to meeting everyone there!

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Looks like LJ is helping out Joe as he gets back on his feet. Although LJ’s juice section on his website is HORRIBLE to navigate :-), I did find it here:


Other nic levels are also available.

“flavorZ By Joe” coming soon?? Hint hint.

Now where is Heaven’s Nectar??

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So I’ve mentioned it a couple times and I’m very proud to be a part of it, but what is it?

“WE ARE VAPORS” is an ambitious and important project by Linc Williams AKA “Bald Groove” who I had the pleasure of meeting at VapeBash. It will be a full length, documentary film. From the WE ARE VAPERS website:

This film will explore the concept of Smoking Tobacco Harm Reduction, e-cigarettes role and the community that has risen alongside it.

This documentary will cover:

· History of E-Cigarettes

· Personal Stories of e-cigarette users (also known as Vapers)

· The Concept of Harm Reduction

· The Personalities of the Community

· The Health Implications

If you want to learn more about it and how you can get involved, just click the banner below.

And yes… I wished I had gotten to this post sooner.

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Clouds Of Vapor

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I saw this go up so I stole it.

The WORST part about leaving this event was that I felt like I left friends I’ve known all my life behind. I can’t begin to explain what a bunch of quality people there are that make up the VapeTeam and the VPLive Network.

Dimitris reminds of me the “that was so 40 seconds ago” cell phone commercials. Your host who knows everything about everything, is constantly looking at updates on his phone, and he is ready to share it all with you and help you to succeed in staying off analogs and on vaping. He is one devoted and dedicated guy. Also a really nice guy even though he didn’t bring me any Saginaki… OPA!

Then there’s Jamie. Dude, Einstein called, he wants his brain back. This is the guy who puts everything together and makes it all work seamlessly (no wonder… we went to the same college). It was through his efforts that you got to see things live AND WIRELESSLY from the tables and booths at the event. I asked him about some of the gear and tech stuff he did (and yes, I have video). He started talking and when I woke up he was still going!

Linc, AKA “Bald Groove”… don’t let that scary photo on the Vaper’s Place site fool you. This is a warm, soft spoken individual who is dedicated to vaping and spreading the word about vaping as seen by his effort with “WE ARE VAPERS” which I’m proud to be a part of.

CJ AKA the Vaping Monkey… well every team needs a mascot. KIDDING. Another great guy running around with cameras and equipment and acting as a media correspondent. I heard he does kick ass printing as well. He always has a smile and is always fun to be around.

Russ… what can you say bad about a guy who is into Howard Stern as much as I am 🙂 A great guy who I really enjoyed talking to as he vaped up all my Gorilla Juice.

And those are just the people I met!

This is a team that is dedicated to providing you information and work very hard at what they do.

Here is their broadcast that they did on day one. This includes the live to internet wireless broadcasting from the booths. I show up around 1:09:00 and then there is a VERY SPECIAL guest who makes an appearance around 1:20:00. Enjoy!


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