Author: pbusardo
Smoktech Shorty & EGO Tanks from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop
A PBusardo Look – Smoktech Shorty & EGO Tanks from Kalamazoo
Vendor Links:
Kalamazoo Vapor Shop – Smoktech Short Tanks
Kalamazoo Vapor Shop – EGO Tanks
From Joe
I don’t know if you will get this, I know you are a busy man. Forgive me for
rambling, I am working on a coquito with coquito. But, I don’t tell all the people
out there who I love so much, that i love them so much! This story is very important
to me and your Jazz Pipe review inspired it. There is a man who has been there for
me and my father since as long as I can remember. His mother died of lung cancer
and i remember on that day he threw two packs of Newport’s in the trash can and was
done smoking. Well, a long time later he did give up cigarettes but he started
smoking mini cigars, you know the ones with the filter, much better for you right?
So, I wont get into the blow by blow but this man means a lot to all of us and most
importantly to his son and his wife and my father, his childhood friend. He would be
an epic loss.
I had learned everything I know about vaping from you, yes you! And believe it or
not it is an alien thing in the Wash. D.C. area, except for our favorite mall
vendor. I said not along story, sorry!
So after my success my father said “we need to get Bruce on this” so I was all
about it. the first thing I did was tell him to watch all of your videos. the
second thing was to order him an Ego MDCC kit from MadVapes. Long story long, He has
now bought a new big battery mod and a tank(on your recommendation) and has been
analog free for a month or more now! This is after Chaintix, hypnosis, and all the
other quit crap.
I just wanted to share that with you and as an update, my boss is now using an ego
passthrough 900mah from MV. (again after watching you)
I cant thank you enough and i am sure you hear this all the time but I am so
grateful for your input and info! I also feel a connection being that my family is
from LeRoy New York.
Keep doing what you do, and don”t ever give up.
I wish I could attend one of the events that our community does so I could meet all
of my heroes, especially you! and Nick GG of course!
Hope you have a great summer.
My best to you and yours!
Joe Frost (FrostVap3 on the ECF)
DKS E-Liquid Winner!! & White Rose!
A PBusardo Video – DKS E-Liquid Winner & White Rose!
Congrats to the winner of the contest! Heading out to the White Rose 1st Anniversary Meet early tomorrow morning. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
April 14th, Cobblestone’s Banquet Room, 205 S George St, York, PA 17401, from 4pm until 9pm. At 9pm the room opens to the public (private for the vape meet until then) and a DJ starts playing music. Walk up the staircase, located inside, on the left side.
RAWR Peach Serum
From Paige
Nick and Phil,
I just wanted to drop a line to you both to say thank you for adding me, and to tell you to keep on doing what you are doing. It makes a difference! I have only been vaping for about a month, but both you quickly became my youtube go to guys. Without your videos to guide me, I would have, without a doubt, given up and gone back to the coffin nails out of confusion and frustration. I was a 2+ pack a day smoker, so you guys have literally saved my life. THANK YOU!!
So I’m now onto my second juice from E-Pipe Mods line of “Pipe Sauce”… the Oak Barrel Cider.
Vendor Link: E-Pipe Mods
Of course there will be a video review once I get through the line, but what I can say right now is… brilliant. This is one of the BEST apple flavors I’ve come across to date. It really does come off like a true apple cider flavor mixed with a terrific tobacco flavor with an ever so slight woodsy or oaky presence.
- Matt’s E-pipe mods are beautiful & brilliant.
- The fuse he’s involved with is brilliant.
- His line of “Pipe Sauce” is brilliant… so far.
I think I just may have a man-crush on him.
I’m looking forward to vaping my way through his entire line and letting you know all about it.