Author: pbusardo
I’ve recently added Brick & Mortar to the Knowledge Base in an attempt to help people find vape shops in their area.
Another question I often get is about Vape Meets. So I’m adding another section to the Knowledge Base called Vape Meets!
If you know of or run a Vape Meet and would like to have it listed in the new section, please let me know.
I’m looking for ongoing events only as apposed to special events such as VaperCon, VapeBash, VapeFest, etc.
You will need to submit the following to pbusardo@TasteYourJuice:
Subject Line: VAPEMEETS
- Name of the Meet/Club.
- General location of the meets.
- Information on dates, if available.
- Link to the clubs website or Facebook page (required).
- Brief description.
Since this site is seen world-wide, this does not need to be limited to US meets.
Thanks everyone!
Ok gang, here’s the results from the poll:
- Keep the videos! I find them helpful and enjoy watching you vape! (60%, 280 Votes)
- Drop the juice reviews! Taste is too subjective and I’d rather have you spend your time reviewing hardware. (23%, 105 Votes)
- Change to text only juice reviews and post them here. I can get to the information faster! (17%, 78 Votes)
So it looks like it will be business as usual for juice reviews from me. I was secretly hoping that the text reviews would come up as the first choice, but no such luck.
I will continue to try to put the emphasis on hardware over juice reviews.
Have a great week everyone and vape vigorously!
From Barry
Dear Phil,
I was a smoker for over 45 years. Toward the end I was rolling my own. You may
remember in the first month Obama took office he sign a bill increasing taxes on
cigarette tobacco. I was paying $6 in taxes for a pound of RYO tobacco. In one day
the taxes went to over $28.00, just the taxes not including the price of the
tobacco.That was it for me. About the same time I found e-cigs and started playing with
them, like they were a new toy. I played with them for about a month in the last
three days of that month I was surprised to find I had not rolled a cigarette. I
immediately rolled one, lite it, choked on it and put it out after two puffs. I
have been tobacco free since. Last June was my three anniversary.It is thanks to the tax hike, videos like yours & others who are Green, ECF and
whoever that genius was that invented e-digs. So Thank You.Making the jump from analogs to vaping is more like switching brands than quitting,
but I know my health and outlook on life has changed for the better. Much Better.,Barry
From Nicole
Hello Phil,
My name is Nicole & I’m 28 years old. I’ve been a smoker for over seven – ten years.
& Although I’ve tried nearly every conventional means of quitting. Every time I have
tried, it had always been shot down in failure. (Due to any possible reason or
another…) Leading me to eventually return to the warmth of my cigarette. And you
know when nothing else is working… Cold turkey definitely isn’t going to cut it!
Which is why you would have to imagine, I feel lucky to discover vaping. While I
realize it isn’t exactly quitting. I can at least say, my analog days are over. So,
Thank you for taking the time to invest into making such a informative website. It
has given me the opportunity to learn about things, I would otherwise not know
about. It’s because of websites like yours, newbie vapors like me, have a fighting
Still working that 3.o Ohm mentioned below. Going on day three now. Good VTF. Got it in a Phiniac with 3 holes punched in it. About 15mls through it so far. No issues. No turkey bacon.
There is some new stuff in the works for
Some planned items include:
- Moving to a faster (and hopefully more reliable) host.
- Upgrading the template.
- Adding one main sponsorship placement at the top of TasteYourJuice which will be available to APPROVED VENDORS ONLY.
- Adding some merchandise.
Vendors!! Don’t panic about the last bullet :-). I still have no plans of selling electronic cigarettes, mods, or accessories… but I would like to begin offering TasteYourJuice merchandise as I get requests all the time for t-shirts, mugs, stickers, cards, etc.
I’d like to use any revenue generated to fund efforts with this site, add more products to review, help with vape meet travel expenses, and the TasteYourJuice effort in general, much like what the sponsorship ads are currently used for.
Coach Erock will be helping me out with these changes, which means our friendship is again in jeopardy (I’m a prick to work for – just ask him). 🙂
So what does this have to do with your chance to win a new ProVari?
Although I may be good at producing videos and the review efforts, I SUCK at graphic art and design! So I’m looking for some high quality, well produced logos.
Some ideas/hints…
- Incorporate PBusardo
- Incorporate Taste Your Juice
- Incorporate VTF (Vapor, Throat Hit, Flavor) – This is a term I coined to represent the vaping experience given by a device or an e-liquid.
- Contemporary
- Sleek
- Professional
- I like blues on black
- I’m very picky – PLEASE don’t be offended if I don’t like/pick your work. We can still be friends and have a vape!
Numerous submissions are permitted and suggested!
The person I decide to work with may be required to tweak their initial designs and provide several different sizes and formats of the logo as required for web banners & merchandise.
What will that person win?
- An brand new, original (full size) ProVari in satin silver with a 510 connection
- A charger
- 2 AW IMR 18490 batteries
- Several boxes of cartos
- A Kir Fanis Tripolitis Tank
Send all submissions to
The fine print…
- I will post submissions to show off your work and see what people think.
- No submissions will be used without the expressed permission of the designer in any other way.
- The winner agrees to for forfeit all rights to the logos supplied.
- The winner’s submissions become full property of Busardo and may be used however we see fit.
Entries to date:
WELCOME!! has broke 20,000 page views in the last 30 days!!
Page Views:
- Last 24 hours: 640
- Last 7 days: 5,132
- Last 30 days: 20,017
- Online now: 7
To all the people who are visiting the site… WELCOME!!!!
To all the people who have contacted me to let me know the site is helping… THANK YOU!!!!
I’m so jazzed about the response!
Although I haven’t done a lot of testing yet, I have received the new cartos from Boge. Below I posted some photos of what the SRs look like.
I have noticed that they accept juice easier than the short/short versions. Much more like the older Boges.
The very first one I pulled from the box had a resistance of 2.4 Ohms. The second one had a resistance of 3.0 Ohms (which is where is should be). Oye!
I put the 3.0 Ohm in a tank and I’ve been pretty happy with it so far. I haven’t vaped it along side the short/short and my original long/short… yet.
Look at the BOGEGATE section for any pertinent information I experience or receive.
Thanks everyone!
I’ve come to find out some sad news in the vaping community.
Jennifer who makes the Phiniac tanks along with her husband Chris has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Although I have not met Jennifer personally, we emailed a great deal back and worth when I was working on the Phiniac review, and I really enjoyed working with her.
So what can we all do to help? By clicking the image below, you can help to satisfy her $16,000 deductible to offset the cost of her medical bills, prescriptions, travel to and from treatment, follow up doctor visits and to show her how much we care for her and what she has done for our community. Every little bit will help.
I wish Jennifer the very best for a speedy recovery.
A PBusardo Review – Sysmax i4 Charger – Crystal Clear Vaping
Vendor Link: Crystal Clear Vaping