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I was just notified by the makers of the IMotion that they changed the design based on what I found with the airflow.

I’m holding off on the review until I receive the new units.

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – eGo Pass-Thru VV

Vendor Link: LJ’s E-Smokes


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In the PWM HOOPLA post, I mentioned…

When I review devices that have PWM output and put these devices on the scope, I do show you and chart in average voltage, but I also try to explain to you why it doesn’t “feel” like the voltage I’m showing. I’ve mentioned things like “too much power”, “doesn’t feel like the setting”, “hits the coil with a large voltage”, “needs better tuning”, “duty cycles”, “vmax”, etc. So I think I’ve always known what’s going on, I think I’ve tried to explain what’s going on, but didn’t have the knowledge to express it in a real voltage number. It now sounds like we’ll have a device that will do just that.

So what is the “device that will do just that”? It’s called the ECD Meter! It’s the brain child of a gentleman who goes by the name of Stoney on the AussieVapers forum. You know how I always say “far smarter people than me”… he’s one of them! 🙂 All the information and photos appear here with his permission.

So far this is looking like a vaping “Swiss Army Knife” for information on the things you use to make vapor!

You can find additional information on the meter’s home page: THE ECD METER

And here:

The ECDMeter was invented by a fella named Stoney on the forum

The curse of vapers these days , is never really knowing what your device is really doing . A lot of vaping devices these days use PWM ( Pulse Width Modulation ) as a way of controlling the volts that are being fed into your atomiser , and the average user up until now has had no accurate way of determining if the voltage you think you are getting is really being applied .

Why does one setting on one device taste fantastic , and on the next its nothing but a mouthful of burning juice? They BOTH say its XX volts , but why does one taste so different to the other .

A lot of it comes down to HOW that power is applied. In the “Good Old Days “ we didn’t have regulated batteries or variable voltage devices , it was a simple DC feed that could be measured with a simple multimeter . But by giving us choices the manufacturers have complicated things a little and your everyday multimeter just doesn’t cut it anymore .

Stoney , as an electronic designer of many years, thought there must be a way that a vaper can have all the information at his fingertips without the need for oscilloscopes and other costly measuring equipment …. Thus the ECDMeter was born .

In one compact but powerful unit , he has managed to program a device which can measure and instantly display

bat .. the output voltage, ( V )

cur .. the output current (In Amps)

res .. resistance of the atty or carto (in Ohms)

por .. output power of the device (in Watts )

When connected to a PWM device it also displays

rms .. the equivalent DC voltage

duty .. the ‘throttle position’, percentage of full power

fre .. the device PWM frequency

In fact the only thing this meter doesn’t do is nag at you or make you coffee in the mornings !

Already the great debate ( Or PWM-Gate ) is beginning to be discussed on forums, on YouTube, in fact all throughout the Vaping community .

And with good cause.

Up until now , manufacturers have simply stated that XXXX device is adjustable from X volts to XX Volts , this is true if you look at the AVERAGE volts being applied , but in actuality we SHOULD be looking at voltage delivered in terms of the Vrms , or the Volts Root Mean Squared , which is the CORRECT way of measuring output of a PWM device .

The Vrms shows the actual real time voltage DC equivalent being output by a PWM device , not the average voltage . Think of it in these terms , if a PWM device outputs 8V for ½ the time it is on , the V average is 4V , but in reality the Voltage being applied is much higher .

For Stoney’s explanation of this see: Explanation

Here is what one of the first users of the ECDMeter has to say

Aussievapers forum .. “Fatman”

“Although I have only had the ECD for a week or so , it’s had more use than any other of my vaping gear .

Vaping is a world full of variables, and up until now you have had to have bought a high end vaporiser ( like a Provari ) etc , or muck around with a multimeter and calculator , to figure just what is going on each time you change your set-up .

The ECD gives definitive readings of every aspect of what your device is doing in a simple and safe to use package .

Screw it on , fire it up , and the readings are literally at your fingertips .

Perfect for checking resistances of Atomisers, cartos, etc. … great for confirming voltages on VV units, you can see in real time if a battery is sagging under load … even tells you how a PWM is supplying the electrons to your juice 🙂

Already I have isolated a VV unit I have , that was over voltage and kept burning juice and blowing attys … I was convinced the atties were over-rated and had to be LR ( Unmarked by supplier). As the power unit was PWM a std meter could not read it accurately … the ECD cleared it up in seconds !

I can see myself testing every new battery and atomiserswith this before putting them into service .

Heck you can even see when an atty needs cleaning by the resistance change .

Best value for money in Vaping … step out of the dark ages of voodoo and magic , and arm yourself with the facts “

Here are some additional photos for you.

Coming soon to a review near you!


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Posted in Is It Safe Recent News


Greek scientist Konstantinos Farsalinos speaks out on ecigs, his heart study and tobacco harm reduction.

Check it out at Ashtray Blog here: Interview

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Posted in Success Stories

From Dan

Hi Phil!,
I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy your videos. It is one
thing to post a unbiased review but its another to hold up your review
with some extremely clear and easy to follow material within the review.
Sometimes the details do matter to the viewer (and sometimes not
everyone wants to know if it just sucks or not lol), especially if they
are going to shell 100s of dollars out on a device. So with that said,
keep rockin out the great info! Im a subscriber and will be for a long
time. I have been smoke free for about 7 weeks now and vapin’ strong 🙂
Its people like you who give curious people like me the right info so
they don’t miss out on the amazing possibilities they have as apposed to
smoking analogs. Yuck…


Posted in Recent News


1) Do not vape Boba’s Bounty while driving with the windows rolled up.

2) Do not watch PBusardo videos while driving.  Hilarity could ensue causing a traffic accident.

Thanks Mike and Jay!  🙂

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Thanks YoursTruli! Love it! 🙂

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Posted in Success Stories

From Igor

Hello P. Busardo

my name is igor and Although I do not know if you have any time to respond to this email I really want to thank you.
I regularly watch your videos and I must tell you that you’re doing a great job and I really appreciate the effort. I’m sure you understand how popular you are but I must tell you that you have a lot of fans here in Israel following you all the time and we learn a lot from you
Unfortunately, the government here in Israel prohibits the import of e liquids and gives incorrect information to citizens about electronic cigarette in the media and so on.
Despite all this I really hope that one day all this will work out and we can vape without fear.
Although awareness here rising slightly it really does not compare to the U.S. or Europe, so we have to deal with products with less quality and a small variety.
Anyway I just wanted to tell you I really enjoy watching your videos and update you that you have fans in Israel as well. Likewise I hope you will visit the Holy Land and we will be more than happy to meet you.
im sorry for my poor english but anyway i wish you the best and Hope we can stay in touch.

Once again on behalf of all israeli vapers Thank you very much!

Keep on Vaping.

Posted in Success Stories

From Mike

Hi Mr. P.,

Just wanted to let you know you are a hellova classy rock star. Your maturity and
focus that you present and ability keep on topic, and away from politics in video
eye, is simply astounding. The way you present yourself is very respectful. At
times I am amused with seeing the younger folk get bent out of shape simply because
they know you are doing things right and the folks that matter in Vape world go to
you first.

I got another carto tank (You know… I consider it to be my last “carto tank”)
which is beautiful on a Provari (Pro-V Cartomator SS – didn’t check to see if you
ever did a review on it). It’s so slick looking I burnt another dry carto while
looking at it.

I tossed the “Nivi Nova” in the trash because I was faked out and simply put… it
was fake crap with problems. Glad to see the photo on the web site I picked it up
wat was revised to remove the Vivi Nova logo and shipping insurance is now available
for purchase. None the less, I still found the entire situation sad for the vape
community and a great way to turn off new vapers who are learning. A person should
not be learning about fake gear – but, should be learning about what tricks a
persons trigger enough to stay away from analogs.

Dang it I am rambling off topic – sorry for that… I am actually sending you a
message to say congrats to you and for helping your wife switch. It’s not an easy
task. Though, I still think my photo of Monkey with cats and Phil with dolphin and
scuba cat should have won.

One last word. Stop chewing your finger nails. Those close ups – I think, dang
where are his finger nails? LOLOLOL.

Take care man! I really appreciate your efforts. Go Packers.

X-analog one month – I blame PBusardo for that.

Posted in Success Stories

From Tech Sergeant Victor (USAF)

Hey Phil,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the good info. I am an active duty member in
the USAF stationed in Guam currently. I first tried e-cigs back in 2010, got my
first kit from smoking everywhere from a mall kiosk. I gave them a try for about
a month but wasn’t impressed with the product and went back to cigs. Well I
decided to try again a few months ago in July, and am impressed with how far
things have come. I am currently using a clearomizer and a standard battery. But
I hope to move to a vivi nova 2.5 and a provari very soon, I have to wait on cash
to come available. Lord knows military men and women don’t do it for the money.
Well sorry I rambled just wanted to say thanks for the good info and for what you
have done for vapors.
TSgt Victor

Thank you Victor and allow me to thank you for your service. -PBusardo