Author: pbusardo
Looks like we’re headed to Buffalo again!!
This time for Andre’s “Official” Grand Opening of the House Of Vapor Store!
The House Of Vapor
1565 Kenmore Avenue, Buffalo NY, 14217
All day event on Saturday 11/10/12 from 10AM – 5PM with food, prizes, and giveaways from 2PM – 5PM.
Should be a good day of vaping fun!
Hope to meet you there!
From Troy
Thanks for the add Phil!
Long time viewer, glad you guys are ok over there! The info you have given me on my journey to stay off the smokes is priceless, wish you all the best! Hope to see you at vape bash in the coming months! Without the support of this community I’d be still smoking! 23 years of it! 2 years smoke free! Thanks again and be well!
A PBusardo Review – 5 from Honest Vapor
Vendor Link: HonestVapor
Blue Bohemia
Strawpeary Chill
From Bert And Rene
Had to drop you a line and Thank You for your insights and demonstrations. A friend
of my daughter turned me on to your site, and in large part you’re responsible for
my wife and I quitting our pack a day cig habit cold turkey for a week now.
We had tried BluCigs a couple of years ago, and just weren’t satisfied. Liked the
idea, but the application just didn’t hit the VTF scale high enough. We are serious
about giving up the analogs, tho, so we went right to the ProVari with the Vivi Nova
2.5 tanks…
The skies opened up, angels came down and Halelujah! I’d much rather vape than
smoke now!!
Keep up the good work, you are providing an invaluable service that is changing and
saving people’s lives.
Happy Vapor Trails to You!Burt and Rene’
A PBusardo Review & Contest – CigEasy Turbo EZ
Vendor Link: CigEasy
Post Review Follow-up:
- 1/6/13 – Remember those plastic threads I was concerned about? After some use, the thread on the charger broke off. This rendered the charger useless. The threading broke off on the battery and it could not be removed without breaking the battery, which, of course, has rendered the battery useless. 🙁
The Review:
From Mike
First off, love the site, and love the yourtube videos. They have been a huge help
for me and now a friend of mine….more friends to come.I’m not really new to ecigs, at least the cigarette shaped ones, like BluCig. They
were all good at first but the longevity of both battery and cartos turned me off.
THEN recently at a local smoke shop “Smokers Palace” … I think, they had a kit of
a PV. So I briefed over it and figured what the heck, its time to stop smoking
again, and picked it up. It was a kit by Tsunami, came in a box with the usual
batteries, charging things, and the cartridge things. On the battery was printed
Tsunami 1000x tank. I believe the kit is really new, because I can’t find anything
on the web about them. Only stuff on there disposable ecigs. You ever hear or see
them?I was really pleased with the amount of vapor and how long the battery lasted the
first day compared to the crappy ecigs I used before. So I searched the web and
found alllllll kinnnnnds of info on PV stuff, especially from yourself. So what I
came up with is I think the battery on my Tsunami device is of ego form and the
cart/tank on it looks alot like the Vision V1. Really weird that I could not find
this kit on the internet anywhere, yet resembles a couple products already out
there.I also took some advice and ordered some juice from Johnson Creek. WOW, wow wow I
couldn’t believe it, big difference from the smoke juice I also picked up at the
store. I think I just found my fix from smokes and a new hobby. Then I checked out
some videos by yourself, noticed you did some reviews from KalamazooVaporShop and
figured since I live in Michigan, I’ll order up me some stuff, ego twist, boges n
other cartos, smokTech tanks n some juices. Can’t wait for the order to arrive!After watching your videos and browsing your site for info n help, I figured I
really needed to share my story with you, since you been such a huge help, and didnt
even know it. KEEP UP THE KILLER WORK!!!
After VaperCon, The Cruise, and Hurricane Sandy, things are slowly getting back to normal.
To all of you who sent kind words of support, I sincerely thank you.
We are all well. We lost power around 11PM on Monday and it was a struggle to keep the basement dry. I finally lost the battle Tuesday morning and had to call my friend Chris at 5AM so he could bring his generator over to run my sump pump. We pumped out the basement and moved the generator back to his house.
Luckily Gander Mountain got a shipment of generators in the previous day and they still had some left, so I’m now the proud owner of a new generator. No more wet basement, no more dead PV batteries 🙂 Our power is now back on.
I’m now battling the leaves in the yard but be sure that reviews are coming your way soon.
First up will be the Cig Easy Elite Turbo, followed by the Z-Max review (which many of you are bugging me for), and the side by side shootout of “Stardust” type tanks.
There will be some cruise comedy mixed in here and there as well.
Then… so many more…
Vape mail has been CRAZY! I just received the Innokin MVP in it’s full retail packaging. Pretty impressive once again!
The transfer of the site to the new host is now complete so things should be a little faster and should continue to improve as we make more changes.
The PBusardo TYJ Merchadise store is also open and I THANK all the people who have ordered merchandise. Remember, if there’s something you’d like to see at the store, or if you have an idea for a graphic or shirt design, PLEASE let me know!
Juice Blogs… To all the people who “flooded” me with juice at VaperCon, I thank you! It’s just too much for me to do review videos on all of them, but I’ll be blogging about them as well. I hope to get to a juice per day here on this site. If something blows me away, you can bet there will be a video about it.