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Last week I posted what I thought was the least expensive Genesis style RBA atty I’ve seen. This week, thanks to Sheldon, I’ve seen cheaper.

It’s the Vulcan – Rebuildable Atomizer Tank available from Sure Vapes!

Again, no experience with this one. Just a heads up.

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – L Rider Robust and EZ Turbo Winner

Vendor Link: LJ E-Smokes

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I no longer think the Smoktech V-Max duplicated the look of the ProVari…

Check this one out! 🙂

The Wildfire

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Smoktech Z-Max V2

Vendor Link: Electronic-Cigs

Special thanks to Orion for the cap and Gary from VaporHeads for the V1!

Post Review Follow-up:

The more I vape the Z-Max next to the ProVari, the more I sense a little “harshness” in the vape. This is probably due to the frequency and V-Peak it’s hitting at. This will probably not be noticeable to a newer vaper, but a more experienced vaper may notice it. It doesn’t affect my overall thumbs up, but it is something to keep in mind.

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Two new VV devices. The Robust and the Swig. Coming soon to a review near you!

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Just saw this post on Facebook by Gary from VaporHeads.

Wanna try a Genesis style RBA atty for DIRT CHEAP? Here you go… SS Genesis Style RBA – 3.5ml Clear

Note that I have no experience with this unit (hell, I didn’t even get to the DID yet), but thought I’d pass it along anyway as it’s about the cheapest I’ve seen to date for a Genesis.

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Posted in Event Videos Just For Fun Recent News


The cat is now out of the bag so the video is live!

Check out my visit to the Grand Opening of The House of Vapor in Buffalo NY.

And DO NOT miss the special guest appearance by your friend and mine, the Vaping Greek… DIMITRIS, the host of the VP LIVE show. Note that this was played on the VP Live show tonight without Dimitris knowing about it, but the rest of his team did! We got him!

Andre… thanks for everything, great job, and best of luck to you!

Vendor Link:


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Posted in Juices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – 3 From Vaper Society

Vendor Link: Vaper Society

Tangerine Dreams

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Innokin iTaste MVP

Manufacturer Link: Innokin
Mentioned Vendor: ElectronicStix

Post review follow-up:

  • I tried some other “Stardust” type recessed cartos including the Kanger T2 & T3 and they will not screw on without an adapter.  Only the clearos with threading on the 510 connection appear to work. Clearos with threading on the cone don’t. Mega cartos don’t appear to screw down far enough.  This is a bummer!
  • 12/12/12/ – BEAUTY RING WARNING!  Don’t over tighten the beauty ring!  It has the potential to pull the 510 connection right out of the unit’s body.  Innokin has been notified about this.
  • 1/5/13 – The more I use the MVP, the less I like the button.  I’d still like for it to stick out a bit in order to make it easier to find and press.
  • 1/5/13 – Looks like the folks at Innokin are still listening. They’ve added cone threading to the MVP allowing it to work with a Kanger T3s without the need for an adapter.  Granted, this is going to make the people who already bought one a little cranky. Personally, I would have waited until they added an Ohm meter, potentially VW, and then re-released it as the MVP 2, but that’s just me. In other words… DON’T SHOOT THE MESSENGER.  If you want the new connection, ask you favorite vendor if THIS is the version they offer.  Note, the T3 will still not fit inside the “beauty ring”.

New Connection Photos:

The Review:


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Posted in Success Stories

From Duane

Hi Phil,

This message was just to say “Thanks”!

I’m sure you’re a busy guy, and I don’t require any response from you. I just
thought you should know…

You’ve been a great help to me. I only started vaping a couple of weeks ago. My
first kit was (I believe) a cheap no-name knock-off of a 510 kit, and grossly
overpriced in my opinion. One of the batteries actually started dying a week into my
vaping adventure, and I was dismayed by the burnt mineral flavour I was getting no
matter what juice I vaped.

ANYWAY, I found one of your videos which led to watching HOURS more of your stuff to
try and see if there was something more to this vaping thing that my kit wasn’t
giving me.

Thanks to your informative, honest approach to disseminating the volume of
information involved in this activity, I believe I’m hooked for life.

I’ve since purchased an eGo-C kit (a much better place for a beginner to start, I
think), a couple of eGo-C Twist batteries, some SmokTech Mega Dual Coil Cartomizers,
and a TON of juice. All told, including that first crappy kit, I’m now into this to
the tune of about $515 before shipping.

I already have “Wish Lists” started at the websites of multiple Canadian vendors
with hundreds of dollars worth more of things I expect I’ll buy in the months to
come. The decisions I’ve made in regards to future purchases are in no small part
due to what you’ve shared through your videos.

Whether or not you always realize it, I want you to know – I believe that what you
do is very important. Giving of your time, experience, knowledge and expertise
provides a tangible and valuable service to people who might otherwise continue
smoking blissfully, without ever knowing about and fully appreciating this useful

Though we’ve never met, and might never meet, I’ve come to have a genuine affection
for you because of what you do. I don’t think it’s overstating to say that you may
well be saving lives.

I hope that when you start to feel like you may be wasting your time, perhaps this
message might help motivate you to realize just how important you are to people out
there in YouTube land. You’re certainly very important to me.

With sincerest gratitude,
