Posted in Success Stories

From Paul

Dear Phil,

I wanted to thank you. I’ve been 7 months now analog free. I must say it has been
so much fun having you along the vaping journey, why with all the information you
provide, and the reviews, how could you not enjoy it? You make it so much fun!

I do own several device’s now, but finally purchased a Satin Blue Provari V2. OMG!
What a gem of fine craftsmanship,, or piece of crafted art, I choose to say. When I
went on the Provape site to order it, I was glad to see I could get the original
version, as I did not care for the new knurling in the 2.5 Ver.

I know I had made the right choice after realizing that you provided a “How To”
video on there site on its operation. My face lit up with a huge smile, and a sigh
of relief in a way, knowing you were there to help me. I can’t say thank you

I am in Love! I guess I have joined the many who have posted there reviews that
starts with those four words. I am so thankful that the industry listens to
reviewers like you and others out there, so that we can get the best vape experience
possible from all the products out there in this industry.

I know I won’t stop buying other stuff, why? Its fun! Now, if you could convince
Provari, to add variable wattage to there internals, that would be really

Thanks for who you are. Pbsuardo!


Posted in Success Stories

From Lou

O.K. So here is my story. I’m 67 and smoked cigarettes for 48 years.During this time
I tried to quit times beyond count. Tried cold turkey, nicotine patches, gum and lozenges all to no
avail. Never got past 2 days. I can’t tell you how many times when I was driving, got furious
with myself, crushed the pack and launched it out the window, only to stop at a store 2 hours
later and get another pack. Same thing at home, threw out the cigs and ashtrays, and then bought them
again a day later.

Quitting smoking is a TOUGH deal. How tough? This tough: 3 1/2 years ago I had a
heart attack and was flown to a hospital in N.Y. state. They operated and put in a
stent. While there, the nurses noticed that my chart said I was a smoker and asked
if I wanted a nicotine patch. I said no and they asked why.
I said because they were useless and never helped me quit. When they released me I
couldn’t wait to get to the car and smoked 4 cigarettes on the way home. That tough.

I continued to smoke for another 2 years. I had seen the banner adds for
e-cigarettes many years before, but figured it was just another scam. Finally
though, I clicked on one and for the first time it began to dawn on me what they
were really all about, and that this might be my last chance. So I ordered a kr808
kit. When it came, I knew from the first moment I picked it up and puffed on it that
this at last was the answer. I quit cigarettes in just 6 days. 6 DAYS! As of this
writing, I have been smoke free for 1 year, 9 months. Not 1 cigarette, not 1 puff.

Many people think nicotine is the main obstacle in quitting, but they are wrong.
Sure, it has something to do with it but it is nowhere near to being the main
problem. The main problem is this:

Smoking becomes a part of your life, exactly as eating does. I enjoy eating and i
really enjoyed smoking.

You sit down, light up a smoke, relax, and for a few minutes the world and all its
problems go away. You loosen up, relax, tension fades for those few minutes and IT

E cigarettes work for me and for thousands of others because it allows
me to go through the same motions as smoking. You pick up the e-cigarette, pretend
to light it, you puff on it, you see and feel the vapor, you relax, you go through
the same motions as smoking and it FEELS GOOD. The difference being, you don’t burn
anything, you don’t inhale over 400 chemicals, 60 or so being carcinogenic. The FDA,
the pharmaceutical companies, the tobacco companies should be handing these things out for free, if they really
cared about smokers health. For some strange reason they haven’t done this.

OK, so that’s it. I would encourage anyone who seriously wants to quit smoking to
give e- cigarettes a try. It may be your only chance. Anyone who reads this can
freely reprint it and use my real name:


Posted in Recent News


Taking a quick break from the reviews while I enjoy some family time with my Brother, his wife, and my niece who are up for the weekend. Back to it next week with the Smoktech Groove!

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Lots of events coming up.  Looks like I’ll have the opportunity to attend ALL of them!
Hope to see you at one or more!

Saturday, February 23rd – 1PM-5PM
The House Of Vapor -1565 Kenmore Avenue, Kenmore NY 14217


Friday March 22nd & Saturday March 23nd – 2PM-10PM both days
Best Western – Mill River Manor, 173 Sunrise Highway, Rockville Centre NY 11570


Friday April 12th – 12PM-2AM, Saturday April 13th – 2PM-2AM
Rosemont/O’Hare Hilton 5550 N River Road, Rosemont IL 60018

ScreenHunter_51 Jan. 28 10.38


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His name is Russ and he has a show (audio only) on VP Live called ClickBang Radio.


His show is mostly about vaping but sometimes goes off the beaten path.

Since I like to keep you guys posted on things I enjoy when it comes to vaping, I thought I’d finally make this post, because this is one of them. It’s long overdue as I’ve been listening since I found his show.

Some of you may call him a muckraker.
Some of you may even call him an asshole.

Yet when I listen, I hear some real, no-bullshit brilliance in many of the things he says and how he says them.

I may not agree with everything he has to say, and I’ve said MANY times in the past that I HATE the drama of vaping, yet I can’t stop listening.

I pray to God I’m never on the receiving end of his wrath! 🙂

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Posted in Success Stories

From Alec

Damn you Phil Busardo! Damn you to hell! Since watching your reviews I have
purchased a Provari, a Prive-Special tank, a HH .357 and a Z-Atty Pro, you have cost
me a fortune! Oh, and that nifty little 9mm drip tip I saw in the Ikarus Hybrid
review that you didn’t mention and I had to track down through google.

I kid of course. Seriously, just joking, it was well within my financial means to do
so, and though I have yet to receive the Z-Atty, I have been more then satisfied
with each purchase.

I was a heavy tobacco smoker for 11 years until six months ago when a friend turned
me on to vaping. I began my learning experience with a single eGo-C Twist and
Stardust style clearomizers and haven’t looked back since. After saving hundreds
(not to mention my lungs) I decided I was ready to step up my game, but I was lost
and felt overwhelmed by options. That’s when I found your reviews and got on track.
You were right in the Z-Atty Pro review when you said “for many of us vaping has
become a hobby”, and it’s one I am very excited to have. You provide a great service
to the vaping community, and are entertaining as hell while doing it. I felt it was
only right to stop by and sing my praises; Thank you Phil, you are a brilliant
guiding light in a dark and complex maze. Keep doing what you’re doing!

Thanks again,

Posted in Recent News


I’d like to know if they’re talking smack about me in the German portions of this video! LOL!

Congrats Pixel on hitting your 500th subscriber & thanks for including me in your video!
May you have many more and continue in your efforts to help vapers!

BTW – the winner (Joshua) actually contacted me and thanked me for guiding your hand which I thought was really cool. Unfortunately, the rest of Germany also contacted me and they’re not too happy! 🙂

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The new Kanger Pro Tank.  Sleek, Sexy, Shiny, and GLASS!

Let’s hope it vapes as good as it looks.

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So my experience with the FC2000 ceramic with for genesis attys has been a challenge.  First several attempts ended in cracked wicks.  The next attempt, using the Petar K method give me a wick that fit too loosely in the coil.  This time, rather than adjusting the bit size for the wrap, I decided to wrap the wick directly outside of the device.

I torched the Kanthal (28, A-1) first to get rid of some of the springiness and so that any expansion would occur before it was wrapped.


Here it is in the DID and firing nicely… ok so it ain’t too pretty.


For the next step, while trimming the Kanthal, insert the wire into your thumb.  You can skip this step if you like.


Unfortunately the wick was a little high, so when the cap went on, crack it went.


Here’s the proof:


One more time…


Seems to be working ok.  Not great, not bad, but I need more time with it.  Also note that I’m started this little experiment with a very thin liquid, damn near watery.

I’ll keep you posted, but for now, back to the Groove evaluation.

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