Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Smoktech SID

In this video I do a little bit of ranting then we get down to business and take a look at the NZonic V3 made in the Philippines by Madz Modz. We also see some drip tip offerings from them.

The Links:

Thanks to JJ Vapes for the contest giveaway!
JJ Vapes

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


So I’ve been using this atty a fair amount since the build on May 24th.  The performance has been amazing and it’s quickly become one of my favorite devices.

I wanted to see what was doing under the hood so I took it apart for a dry burn, cleaning, and to replace the top wick.  I was surprised to find very little discoloration on the top wick (using EKOWOOL in it now).  She’s back together and vaping strong.

I want to see how long this coil and mesh wick last me.

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Alas my beloved Rapid Tank did not survive the fall from the ladder onto the concrete (imagine that). Rest in pieces my friend. I enjoyed our time together. I’m happy to report the SID made it.


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Posted in Is It Safe

Cytotoxicity evaluation of electronic cigarette vapor

See more information by clicking the quote below:

Cytotoxicity evaluation of electronic cigarette vapor extract on cultured mammalian fibroblasts (ClearStream-LIFE): comparison with tobacco cigarette smoke extract.

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Posted in Recent News


I’ve seen the information and I feel your pain.  I’ve been made aware of this petition and request everyone take a moment and go and sign it.

If you don’t know what’s going on, you can read about it HERE.

This petition is to:

Prevent the classification of e-liquids containing nicotine as a medicine as defined by the MHRA

Let’s support our friends in the UK as I’m sure they’d do the same for us!

Sign the petition HERE!

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Posted in Success Stories

From Cesar

Hello Mr. Phil, my name is Cesar and i’m from Mexico city. I just want to thank you
because thanks to you i stop my smoking habit, i’m 33 years old and used to smoke 2
packs of cigarettes a day since my 18th birthday. really there are no words!!! my
life change completely. Than you!!

i have a silver bullet mod with cartomizers in a tank (that’s my arsenal so far )
: )


Posted in Success Stories

From Lars

Hey Pbusardo.

I am writing to you from Denmark and hope you take the time to read this email.
I am a man, 53 years old. 3 years ago, I lost my left leg above the knee after a
medical error. Now you probably think what it comes you know, but I will tell you
about it in a minute.
I was a very active and fun-loving husband and father. Today I lost my business it
was a school for boys who did not fit anywhere else in society. I have chronic
phantom pain, but I have a wonderful wife and 3 lovely children. I am with my
disability tied to my wheelchair and my crutches.
I stopped, smoking non filter cigarettes in December 2012 and has vaping since.
This is where you come into my life my friend.
It is a very long time since I have seen and enjoyed an honest and genuine person
like you. Not only you review various electronic cigarettes and juices, you also
manage to keep a sober tone and not the least you expect also that we others do the
same. That’s big of you. I wish there were more of your kind out there and not only
online but also in the real world. I’d just need to tell you these things, hope you
do not mind. I also enjoy your reviews and I hope even one day buy one of the many
things you show us. I use an AGA T and a 1300mAh battery and it works for me.
Hope you can understand my English and that it was ok I wrote to you. It was and is
just important for me to tell you that you are helping to keep me going.
May God be with you and your family.
Best regards Lars from Denmark.

Posted in Mechanicals Recent News


A PBusardo Rant & Review – The NZonic V3

In this video I do a little bit of ranting then we get down to business and take a look at the NZonic V3 made in the Philippines by Madz Modz. We also see some drip tip offerings from them.

The Links:
Erika’s Facebook Page

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


You will notice a new poll on TasteYourJuice today. It’s regarding credit card fraud and there is a reason behind it.

Since I’ve been ordering my vaping supplies I’ve been a victim of credit card fraud THREE TIMES!!

Luckily my card companies contacted me and shut my card down all three times, but then you’re stuck with the pain in the ass that is changing all your recurring payments (if you have any on the card).

Last week, my good friend Coach Erock fell victim. Then, within a day of each other, two of my other friends were hit. They all vape and order supplies online.

This morning, I received an email from another vaper who fell victim.

Although I’m implying the leak is coming from an e-cig vendor, I’m only implying as there is certainly no proof.


  1. Let’s see how the poll goes.
  2. As a precaution, keep on eye on your credit card charges if you do a lot of ordering online.
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Posted in Success Stories

From Sergio

hi phil!

again phil, writing from paraguay just to tell you my story and how you helped me to

i am 40 years old MD, smoked for almost 20 years.
how can a MD get on this habit besides all the info we get about it? well, one this
nasty habit gets you its difficult to leave it, any smoker knows that…
one thing always bothered me is the smell i am sure some patients could tell, and of
course the health issues.
i always wanted to quit, the problem was it gave me pleasure, and analogs were a
“company” through very difficult times (who hasnt had some).

well, for christmas 2012 my wife (who hates the habit but never claimed about it)
said to me she wanted to give me an electonic cig as a holiday present. she was
looking for the disposable ones (analog like equipment). i liked the idea but told
her to wait as i searched for some info on the web (my geeky side).
first of all, health info about vaping: i did not want to jump into something
perhaps worse. well, sadly not much info in this department, but the testimonies were
all encouraging!

…and then WE “met”!!! 🙂

i saw some of your videos and recommended hardware and decided to give the egos a
try, AND NEVER LOOKED BACK 😀 (in the mean time i converted a cousin also!)

a lot of the hardware you post isnt even available here, but the info is still very
usefull, there is always something to learn about, so i am always tuned.

soon i realised i needed more alternatives in harware and juices (i only know two
shops here with not so many options) so my next step was getting a pobox in miami
(it takes 7 to 10 days to arrive here).

analogs are a lot cheaper here compared to the states, so vaping is more costly, but
i do not regret this, in fact i am now using a sigelei v3 telescope i received a
couple of days ago! (SO HAPPY I TOOK THE NEXT STEP!, apv i mean)

my next quest is finding the “perfect” clearo hahaha

thanks again for all your work, the info, the jokes and the support to the community!

best regards and vape on!