Posted in Drip Tips Mechanicals Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Kamry K100 & Some more drip tips

In this video we take a look at some drip tips from Tripy Tips and Captivape as well at the Kamry K100 mechanical.

The Links:

White Stag Vapor

The Video:

The K100 Photos:

The Trippy Tips Drip Tip Photos:

The Captivape Drip Tip Photos:

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The Sigelei Telescope 9B has been added to the review queue:

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Posted in Success Stories

From Fiona

Hi from the South Coast of the UK! I’ve been vaping for 4 months. After a
pack a day for 20 years I made the switch and never looked back. I started
with a basic Ego/CE5 kit, which was fine. For a while. I then decided to
look for bigger and better. For a beginner the vaping world is a
minefield,but luckily I stumbled upon you and your fabulousness. (Phil the
Fabulous, it has a ring to it no?) Anyway, after watching hours of your
footage and laughing til my head exploded, I became not only more
knowledgable but much better equipped. In other words, I sold a couple of
vital organs and am now the proud owner of a Provari Mini(The Holy Grail)
with a Kanger Protank. To say I’ve landed is an understatement . Yes, I
admit to a few tears of joy. And a lot of staring at it without wanting to
touch it in case it vanished into thin air. I dont think I’m alone here. I
think they just have that other wordly effect on people. However,I just
want to say… Thanks Phil, without you, I’d be tearing my hair out with
frustration and wasting a third of my life trawling the Internet going
quietly,yet steadily,insane.

Posted in Success Stories

From Martin

Hi Phil,
A note of appreciation for your superb video reviews which I happily stumbled across
by accident and immediately file in my “subscribed” folder on YouTube.
I have now been off analogues now for over three months.
I am in the UK in case I refer to any products you don’t see in the US!
I am now 45 and have been smoking since the age of 18. My wife was also a smoker but
she gave up in our second year of marriage – some 19 years ago.
We both had the hypnotherapy sessions but I secretly went back to it after a week or
so of horrendous cold turkey. So for the past 19 years I’ve been smoking in secret –
and you have no idea how hard that can be! First there is the terrific expense of
the habit these days and hiding the cost of cigarettes in my car fuel bill was
becoming awkward, so three years ago I switched to rolling my own. Even that was
becoming ridiculously expensive but I was managing.
OK, I say I was a secret smoker, but you cannot really not notice the smell
emanating from someone who has just put a cigarette out. In truth, she knew I
smoked. I knew she knew. But neither of us spoke of it and she certainly didn’t
realize I was on a pack a day.
Aside from frequent trips down the garden, holidays were a nuisance when we spent
most of our time together. When do you smoke?
I would find excuses to pop outside or take walks on my own in the evenings and
“stock up” on nicotine for the lean times ahead. Then there’s buying supplies and
hiding them somewhere – you can’t put a pack of 200 in your suitcase when she does
the packing!
Anyway, over the years I have tried to give up on many occasions.
I’ve tried the gum, inhalers and the patches, but always found myself smoking as well.
A comedian once said that “the best way to give up smoking is to use two patches.
You put one over each eye and you can’t find your fags!”
My problem was that despite knowing the risks, I enjoyed smoking.
So three months ago my wife went to the doctor with shortness of breath and was
diagnosed with COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – probably brought on by
smoking for many years (she is 10 years older than me so had been doing it for a
That was the clincher I think and the weekend after I spotted ecigs in the petrol
station at Tesco.
I bought a pack – the starter set with the battery, USB charger and three cartridges.
Expecting the worst, I also bought 20 Dunhill to keep me going!
The brand was 10motives (
I was incredibly impressed – there was the nicotine, vapour and throat hit, just
like the real thing!
So next time I bought a refill pack and no cigarettes.
Very quickly it became apparent that while this was a great way to give up smoking,
it was still somewhat expensive, so I hit the internet looking for inspiration.
Actually I was looking for a cheaper supplier of the 10motives, but I stumbled
across one of your videos in the process.
This opened up a whole world of possibilities and I realized that there was a group
of people who enjoyed vaping, not as a quit smoking thing, but as a hobby in itself.
This gave it credibility and immediately I decided that I did not want an analogue
lookalike and to be grouped with that sad crowd of people who are desperately
fighting their cigarette addiction. Vaping is something I could enjoy as an activity
in itself, so I needed some gear!
As luck would have it, a small supplier had just opened up nearby so I went in and
said “tell me about vaping and sell me some kit!”
They sold their own branded CE5 vaping kit for ??19.99 with 3ml of free juice.
Peering at the counter display and chatting to the guy though, we ended up putting
together a kit of upgraded eGo battery topped with a ViviNova.
Fearful of falling into the vaping AND smoking trap, I opted for 10ml of the 24mg
juice from Ritchy in original tobacco and a trial 3ml of the Ritchy Espresso.
And I’ve been happily vaping ever since (helped by your video on rebuilding the
faithful ViviNova).
I found enough rolling tobacco in my car armrest a couple of weeks back so rolled it
into a cigarette – and I didn’t like it! RESULT!
I’ve now been studying your videos for battery mods.
The choice is bewildering, but thanks to you (and availability or lack of, in the
UK) I am narrowing down the list.
Replaceable parts is what is required – I cannot be doing with replacing the whole
eGo thing.
I cannot get an AnyVape CVI over here so I watched your lengthy videos on the eVic
with the firmware updates that look remarkably like they have also watched your
The decision has yet to be made.
So many thanks for your inspiration.

Best regards,

Posted in Recent News


So do you remember when I said in the review that I heard stories about the VapeOnly BCC Mini cracking at the threads.  No need to read anymore… just see the pictures below.

How did it happen?  Not sure really.  The rig was in my pocket.  Wasn’t doing anything strenuous (or climbing ladders), just walking around the house.  I reached into my pocket and was greeted by a juicy mess (get your mind out of the gutter).

This really bummed me out because I was enjoying this little ce style tank.  I actually thought the flavor and performance was slightly better than the EVOD.  This changes the review to a thumbs down.  They need to beef this little guy up a little bit.

I’m happy to report that the iTaste VV made it through the rain.


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The ASTRO mechanical from Kato has been added to the Review Queue!

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Lot’s of people asking me about this drip tip in the comments of that video so here you go…

It came from the House Of Vapor. It’s called the Slip Tip. Click the photo below to be taken to the site.


I’ve got some new tips to show you guys in an upcoming review as well!

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Posted in Is It Safe Recent News

Press Conference: Annoucement of ECLAT Study Results (June 25th 2013)

Thanks to the Dimitris and the Vape Team for this edited version of the entire press conference.

This is the abridged announcement of the results of the ECLAT Electronic Cigarette Study (“Efficiency and Safety of an Electronic Cigarette as a Tobacco Substitute”) headed by Dr. Riccardo Pelosa from the University of Catania in Italy. Dr. Michael Siegel from the Boston University School of Public Health also discusses the implications of the study from the perspective of public health.

The full results of the study can be found HERE. Video below.

The Video:

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Although it will be a little while before I can get to the review on this item, I’ve been permitted to post the following information:

  • The Russian Pre-sale will begin on Monday, July 1st.
  • Vendors will be able to purchase the device HERE.
  • I believe users will be able to purchase HERE .
  • Minimum retail price: EU : 89,99 €, UK : 79,99 GBP, USA: 114.99 USD

Please do not email me on this.  I’ll update the information here as I find out more.  Thanks!!


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I’m happy to report that the Sponsorship Banners have been moved to the new application with no down time. Things should be up and running and the system will allow new sponsors again.

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