Author: pbusardo
A PBusardo Review -The DNA-20
Although I took a look at the DNA-20 in the Opus-D review, I wanted a stand-alone DNA-20 video I could refer people to when looking at DNA-20 devices in the future.
Some review in this one, but it’s all-inclusive.
Hope it helps some of you out there.
The Links:
The Video:
The Photos:
From Louie
Phil Busardo,
I started Smoking when I was 13………
Around the age of 28 I picked up one of the initial cigarette automatic devices, and
could not find any enjoyment in it. Went back to analogs for five years and ended
up overpaying for an L-Rider at a mall kiosk . The technology and flavorings had
advanced so much that I was able to go from roughly 1 pack per 3 days to pure vaping
bliss walking out of the mall (91 days as of this communication)……… and stopped when I was 33.
Scouring the internet for information led me to your videos. I have got to say,
IMHO, you are bar-none the best reviewer around. I always believed I was merely
projecting, but for some reason I always belied you were a fellow EE by training (I
am). After reading your info, my assumptions were well founded (It was something
about how you knew what the duty cycle of a circuit was).I wanted to share my story with you and to let you know that I totally dig your
videos man.AWESOME JOB!
From Karl
Hello Phil;
I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying your videos lately. I’ve
been on and off E-cigs for a few years now, being mostly disappointed by gas station
and stop-and-rob junk and getting annoyed and frustrated, jumping back into analogs
time and time again. I decided to get back into it again after doing a little bit
of homework.Part of that homework was spending a lot of my evening weekends watching your videos.
Thanks for all the work you’ve put into it, you’ve made things a whole hell of a lot
confusing for this (old) noob.Regards,
If you’ve seen some of the headlines lately, you may have raised your eyebrows. I’m getting a bunch of questions over it.
The study was done in France and we’ve seen some headlines such as “Study says e-cigarettes contain carcinogens similar to regular cigarettes” and “Report: e-cigarettes are ‘potentially carcinogenic’”
Take a deep breath (which most of us can now do thanks to electronic cigarettes) and read the response from Dr. Farsalinos HERE.
And let’s remember folks, the use of electronic cigarettes is harm reduction, not harm removal. The safest way to vape continues to be… not to vape.
Now, let’s enjoy a tune from Germany! Nice work Jayden Lyrics & Philgood.
(in my best cavemen impression)
Ugh… me agree… Phil Good! 🙂
So I’ve been hearing a lot of about cotton lately.
I always doubt until I try for myself.
Finally, the Golden Greek God himself came down from Mount Olympus and said, “Hey Feel, you should try some cotton.”
I’m one of those guys who, if I can get it to work well and I’m satisfied with the vape, I call it good enough. If I can get a slightly better vape but it increases my build time or adds steps to my build, I will usually shy away and stick what with works “good enough”.
Since using cotton simply changes one material for another, I decided to give it a try and bought some from Mod & World.
My first attempt was using it in the Russian. I rebuilt it last night. I wasn’t expecting much, but I’m quite surprised and pleased. I made sure the wick was boiled & dried before using it, and that the wick and coil were well primed before the Russian was buttoned up.
This is one of the issues with cotton. It burns. So if your wick isn’t always nice and wet, it could potentially burn, unlike silica which has much higher temperature resistance. Dry burning is also out when using cotton!
Unlike my experiences with Ekowool, which I’m not completely sold on yet, I liked the flavor of the cotton right off the bat. I thought it was slightly better & cleaner than silica. Wicking has also been flawless so far.
I see more cotton wicks in my future and look forward to trying this in more devices.
A PBusardo Review – 2 From Namber & Contest Winner & New Contest!
NOTE: The position in the chart is correct, however, the shipping price displayed is incorrect.
In this video we take a look at two from Namber Juice, find out who won the Hurricane Vapor prize pack and talk about the new 30,000 Subscriber Contest!
- Carrie’s Pecan Pie
- Moots Juice
For details on the 30,000 Subscriber Contest click HERE or “The 30,000 Subscriber Contest ends:” in the upper right window.
The Links:
Namber Juice
The Video:
From James
Hey Mr. Busardo-
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your online videos and this website.
While not a complete newb, I was not aware of just how developed the vaping scene
is and what is now so easily available. For once California is behind the curve.I switched to vaping just over a year ago, and the difference it has made in my
ability to enjoy the outdoor activities I love is amazing. Before vaping it would
take me 4 stops to catch my breath over a 1.5 mile walk to my favorite fishing spot
at the lake which is at 8k feet. Now I make one stop and it’s just for water.Oh how I wish I had known about your site and the reviews on YouTube! I started
with an ego style rip-off (SmartSmoke) and got frustrated with their products
inability to stay in one piece… The glue they used (at the time) to put the
ego/510 connection and the battery together didn’t have the thermal properties
required to withstand my vaping, and simply came apart. After two disasters and $$
on their gear, I created my own device that ran directly from either USB or wall
using the ego/510 connections that had come off the SmartSmoke devices. I had no
idea how anything really worked and was just happy to make the CE’s work.After watching all your available videos I think now if I had to I could build a new
mod it would be a much better professional device. But I opted to go commercial and
get myself an SVD based on your review. I liked the fact that there are multiple
buttons and battery configurations and that it looked either like a light saber
(Star Wars Fans) or a Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who Fans). I agree the LCD leaves
something to be desired but not having to go through a menu system is worth the
trade off.I chose to purchase mine from the FastTech site which I am sure you have heard
about. (The controversies over real or not real devices) and while I don’t have a
model directly from Innokin, this one I am using looks exactly in every way as if it
came from them. I know they are both Chinese companies and it is a funny idea of
them ripping themselves off…Anyway this has gotten way longer than I anticipated or I am sure you wanted to
read. If you got to the end congratulations, you have won nothing more than my
eternal gratification.Thanks again!
Every now and then I get something that surprises me and exceeds my expectations so let me start off this New In The Queue with a couple comments about the V3 .50 Cal from V3tronix.
Now, it does have some funky configurations and it may not be one you’ll want to take to the air port and try to get past TSA ;-), but what is does have is some of the finest machining I’ve seen. Not to mention a bottom button with a lock done right. Very impressive gentlemen.
Additional items…
- The Phantom V2
- The Aspire BDC Clearomizer (as far as I know, this is the first dual bottom coil clearomizer)
- The Kamry X8 Tank
- The Futura DNA-20 Tube Mod
From Kevin
I was a pack-a-day Newport smoker with no intention of quitting, My job does not
always allow me a “break” to smoke and was looking for a way to just cut down my
analog use. Initially I gravitated to alternate combustible items like cigars and
pipes (while not being good, are still better than cigarettes ***my previous
mentality). So there I was substituting cigarettes for cigars. While looking on
Google for a pipe tobacco called Hobbit’s Weed, I stumbled on an Ejuice called Shire
Malt by Epipemods which sounded tasty. So I started pondering, back in 2006 I
attempted to “cut down” with a no name electronic cig-a-like branded “the Smoke
Shop” (think it was a 2 piece 901 or 801). The batteries lasted like 10 minutes, the
Cartos were dry after 3 puffs, needless to say it didn’t work so i returned to full
time analogs. on May 3rd, 2013 I looked up ecigs on youtube and found some great
personalities, Grimm Green, PBusardo, Vaping Greek, etc. and started to watch the
videos and found in the last 7 years the technology of the electronic
cigarette/Personal Vaporizer has grown by leaps and bounds. Based on a few reviews
and my bad experiences with cig-a-likes in the past I decided to get a beginners
starter kit, so I purchased an ego-T kit and a Halo Triton kit (in retrospect, a bit
overkill and wasted $$). I received these kits in the mail along with a sampler from
Epipemods. That was over 3 months ago and have not smoked an analog since, and have
no desire to start again. If you would have told me 4 months ago I would be quitting
I would have laughed at you, yet by accident and some great products here I am. Now
i too have evolved past the Ego’s and are now using a vv/vw devices for my daily
vape, and have even dipped my toe in the mechanical mods. I share this story with
all smokers who have attempted to vape and failed. It is imperative you find the
right device, right delivery system and right ejuice, and it will be easy. the first
week I was doing the combo, smoking and vaping, after the first week my taste buds
decided cigarettes just taste like crap. I’ve managed to turn my wife and
brother-in-law over from analogs by sharing all the knowledge I have gained by
watching your videos (wish I would have know in ’06). While I have wasted some
money on my own R&D, I’m still in the black compared to my cigarette expenses, Some
products are hit and miss, and I have a whole drawer full of clearos, cartos, and
eliquids I’ll never use, I look forward to watching your videos and seeing the
newest and coolest products and your opinions on them prior to biting the bullet
and it has helped immensely. Keep up the good work, keep cranking out the vids, and
thank you for the quit assist.Kevin
Brooklyn, NY