Author: pbusardo
How is that different from every other night? HA!
First, sorry I can’t get the winners tonight, both for the MVP and the 30,000 scubscriber contest. The winners will have to wait for when I get back from ECC, but I think we already know won the 30K Contest!
So anyhow, I worked on a new coil tonight in prepping for CA.
This time I built myself a proper Micro Coil 🙂 I used 10 wraps of 28 gauge Kanthal wrapped on a 2.25mm drill bit:
I did the missing step in my video which is the squish and burn. This step tightens up the coil and helps it hold it’s shape:
I then mounted this little beauty in the Russian:
As you can see the resistance on this coil wind up at 1.64 ohms.
Now I put some organic cotton in there and buttoned it all up.
(maybe too much cotton, but I’m still playing)
Then I started vaping. Really good, but I knew right away that I wanted to back off my resistance a bit, but there was more playing that needed to be done.
I wanted to see the difference between organic cotton balls and the Organic Cotton Hemp Wick I got from Mod And World. A single strand was too loose in this hole (insert joke here) so I needed to get two strands through. I used a piece of 28 gauge Kanthal as a fish hook to get it through the coil.
This got me the good wire to wick contact I’m always looking for.
Off the bat, I liked the flavor of the cotton better, but the wicking of this cord a little better. That could, of course, be a function of the amount of cotton or placement so more playing would be prudent. Also, I didn’t boil the hemp wick before installing it. So the wick performance and flavor is still up in the air at this point, at least for me.
But then, I did the most important experiment directed at the thing that has been bothering me most about Micro Coils. If I look at the design, it leads me to believe that a certain amount of vapor is being blocked because of the inherent design of this coil. Since the coils are touching, vapor that could be produced isn’t being produced as it’s being blocked by the coil, so what I did was this:
After trying this coil, what is the design that’s traveling with me to California?
A Micro Coil! A few less wraps getting me to 1.2 Ohms and the Organic Cotton Hemp Wick.
(not quite as tight as I’d like it, I know you guys are looking at that last wrap 🙂 )
To my surprise it honestly worked better than the “spread coil”.
I’m very impressed with the performance, flavor, and vapor this method of coiling is producing. Not to mention the ease of creating and installing this coil. I’m now a true believer.
As I mentioned in the Micro Coil vid, what I was after is a long lasting build that I didn’t have to recoil. You simply remove the old wick, perhaps rinse the coil off, do some dry burning, and install a new wick. Increased flavor, vapor, and throat hit are wonderful fringe benefits.
My compliments to all the people involved in the creation and spreading of this method of building.
Special shout to Pete54! Thanks for that email and tips… and to everyone else who sent their ideas and comments along!
That’s it for now folks. Hope to see many of you in California!
Happy coiling everyone!
From Gerald
Hey Phil,
Just wanted to follow up with you and let you know how it is going. I quit on January 1st this year and you were kind to respond to my emails. It has been a strange journey (ha!) over the last several months, but as of today, no analogs, no cigarettes for me, period. I have been watching the videos, based on your advice I purchased a provari mini, plus I have the ego batteries for backup and just purchased an iTaste MVP 2.0.. The Kanger ProTanks have worked the best for me to hold the juices, right now I use Ecto Chill, versus a lot of different juice.
As you mention in your videos, whatever keeps us from smoking is a good thing!
So far this year, I have avoided over 10,000 cigarettes, and saved money in the process. My health is better, much better, For a 53 year old guy, I’m doing good. My wife is amazed that I could quit like that. She knows the name PBusardo, ha!
So, I just wanted to say thank you again, you are always welcome at my house here at Lake Lanier in North Georgia, you are doing great work and saving more people and their lives with your advice than you know. I actually have directed a few of my neighbors and friends to tasteyourjuice, they love your work too! Plus, a couple have quit smoking.
I’m sure that many people tell you thank you, but I want you to know that you and your site is a major factor in my success in getting away from smoking over 2 packs per day for 25 years. Please call on me if I can ever assist you in the future, best to you and your family Phil.
Both the Fogger V1 and V2 have arrived. The V2 is an improved design over the V1 utilizing a pyrex glass tank, an air flow control, and top filling port.
I purchased the V2 from Vapor Cigzz and the V1 from Vapor Beast.
Although some may consider these similar to the Kayfun, they are far closer in design to the Taifun.
After a quick inspection, I can wholeheartedly continue to call the Taifun one of my favorite atomizers. They are both missing an important feature contained in the Taifun, the ability to lower the wall surrounding the build area making access to the terminals and screws much easier to deal with.
With both the Fogger V1 & V2, the build area is recessed slightly making access more difficult.
That’s not to say we can’t get some really good builds in there, and perhaps get it to work just as well as the Taifun, but it will certainly be more of a challenge to work with.
They’ve been added to the Review Queue!
From Shane
I have been researching e-cigs for a couple weeks now. I tried a couple
disposables and the act of vamping helped severely cut my cravings for having an
analog cigarette. However the tasted horrible and would end up costing me more than
buying a pack of analogs. I decided to go on reddit and youtube about other e-cig
options and became completely overwhelmed. I read everything i could find and
watched countless videos and still didn’t feel much confidence in what exactly i was
watching/reading. Your beginners guide video has been a tremendous help. It is the
most informative and easy to understand guide out there. I was starting to get
frustrated always being confused. You have given me the confidence to pursue this to
ultimately stop smoking. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into
educating others. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.Shane
In this video we take a look at the Scorpion Mechanical from JD Tech.
Post Review Follow-up::
- 9/17/13 – Thought of another thumbs down on this one. The locking ring maybe shouldn’t have such fine threading. It makes for a lot of turns before the device is locked.
The Links:
JD Tech’s Facebook
The Video:
The Photos:
From James
Just a brief intro… When I was 18 I started smoking and that lasted for 11 years. Cigars, cigarettes, dip/pouches etc. After seeing enough guys at work vaping, I decided to check it out. I spent a solid month reviewing and learning from you and GrimmGreen. My job has me out in the field, climbing things, traveling, harsh weather etc. I needed a simple setup that could also handle the abuse. For my birthday I decided to make the investment. I settled on the ProVari and Protank. With your Melon Boba recommendation, I have a set-and-forget rig that has performed flawlessly and has withstood some serious punishment (and drops). I have been smoke free since 6/8/13. Not a single cigarette or anything else. Massive thanks for providing detailed information in a way that an OCDer like myself could sift through.
As for the Kanger Protank vs Protank 2. I had the exact same experience. The initial Protank worked great and I was waiting for the upgrade, so I was a little frustrated when the Protank 2 cut the airflow off when tightened down all the way. After swapping the base between the two tanks, the Protank 2 works perfectly. Thanks for giving me the idea in your video review, I was almost disappointed in the purchase.
Again, thank you for everything!
From Keith
Phil, thanks so much for what you have done for the vapeing community, but more for what you have done for me. After a stay in the hospital for back surgery I started vapeing the blu e-cigs and it worked for a while but I was about to give up and go back to my 28yr. smoking death sentence, but I got on the internet and searched for e-cig reviews trying to find something better before I started back and there you were, I know it sounds strange but I have considered you a friend ever since. You, and Nick,GrimmGreen, and Demetrius, May have saved my life, I have been smoke free since April 24, 2013 and vaping is my new passion I tell people about it all the time, have given away several ego style kits to people hoping I can do for them what you did for me, sort of paying it forward, Thanks again and I think the from the chair segment is great it has a one on one feel to it. Vape on!!!
From Tom
Dear Phil,
I wanted to send you an email to thank you for getting me into vaping. I was a pack a day smoker for about ten years and I quit two months ago. I feel so much better and it is great. Vaping has become one of my all time favorite hobbies now. I really love the fact you are an entertainer at heart and enjoy making people feel good. The money I am spending on gear is crazy…… but I love it. Your personality really helped me to be excited about vaping because I had tried e cigs years ago and it failed miserably. I also love the fact you are very technical as well because I am the same way. Im not an engineer like you but I’m really into that kind of thing, even though I have a degree in Philosophy. I am starting a new career in the medical field so vaping will save me from a lot of scrutiny from my co-workers. I have been a chef in fine dining for a long time and most people in the restaurant industry smoke. I know I’m rambling on and I’ll stop now. I wish you all the best and keep up the great work.