Posted in Success Stories

From Jeff

Hey Phil –

It’s long past time for me to say thanks so much for everything you do for the vape
community and everything you’ve done for me! I’d been a pack-a-day smoker for almost
20 years and have tried unsuccessfully to quit a number of times. I’d make it stick
for a week or three, maybe as many as six, but eventually turned back every time.
Years ago I picked up a 510 stick starter kit from somewhere but the batteries
sucked and the pre-filled cartos were pretty awful, and while I figured out how to
tear them apart and refill them with the then tough to find juice, the whole thing
was just too much of a pain so I dumped them. I tried the Blu stuff about a year ago
but it was more of the same. Then this spring I noticed some people wandering around
with what I now know are eGo/Stardust rigs and they seemed to be enjoying them, so I
decided to give it another shot. I turned to the interwebs and immediately felt
overwhelmed by everything that was out there. Then I found your site and your
getting started guides which really brought everything together for me and made me
feel like I was making informed decisions about how to get started and maximize my
chances for success. And success I’ve found! I picked up an eGo starter kit from a
local B&M, tossed the rest of my pack of Winstons, and jumped in head first.
Yesterday marked 4 months without a cigarette (take that, RJ Reynolds! Pack a day
this, suckers!), but even better, I’ve found something that I like way better than
smoking and picked up a new hobby in the process. I can’t imagine turning back to
cigarettes now! I’ve now become a bit of a vapor evangelist around work, the pool
hall, etc., and I always start with the same thing: Go to and let
Phil Busardo show you the way!

Keep up the great work! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an eVic and Aspire BDC Mini
Nova filled with Mt. Baker’s Thug Juice calling to me! Yah, I’ve upgraded a bit. 🙂

Many many many thanks –
– Jeff

Posted in Success Stories

From Gil

Hi Phil,
For starters, I want to thank you for all the time and great work you put into your
videos & site. It has helped me open my mind, learn, and most importantly stop
smoking. Im 23 years old, and I started smoking when I was 18. I smoked a pack a day
of Djarum Black clove cigarettes for 5 years. My family and my girlfriend hated it
cause I reeked of smoke. Not to mention the obvious dangers, and I slowly started to
realize what I was doing to myself. One day, I woke up and took a deep breath and it
hurt. I knew then that I had a problem, but I ignored it and carried on smoking. A
week after that I was hanging out with a friend of mine, and he showed me his PV and
he told me how much he loved it and that he quit smoking. And I figured if it worked
for him, maybe it can work for me. So I went to YouTube, and I found your videos and
your site. I found them full of information and entertaining to watch/read. Raising
my interest on the topic even more. I went online, and I ordered an ego kit with a
bottle of juice. While it was on its way I continued smoking, every morning was that
pain of the first breath. Once it got to my house, I loaded it up and I started
vaping and never looked back. That day I realized that I didn’t need cigarettes
anymore, that there was an alternative. That day my cigarettes for their way into
the trash. I later learned about variable voltage, the meaning of PG/VG, MODs,
cartos, and so much other stuff because of you. I upgraded my unit, and with all I
learned, it made my experience so much better! I don’t want to ramble, but I cant
emphasize enough how much you’ve helped me. All your videos just made it so much
easier to understand that I wasn’t alone in the fight, and that I was part of a huge
community of people who wanted to see change in their lives. So in closing, I’ve
been smoke free for a year now. And that first deep breath in the morning, is the
most refreshing thing in the world. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Phil.
For everything you do and will continue to do. You are a great person, a fantastic
educator, and overall a funny guy. I hope one day I have the pleasure of meeting
you, vaping, and having a good conversation.
Thanks so much!

Posted in Recent News


Why I continue to respect this company…

I already feedback this to product’s manager , he will going to measure MVP2.0 connector center pin.
I already ask change iClear30S box rebuildable into Replaceable 🙂

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Posted in Mechanicals Recent News


A PBusardo Review – MKB-TS Mechanical

In this video we take a look at the MKB-TS telescoping mechanical. A GG-TS-A-LIKE.

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


Kanger recently announced the ProTank 3. Looks like they “Aspired” to have a dual bottom coil as well, and this version does. They are on their way for review.

They’ve also announced the OmniTank Mini.


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Posted in Recent News


I join Russ tonight on CLICK BANG to discuss some head.  Aspire heads that is.  His show starts at 9PM and I should show up around 10PM.

CLICK HERE to listen to the show live.

As mentioned in the “Air Video“, I was going to take a look at some Aspire heads to see if I could see where the “rubber” taste is coming from for some people.

Russ of Click Bang radio on the VP Live Network send me his heads (in some rather unique packaging 🙂 ). He claimed to taste and smell rubber.

I tried his heads with the liquid he had in his tank and next to mine. I then drained his liquid, cleaned the tank, and reloaded it with my liquid. I could sense a little of what he was talking about, but nowhere near as bad as some of the worst T3 heads I’ve tried.  So I continued on. This is what was done…

Step 1

Vape several heads I received side by side to find the “best” and “worst” flavor.  The tank style that was used in all the experiments 3 packages of the eGo type were opened and tested.


  • They all tasted somewhat similar. I did notice some tasted slightly better than the others, however not enough to trigger any review comments.
  • Note that my “best” had some vape time on it.
  • One had a slightly perfumy taste when first vaped which quickly went away.
  • I did notice some threading issues.  1 wouldn’t thread onto an eGo. 1 just kept spinning on a SID and wouldn’t tighten down.  QUALITY CONTROL!!!

Step 2

Compare the one head Russ had in his clear with my best and my worst.

All photos are attached. In all photos from left to right… Russ’s head, Phil’s Best, Phil’s Worst.

  • Image 1 – The three heads. No difference.
  • Image 2 – Disassembly begins.
  • Image 3 – Fully disassembled.
  • Image 4 – Bottom coils side by side. The joins appear to be SLIGHTLY lower on Russ’s and my worst.
  • Image 5 – Top coils side by side. No noticeable differences.
  • Image 6 – Heat shielding. No noticeable differences.
  • Image 7 – Bottom rubber plug, bottom view. Tough to say on this one. They all show discoloration. Whether or not this is from burning is hard to say. No extreme damage is visible.
  • Image 8 – Bottom rubber plug, top view. Tough to say on this one. They all show discoloration. Whether or not this is from burning is hard to say. No extreme damage is visible.
  • Image 9 – “Filler Material”. No noticeable differences.
  • Image 10 – Main outer casing. Side view. No noticeable differences.
  • Image 11 – Main outer casing top view. My worst appears to have a smaller opening. My best appears to have the largest.
  • Image 12 – Bottom metal plug. No noticeable differences.
  • Image 13 – Inner casing. This is where the biggest difference is. Russ’s and what I have deemed my worst are substantially taller than the one I deemed to be my best.
  • Image 14 – Inner casing view 2. In this photo you can see not only the differences in height, but the taller ones have two larger slots and to smaller slots. The shorter one only has the two larger slots.
  • Image 15 & 16 – Testing each coil to validate resistance/no resistance joins. All pass.
  • Image 17 – Coils after firing. Nothing to see here. Just cool to see how the spread if I apply any pressure while firing them. 😉
  • Image 18 – Out of curiosity, I pulled apart another one of my known “good” heads. Guess what. It’s the last one in the picture. Hmmm.


I was sincerely hoping I didn’t find any significant differences between the heads I received from Eigate and the heads Russ purchased.  For example, mine used resistance/no resistance while Russ’s had only resistance.  I’m glad I didn’t find that as the “shit storm” would have been massive.  🙂

I did expect to find wire joins at different distances from the coil, which I thought could potentially lead to the problem some are experiencing.  I did see this, but it was very slight, however…

When working in a world this small, the slightest little difference could impact your vape and taste.

This, when combined with different inner casings, different liquids, different airflows from different devices, different and subjective tastes, and people being used to the “taste” of other devices only compounds any potential issue.

Every device has it’s own “taste”.  To some, that taste may be acceptable, to others it may not be, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I personally believe that even if these were 100% identical in every way, people will still have different experiences with them, perhaps due to the airflow of their device, perhaps with how their liquids and flavorings react to the filler, tank, other materials within the head, etc, or perhaps just their perception of how this particular device “tastes”.

For example, during BogeGate, I noticed the “turkey bacon” flavor was much more prevalent when using Green Peach Tea over other liquids.

Regarding the different inner casing heights, I will be contacting Eigate to see what’s going on there.

Not sure how much this helped, but some of you may at least find it interesting.

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Posted in Recent News


Join me in wishing “RunnerX” the very best of luck in the upcoming NYC marathon!  Let’s also thank him for portraying vaping in a positive light!

“RunnerX” would like his identity kept secret until after the race so that officials can’t veto his entry and prevent him  from running

ScreenHunter_116 Oct. 15 11.28We are pleased to announce that experienced marathoner, RunnerX, will be highlighting the benefits of electronic cigarettes as harm reduction products by running the 26.2 mile ING New York City Marathon on November 3, 2013…while vaping through all five Boroughs of the race.
Less than eight months after starting vaping, RunnerX is ready to show fellow Vapers that e-cigarettes can be part of an active lifestyle. Even though most people will never run a Marathon, RunnerX wants Vapers everywhere to know that replacing tobacco with a personal vaporizer is a great step towards a healthier life.

RunnerX has completed more than two dozen Marathons and Ultra Marathons including four Marathons in four days and a 50 mile Trail Ultra Marathon. RunnerX has a professional degree and co-owns a vape shop on the West Coast of the United States. The endurance runner got into vaping to replace the cigarette habit that started in high school and continued while in the Army.

Show your support by showing up along the Marathon route on race day for a toot and a picture. This will be a great opportunity for the vaping community to make a strong statement in support of tobacco harm reduction. It will also send a message to New York’s Mayor Bloomberg that Vapers are a strong and united group.

We look forward to seeing you along the course on November 3, 2013!

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Innokin iTaste VTR, holster, and new iClear30s!

In this video we take a full, and rather long look at the new Innokin iTaste VTR, the new holster, and the new iClear30s. Then… WE GIVE ONE AWAY!!

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


The Lambo 6.0! This one came in from Smoktek (Not Smoktech).

Although it looks like another ProVari knock-off, what’s under the hood has my interest…

  • VV – 3.3-6V in .1 V increments
  • VW – 0-20W in 1 W increments
  • Ohm Meter
  • Easy To Adjust
  • $75!

Can’t wait to scope this one.  This one is getting bumped.

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Posted in Miscellaneous Recent News


A PBusardo Review – VegasBindery Holsters and the Aurora BFT (Bottom Fed Tank)

In this video we do some show and tell with holsters from Vegas Bindery and we review the Aurora BFT (Bottom Fed Tank) from Vision.

The Links:
Vegas Bindery

The Video:

The Photos:

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