Posted in Hybrids Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Silver Dog V2 Hybrid

In this video we add more to the stocking and then take a look at the Silver Dog V2 Hybrid… a center wick genesis style hybrid.

The Links:
The Silver Dog V2 on VaporWall

The Video:

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Posted in Juices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Good Life Vapor’s Deadly Sin

In this video we add more to the stocking and finally do the “official review” for Good Life Vapor’s Deadly Sin E-Liquid.

I’d like to welcome this liquid as the latest addition to my list of favs.  It’s long overdue.

The Links:
Good Life Vapor

The Video:

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Posted in Recent News


How about an adapter?  This is the first of many I’m sure we’ll see.

Thanks for the heads up Vince!

Aspire head to Protank Adapter

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Just some FYI for you here:

CRAFT VAPERY launches premium vaping subscription service

Los Angeles, CA (December 16, 2013) – CRAFT VAPERY is thrilled to introduce the first
premium online vaping subscription and discovery service.

A $40 monthly subscription is all that is required to be part of CRAFT VAPERY’s
unparalleled, customized, and finely curated vaping experience. Each delivery includes
three different vaping liquids, hand-picked by a panel of industry pioneers and flavor
experts, who draw on each subscriber’s “flavor profile” and are assisted by CRAFT
VAPERY’s personal recommendation engine. The experience is designed to help new
and existing vapers alike navigate a busy marketplace and discover the best of the
industry with ease.

“CRAFT VAPERY’s innovation begins online, offering people a convenient, unique and
personal way to discover, learn about, and shop the best vaping products on the market,”
says CEO Omri Agam. “It’s a company I wish had been around when I started vaping.”

Subscription signup begins December 16, with the first boxes shipping early January 2014.
CRAFT VAPERY is limiting their December membership to the first 300 subscribers.
These early adopters will be instrumental in shaping the experience through personal
feedback and quality control. CRAFT VAPERY subscribers can each rate their monthly
selection, awarding their favorites and noting personal preferences, to refine future
curation and ensure the most personalized experience possible. Along with flavor
preferences, subscribers may select their nicotine strength, as well as add hardware,
accessories and supplies to each order.

“With so many new products on the market and no system to determine what’s good and
what’s not, we’ve felt confusion and frustration shared by so many of our fellow vapers.
We put together a team of incredibly talented industry veterans to bring the best in-store
experience online, for everybody,” says Agam.

The company’s unparalleled collection of experts has experience in vaping technology,
manufacturing, marketing, and legal and governmental affairs. One founding expert is
Josh Krane, former CMO of the first e-cigarette company in the U.S. market, SafeCig.

“We believe our passion for vaping will make a curated, premium subscription offering like
CRAFT VAPERY a success.” Krane added, “As a curator, I can’t wait to get to know our
first 300 members, and to use their insights to scale our curation services to vapers

For more information, visit,, and

Here’s a screenshot of their “flavor profile personalization engine”. Click it to check them out!

CRAFT VAPERY_FlavorSelector_screenshot

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Posted in Success Stories

From Jon

Hi Phil, I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all that you
do. This is only my 2nd or 3rd time browsing your website, but I’ve been a fan of
your videos since I first started vaping (which was a long 6 months ago). I’ve
always found your videos to be really well done, honest, straightforward, no
bullshit or kitschy antics, with excellent sound quality, (so far as youtube videos
go) and I’d always secretly wondered what was behind the studio control room door
that serves as the backdrop for your videos. After reading your “About Me” section,
all that was cleared up. One thing I’ve noticed in the videos by others that I’ve
seen, is that the audiophile vaping community is quite possibly the smallest
subcategory of this scene.
Most recently I watched your VaperCon wrap-up video, and I was really moved
by what you said about being in Florida and seeing the older generation
putting down cigarettes and picking up vaping. That is really what this thing
is all about, and you are so right, that too many people get caught up in the
drama and miss the big picture.
I’ll wrap this up with just a few more praises. Thank you for your review of
the Aspire tanks, the followup with the Aspire+VTR & air control ring (which
I still need to get), and I am really excited to see this new “Aspire
Nautilus”. From what I gathered from a little Alibaba searching, will be a
5ml tank. I also think that it’s really cool that you have listings of vape
shops nation-wide on your site.
Keep up the great work (and don’t let all this flattery go to your head)


Posted in Success Stories

From Kasey

I just wanted to thank you for the well thought out and professional
videos. I’ve worked in Radio for 20 years and WAS a smoker of 25 years. I quit cold
turkey and stayed that way for 4 years and recently went back to smoking (2 years
now). The wife was not happy to say the least. One day I wandered in to the local
e-cig store and got started vaping. I found your videos online and have learned so
much. (still cant figure out why my kanger II is giving a burnt taste on some
liquids tho)…anyway, Been vaping for 2 weeks and tobacco free for a week and plan
to stay that way. Thanks for sharing the great vids and vast knowledge about the
vaping hardware.

Posted in Success Stories

From Rob

Hi Phil

I`m a guy in my mid 30`s from the UK who`s just switched to vaping full time after
21 years of Tobacco. The last 10 years spent smoking hand rolled cigs.
I didn`t actually have a really strong desire to quit, just knew I should as it
clearly was starting to take a toll on me physically, not to mention the huge
financial cost.

My wife brought a Totally Wicked Tornado Ego-C home about 2 weeks ago and I gave it
a go.
I didn`t smoke another analogue that night at all, 6PM – 1AM no Tobacco.
At that point I realized that this could actually work. I could actually stop smoking.
I had 3 analogues the following morning, only because my wife had gone to work,
taking the Ego with her.

We have a really good old fashioned tobacconist about 5 mins walk from my business
and I knew they sold e-cigs so I went and bought a Silver Match Ego, spare battery
and a few clearomisers and a couple of bottles of DEA liquid.
I have not smoked a single cigarette since then and it has now been about 2 weeks
and I already find analogues actually repellant. I can`t believe how effective
vaping has been as a means to get me off cigs, especially as I basically did it on a
whim with no real expectations at all.

The Vaping Community is fantastic and I`m spending a lot of time on Planet Of The
Vapes and learning what works best for me, experimenting with fluids and flavours
etc. Really love the whole “scene”.
Your site is fantastic, love your style, humor and the way you make what can be a
complex subject really accessible, found your vids on Youtube and have spent hours
on your site since.

I realize I don`t “need” to spend too much or upgrade my current setup as yet but I
can see me doing so in the future mainly because I`m a total gadget freak and even
the more expensive mods are way cheaper than smoking in the long run. I`ll simply
pass my older stuff on to my wife as and when I upgrade so it`ll cost her nothing to
keep vaping.

I`ll say goodbye for now as I`m rambling on a bit now 🙂
Take care Phil, love the site.


Posted in Success Stories

From Olivier

Hi Phil !

My name is Olivier, a 30 years old vaper from France. I’ve smoked during 10 years and started vaping about 6 months ago. It took me some time to completely quit but it’s now been 1 full month without any tobacco.

Why am I writing to you ?
Well, just to thank you for all your work ! Despite being a beginner and only using an eRoll, it’s always a pleasure to watch your reviews, even on high end products. And I’m not only discovering new stuff, I’m also improving in english. Your speech is very clear for foreigners and I’ve learned many words thanks to you, like “cranky”, “pet peeve” or “nitpicky”.
Which leads me to another point : you really pay attention to details. There are many other reviewers out there but your videos are usually longer and go much deeper. Size comparison, weight, oscilloscope, switch resistance, leak testing and so on… You cover every aspect and this is really appreciated.

Now, after attending a small vape meeting two weeks ago, I’ve been able to try out mods and taste the difference with my small eRoll. The consequence is I’m currently waiting for a Vamo, a Protank 2, an Aspire BDC and an Igo-L to also start with rebuildable atomizers. I feel like your reviews will be even more interesting in the future !

Oh and, last but not least, don’t lose your sense of humor !

Keep up the good work. 🙂


Posted in Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Kayfun Lite+ and CU Vaping Contest Winner

In this video we take a look at the differences between the Kayfun Lite, the Kayfun Lite+, and the Russian 98 (ha ha) %.

We also pick the winner of the CU Vaping contest.

The Links:

The Video:

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Posted in Recent News


The clearomizers are coming hot and heavy these days.  The good news is that they keep getting better (for the most part).  The bad news is that they are coming HOT AND HEAVY and it’s tough to keep up with them all.

I’ve got a lot of new ones in the Review Queue including the new iClear30B… Innokin’s entry into the bottom dual coil scene, as well as the new, air flow adjustable, Kanger Aero Tank.  Note that there will be an air flow adjustable Aspire as well.

I received all of the current (not including the air flow version) versions of the Aspire to show you what’s available.  Although I do, at this point, agree that the Aspire “colors” the flavor of the liquid (some liquids more than others) I still enjoy the vape quality they provide.

  1. CE4 – Recessed, Integrated Mouthpiece, Plastic
  2. CE4 – Not Recessed, Integrated Mouthpiece, Plastic
  3. Mini Nova – Metal/Glass, Not Recessed, Integrated Mouthpiece
  4. Mini Nova – Metal/Glass, Recessed, Integrated Mouthpiece
  5. Mini Nova – Plastic, Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  6. CE5 – Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece, Metal/Plastic
  7. CE5 – Not Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece, Metal/Plastic
  8. CE5 – Plastic, Not Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  9. CE5 – Plastic, Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  10. CE5 – Plastic, Recessed, Integrated Mouthpiece
  11. Mini Nova – Metal/Plastic, Cap, Recessed, Non-Standard Flat Tip Mouthpiece
  12. Mini Nova – Metal/Plastic, Cap, Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  13. Vivi Nova – Plastic, Not Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  14. Vivi Nova – Metal/Glass, Not Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece
  15. Vivi Nova – Metal/Plastic, Not Recessed, Changeable Mouthpiece

The photos below follow the numbers above.  An EVOD is shown in each photo as a size comparison.

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