Author: pbusardo
From Lex
Dear Phil , I’m Alessandro and I’m from Italy.
I’m writing at you today to thank you again for the help that you
provided me in regard quitting smoking traditional cigarettes.
As i told you last January ( and no , i don’t pretend u remember this 🙂
) i have been smoking for 20 years until i rediscovered the vape …
Yes because 5 years ago i did buy a 510 kit in a drugstore here in Italy
( 2 batteries , 5 carto , a charger and 1 wall adapter for the “modest”
price of 140 euro ) , but after few days i put that powerless device in
a drawer where is still is.
Then , last November , a friend of mine has told me that the devices
were exponentially improved and the vape experience was incredibly
satisfying , so i decided to look on the web what was in the market and
i found yours videos …
With your help i was convinced to try again and i bought an ego w kit
…. since the day it is arrived i never touched a cigarette again …
I used only my ego w , ( and an ego twist actually) since last week .
Now i took the step into advanced vape and i bought a vamo v5 and a
aga-td and i am so excited 😀
Of course i still use the ego at work ( i work in my own little
engineering company , with CNC and C.L. machines ) but a vw device and a
rba make a huge difference 🙂
in the end i want say a big THANK YOU Phil Busardo for the great job you
make for the vaping community and the ones who need info to decide that
vaping is really an harms reduction and also a viable and working
alternative to smoking .
Thanks again and i look forward for the day I’ll manage to come in the
Usa and thank you in person
Holy crap my color is off in this video! Damn camera keeps forgetting my color settings! And it looks like I managed to cut off the end of the video. What a great way to start off the new year! Ugh! 🙂
In this video we welcome in the new year with a slide. Thanks Elaine! We do a quick show-n-tell on a photo mod holder from and we do a “Battle Of The Bottoms” with several bottom coil clearomizers. It’s by no means a complete list, but some of the big ones are mentioned. We then take a closer look at the winner of the contest, the Aspire Nautilus.
The Links:
The Nautilus at GotVapes
The Video:
The Photos:
From Sam
Hey Phil,
After watching your last video of 2013, you got me thinking…how the heck did I, in
the short time I’ve been vaping, stick with this and not just go back into smoking
cigarettes? Let me just say that you, sir, have had a huge impact on that. All the
videos of yours that I’ve watched have been influential and helpful to me in many
ways. I met you at Vapebash last year, and there you showed me that no matter the
popularity on youtube, websites, blogs, etc. you are just an average guy helping out
average people like me! You said something to me that stuck with me at Vapebash. I
walked up and the first thing I said was, “hey Phil! My name’s Sam, and I just
wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your videos!” and you stopped me right there and
told me, “Sam…there’s no such thing as fans to me, we’re all friends.” That to me
not only showed plenty of character on your part, but also that this community is
just that! We’re all friends, and you telling me that helped me stick to that.
Without your videos, I wouldn’t have found other influential people such as Nick
Green, who I also met at Vapebash, and I was more than fortunate enough to snap a
pic with the both of you, and I’m glad that this community has guys like you who are
willing to help people like me. I won’t ramble on and on and on, because I know
you’re a busy man like the rest of us, so to sum it all up…Thank you for what you
do. You’ve helped me, as well as thousands of other people I’m sure, with a
healthier (at least that’s what studies are starting to point to and can vouch for
that as a person with asthma,) alternative to the cancer sticks, and we all
appreciate it very much! I hope to see you at Vapebash again in 2014, and if time
allows, have a vape with you. Thank you again, Phil, and may 2014 be great to you
and your family!Take care,
From Thomas
First have a Happy New Year and second I and my family would like to thank
you for getting me off a 2 pack a day habit that lasted 35 years. Thank to your
videos I have been able to stay off cigs for 6 months now and I could not be more
happy. So thank you very much.
From Tony
Hi Phil
First of all I’d like to wish you and your family a very healthy and prosperous new
year.I am a newbie to vaping living in the UK and have been a smoker for many years, I
have tried and succeeded……and failed to give up a few times. I believe when you
go cold turkey you miss the interaction with the cigarette, nothing to hold. So I
thought I would give these e-cigs ago, fell into the normal learning curve pit
falls, juice in the mouth, dry draw running out of juice….etc, so I threw it in a
draw and left it for a few months.Then in November I had 12 days leave and I said to the wife “while I’m off I’ll give
it another go”, so armed with my tornado tank I took the first step on my journey,
seeking advise at my local totally wicked shop and the guys were really helpful.
Then the first few days under my belt off to the web and that’s when I found “Taste
your juice” and started watching the videos, It has been inspirational, I now know
it can be a hobby with all the peripherals that go with it, I think you do an
excellent job with the vids. So its been 6 weeks and I now vape a sigelei v5 and a
protank 2 and I love it. I look forward to continuing to learn alongside your
videos.Keep up the good work Phil
From Sean
My wife and I have both been free of cigs for about six months now and a
huge chunk of the credit is due to the information I gleaned from your site and your
reviews. We started with the KGO kit and now we both have VAMO’s and I recently got
into RBA’s and RDA’s. You taught me everything from filling my first carto to
wrapping my first coil and I honestly just want to say, thank you!
A PBusardo Video & Contest – Year End Buhl-In Awards & THE STOCKING!
In this video we wrap up 2013 with the 2013 “Buhl-In” awards and tell you how to win the stocking. Better get your entries in quick!
Congratulations to the following 2013 “Buh-In” Award winners!
- Tatroe Base
- The Revizer Mod Stand
- The Kanger ProTank
- Kir Fanis Carto Tanks
- The Taifun
- The Kayfun
- Micro Coils and Cotton Builds
- The DNA-20
- The Innokin 134
- The V3Tronix .50 Cal Mod
- Tribute from Juicy Vapor
- Deadly Sin from Good Life Vapor
- Castle Long Reserve from Five Pawns
The Video:
From Craig
Phil –
I just wanted to drop you a note to say Thank You. I’m a new vapor and had my last
analog on October 10, 2013. I don’t think that this would have been possible without
you. I’m 47 years old and have smoked since I was 15. I did not have a great desire
to quit smoking but knew that I had to quit.I’m not going to lie, I thought giving up my so called friend, the almighty cig, was
not going to be easy. It was always there for me when I needed it. By nature I’m an
anxious person and I used smoking as an escape and a way to relieve my general
anxiety. I tried the gas station ecigs without success and then I started browsing
YouTube for egis info. and after several videos of guys that actually scared me:)
and confused me, I found you.There was something about you that I connected with and decided to dive into vaping
head first. I started with an Ego Twist and EVOD that you recommended and have not
looked back.I know you are sitting in front of camera and probably don’t always realize the
impact you can have on a persons life. Smoking was killing me and now I feel that
I’m on the right track.As far as timing, quitting smoking could not have come at a worst time for me. 2013
has not been a kind year to my family. After I gave up cigs, my 12 year old Son was
diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and shortly thereafter my wife was diagnosed with
Leukemia. If there was ever a reason to go back to cigs this was it, but every time
I wanted to light up I would come to your website and watch a video or two. It did
not matter what you were reviewing, it was you and your personality that I needed to
hear. Many times I just came to your site to take my mind off the health issues my
family is experiencing.I know it may seem strange that I found comfort in your videos but I did and wanted
to take the time to let you know that what you are doing is appreciated and is
effecting people in ways you may not even be aware of.Hopefully I’ll be able to afford the nice items you review someday but for now I’ll
have to stay with what I can afford (I even hate to think about the mods I could
have purchased if we had a better Health Care/Insurance system!) The important
thing is that I’m still off analogs and you are a large part of it and deserve a
great big Thank You!I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!!!!!!!!
ALMOST 2014!
Can someone please tell me where the hell 2013 went? I thought time would slow down as I got older. NOT!!
HOPEFULLY I’ll be making a quick Year End Roundup vid tonight with the STOCKING contest instructions in it so watch for it.
Now, for the Juice Review Queue…
I have one liquid left to go and that’s the new Smoov Ultra Line. What happened to Delaware? I know Andrew is swamped with orders and a new B&M so I need to let him catch up a bit.
Before I open up Juice Reviews to the public again, there are several companies I want to try/review.
This list is based on liquids I’ve sampled, liquids I’ve read about, and many of you hounding me to try your favorite juice companies. 🙂
Here’s the list…
Any of these companies are more than welcome to contact me about the review. If not, I’ll be ordering soon! 🙂
From Paul
Hi Phil, this may look odd, i dont have any questions, i wont bother you too long, i just wanted to thank you for your amazing work and tell you an already classic story. I smoked for 4 years minimum 2 packs a day very strong cigarets and suddenly, at 3rd Jan 2012 i started vaping. I bought a set of 2 SaileBao 901T with 1 ml tanks and i think 200 mAh batteries :)) and from that on i.m clean. The next step was an igo battery with a vivi nova mini, and i vaped more than an year so. Than i found grimmgreen on youtube, i watched all his videos, and he mentioned you in a couple of his videos, so i searched you up. A week later i ended up with a SID [short info: the threads on my SID mod and a ProTank 2 (which i build myself with cotton), and with all your and grimm’s videos watched minimum 2 times. In a couple of months, after my budget expands a little bit i will make the next step into the big boys area with a kayfun or a russian, or maybe a 3d autodripper (dimitri’s idea…yeah, i searched him out because you mention him a lot). So as you do in your 40 min videos, i ended up longer than i wanted, but…again, thank you a lot for your work and for your objectivity and attention to details and technical infos, and keep on doing it. Best regards, Paul from Germany.