Posted in Success Stories

From Joe

Hi Phil,
My name is Joe and I wanted to personally thank you with assisting me on the “journey”.I am 44 years old and was a pack plus a day smoker for 20plus years.In march 2013 I was at a buddys house and his sister was vaping an ego with a small clearo on it.I asked a few questions and decided to give it a first setup was a few ego twists and a mini nova tank.In the fall my interests expanded and I found you on youtube.Thanks to your informative reviews/tutorials I have graduated to vaping rebuildables (kayfun lite plus,russian 91%,the mcv atomic dripper etc.)I even splurged on a provari 2.5,and the vho cronus(very nice mod by the way). well any way..thanks again for the reviews and advice …god bless cotton and micro coils lol. Thanks again …youve been of great assistance in changing my life for the better.


Posted in Devices Just For Fun Recent News


A PBusardo Video – The Graham Noodle

WARNING – Contains adult content.

It’s the wood that makes it good in this video as we take a look at the “Graham Noodle”. Thanks to Elaine for trying to make me squirm through this video!

More for fun, less for review. 🙂

The Links:
Affordable Mods

The Video:

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The KSD KMax

China has found yet another letter to put in front of “Max”! 🙂

In this video we take a look at the KSD KMax VV/VW telescoping device.

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


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Posted in Success Stories

From Orlando

Hi Phil,

I am writing you to say that i really enjoy your reviews and I found them very
informative. I started out with logic ecigs, then moved to the halo system which I
still use and now I bought the Sigelli Zmax V5. I went with the Sigelli because of
your review of V3. I am now 2 years analog free and I feel great and I love vaping.

Anyway just wanted to say keep up the great reviews.

Vape on!


Posted in Success Stories

From Dorian

If you ever said to anyone “If I can make a difference in one life….”,
then you can say it with confidence because you made a huge difference in mine.

I was smoking for 45 years (1.5 paks a day). When on a whim, I picked up a Blu.
Hated it! I knew there had to be more. Then I found your videos and ran to a vape

Haven’t touched a cigarette since. Now, I’ve got a Genesis RBA coming and looking
forward to building my own coil.

Thank you Phil (hope I can call you that), You are surely making a difference in the
world around you.


Posted in Recent News


A PBusardo Video – A Fireside Chat With Zen


In this two part video I have a “Fireside” chat with Zen from the House Of Hybrids. We talk about vaping, his new ZNA, the DNA-30, and Zen-Coating among other things.

We take a look at his new lounge and the upcoming ZFO or Zen Factory Outlet.

We also get a behind the scenes look at his assembly area (quick) and prototyping/manufacturing facility (longer), which is contained in part 2.

I didn’t do a lot of editing here as I wanted to give you an idea of the man & mind behind the product which continues to impress me.

I’m very appreciative he allowed me this look and I’m thrilled to bring it to you. Love him or not, I hope you find it interesting and enjoy the conversation and look at the facility.

I hope you enjoy it!

The Videos:

Part 1

Part 2

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Posted in Recent News


Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to attend this one, but you should!  🙂

Click the logo to get all the information!


… and just a quick comment, because I heard something over ECC that bothered me a bit.  I don’t want anyone to EVER think I choose the events I attend based on any personal bias or drama in the community.  Believe me, I don’t care about the drama and who doesn’t get along with who.  I care about you, the vaper.  You are the reason I do the things I do and I’m very appreciative for you.

Folks, if it were up to me, I’d attend EVERY event both big and small.  I enjoy all of them and I love to meet people (although I can’t remember names to save my life).  However… family, work, schedules, time, and money all get in the way.  So until I win the Lotto, can quit my job, and can afford this (quick someone Photoshop a private jet with my logo on the side of it so I can post it here)…



I simply can’t attend them all, but I do the best I can.

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Posted in Success Stories

From “Papa John”

My story is quite similar to all of my age group which is 68+.

I started in 1960 at 15 in high school to be cool, but was not an everyday smoker until being invited to join the Army in April 1969. It was basic training and the DI said take a smoke break. I didn’t smoke so I was standing with the smokers under a tree when the DI noticed I others were not smoking. He asked how many were not smokers, several of us raised our hands. He informed us that we were instructed to take a smoke break, so we non-smokers got to rake the parking lot while the smokers took a break. The next time he said take a smoke break, I bummed a cigarette and the rest is history. In those days we got free cigarettes from Tobacco companies, the USO and they had a five pack in the C-Rations too. I was finally able to quit tobacco on 2 June 2011, after several attempts at quitting (The gum didn’t work and the patch worked for a short time, twice. The third time is was a complete bust. I even tried hypnosis, no long term success until e-cigs.) because of two things; My wife asked me to do it for her and e-cigs.

I started at 24mg nic, then 18, then 12. 12mg is where I am and some 6. Depends on the device I use.

I don’t even desire a cigarette, and now to tell the truth, they stink, especially on a damp or rainy day. I wish we had more politicians/celebrities that gave up tobacco for e-cigs. Then we could have a better chance of stopping the stupidity of limiting/banning/taxing e-cigs.

As always, enjoy life.
The best to you and yours.
Papa John

Posted in Success Stories

From Paul

I just want to say I appreciate and enjoy your youtube videos!
I am about two months into vaping and your videos help keep the reigns in while
exciting me about the products end experiences available “through my journey”.