Author: pbusardo
I’ve been reading too much of this lately and thought it time to let a comment fly…
Blaming the e-cig for teens using marijuana is like blaming the paper bag for teens huffing paint. It’s a dumb argument. You’re grasping at straws.
How about blaming the parents?
How about taking some responsibility?
You’re going to blame the e-cig for your kid’s ability to purchase and use marijuana? Seriously?
What a confused society we’ve become. How misdirected we are. How we enjoy burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the real problems.
Ridiculous you say? You bet it is! Just as ridiculous as some of the arguments against e-cigs.
…And just to add to the above photo:
The water contained in this bottle could be replaced with Vodka and used by teens in schools!
And finally, just to get this off my chest. Regarding the argument that the flavors of e-liquids attract teens… I’d like to say that somehow, someway, my taste buds managed to survive my adolescence. I still enjoy flavors and it’s those flavors that have helped me remain tobacco cigarette free for exactly 4 years, 6 months, and 30 days at the time of this post. So either rethink your argument…
…or go after all of these guys as well.
(But please don’t as it will affect my fruity & delicious umbrella drinks.)
Here’s some intelligent commentary on the ongoing stupidity.
Favorite quote:
Worry more about second hand stupidity which these clowns spread with glee.
A friendly little reminder.
For calls to action regarding fighting electronic cigarette bans and other such “atrocities” please visit the CASAA Website HERE.
They have a running list of “Calls To Action” including information on how YOU can help.
Currently on their front page:
- Call to Action! Hawaii Bills that Would Tax E-Cigarettes, Ban Flavors, Internet Sales, Usage, & More
- Call to Action! Oregon E-Cigarette Usage Ban
- Call to Action! Utah Online Sales Ban (Effectively Would Make It Illegal for Utah Residents to Purchase Online)
Stay involved! Stay Educated! Stay in the fight!
Some interesting information contained in this article (thanks for the heads up Rush!):
It’s a complicated read, but let’s get to the heart of the matter shall we?
Current state of knowledge about chemistry of liquids and aerosols associated with electronic cigarettes indicates that there is no evidence that vaping produces inhalable exposures to contaminants of the aerosol that would warrant health concerns by the standards that are used to ensure safety of workplaces. However, the aerosol generated during vaping as a whole (contaminants plus declared ingredients ) creates personal exposures that would justify surveillance of health among exposed persons in conjunction with investigation of means to keep any adverse health effects as low as reasonably achievable. Exposures of bystanders are likely to be orders of magnitude less, and thus pose no apparent concern.
Bottom line… risk reduction and not risk elimination, but I would hope we all know that by now. Keep these studies going! They can only benefit us in the long run be it good news OR bad!!
I had the opportunity to attend the ZFO Grand Opening. Some photos are posted below for your enjoyment.
The ZFO is located at:
42 Nichols St, Suite 14
Spencerport, NY 14559
From Will
I know you get a bunch of these types of messages. You have been a safe place to
get info as I have learned how to vape. I smoked for 17 years and I have never felt
healthier than I do right now and I want you to know that you have been a big part
of it. I have learned so much from that people think I am some
sort of vapor expert, little do they know it’s all info they can get from you in a
few short hours of looking at your site. I know I have personally added 5
subscribers to your YouTube channel. Sorry I can’t do more than that for you. If I
ever see you at a meet, I’ll be sure to say hi and hope to buy you a beer.Respectfully,
Will from Chesterfield, Virginia
From Cindy
Hi Phil!
I’m just writing to tell you that what you do for us is extremely important and I
wish I had known about your site earlier. I have the usual story, smoked a pack a
day or more for years and years, quit a few times and then went back; and I
literally used to pray for the strength to quit. I’m late to the “scene” of vaping
but I’m an avid supporter. I had an extremely unattractive “smoker’s cough” and
subjected my family to the stink and harm of a smoker. I read an article in Time
magazine while sitting at the dentist’s office and decided to give it a shot. I
haven’t had a cigarette; or more importantly WANTED a cigarette in 10 weeks and
I’m…so freakin happy. I did some research and made some mistakes but ultimately
became an e-cig advocate to the max. I’d like to share three beginner mistakes for
people to avoid because even though you’ve been doing this for a long time, it’s
still new to a lot of people.#1 NEVER use the “grocery store” e-cigs. Next to worthless and a huge waste of
money. Yeah, I’m talking about anything available at the drug store, gas station, or
grocery store.#2 Don’t start cheap. When I started vaping, I bought the “$30 model” and even
though it saved me, it was constant upkeep and replacement of failed parts. I became
paranoid about having replacements for everything in case it failed. Save your self
the grief and get a higher end model. Its all about being happy and successful in
your conversion!#3 This one sounds …well…kinda lame. In my honest opinion, having a lanyard for
your e-cig is extremely important when you are converting. When you realize how
often you BLINDLY reach for a cigarette or a lighter and your e-cig is RIGHT THERE
cuz it’s strapped around your neck, you’ll get what I’m saying. I tell all my
friends that I’ve actually bought e-cigs for about this and while it sounds so
elementary to someone as involved and informed as you, I wanted to share.Once again, THANK YOU so much for your wealth of knowledge and your generosity-you
are literally saving lives.Cindy Stathopoulos
Webster, NY
A PBusardo Review & Contest Winner – The Ovale Cylo
In this video we talk about the upcoming Scenic City Vapers Vape Meet, do some show and tell with 2 new portable and dirt cheap intelligent battery chargers from Xtar, do a review on the Ovale Cylo Atomizer Tank, and wrap it up by announcing the winner of the Cup-O-Juice and the MIni Gamma Tank!
The Links:
Scenic City Vapers Facebook Page
Ovale USA
Post Review Follow-up:
- 2/5/14 – The connection on the chargers and the included USB cable is micro-USB.
- 2/5/14 – Sun-Vapers has confirmed that once the batteries reach their capacity and are fully charged both chargers shut down completely and send no additional current to the batteries.
- 2/5/14 – I got scolded on the Cylo and rightfully (almost) so. Jose from Great White Vapors has confirmed that the inner tank is, in fact, removable which makes it much easier to clean than described in the review.
Its simple all you have to do is take of the atomizer base and top cap where the
drip tip is attached then with a pen or blunt object push through the fill whole on
the bottom and the inner tank will pop out.
- I would have never guessed it based on the packaging, diagrams, and web info, so thank you for the heads up and photos Jose! Although this takes away that thumbs down, it doesn’t change my overall rating for the product. There are photos of the tank removal below.
The Video:
The Photos:
I would certainly like to open up the Juice Reviews to the general public again, but 1) I’d be inundated with companies trying to submit, and 2) I’d rather take suggestions from you!
These days it’s literally impossible for me to try every company’s liquid. So I’m looking to you for suggestions.
I’ve created a new poll in the Review Queue section. All the instructions on how it works are there. It’s where you get to tell me who you’d like to see next in the E-Liquid Review Queue.
Check it and try it out!
If you have issues using it, please let me know. It’s brandy new! 🙂
From Pete and Vanessa
Hi Phil,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your advise / video’s and a really
great Website.I have just started the switch from 20+ cigarettes a day to vaping along with my
partner (3 weeks yesterday).We are in the UK, and the main concentration of physical shops are in the midlands,
and we are not. Its really hard to get good advise / see all the products available.Your site and video’s have been invaluable.
I just wanted to say thank you.
New study confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes pose minimal health risk
Read about it HERE!