Author: pbusardo
From Leo
Hi Phil, {notPeteorPat},
I’m just writing to say how much I enjoy your videos. When I’m thinking of buying
yet more gear, mu first port of call is your YouTube site to see what the Guru has
to say about it. Most of the stuff you review is also available here in England,
UK. I’ve been a smoker since the 60’s and over the years been a 40 a day clown
though for the last 10 years 20. I’ve tried every crutch on the market to pack in
including acupuncture, hypnosis haha., patches, gum etc. etc. to no avail. How
ever since last September I bought my first MOD (Itaste SVD)and had no tobacco
since. Don’t even think about cigarettes now (a first). Most of the people I come
across who can’t get away with vaping are using their device like a cigarette,
short puffs, instead of leisurely long draws like puffing a pipe. Anyway keep up
the excellent work and keep your fans agog.
Cheers Philnotpete
From Shane
Hi Phil,
First thing I want to say is your videos are great and you have been an inspiration for me.
My story (not really a story) begins when I was around 14, when I first started smoking, what I now call stinkies. For the last 8 years I was smoking around 2 packs a day. I am now 35 and today marks 1 month since smoking. My biggest issues with smoking were of course the health issues, the cost, and finally the smell.
For as long as I can remember I have something similar to heart murmurs. They only happened with smoking and it was not bad enough for me to really care to much about. Back in October 2013 I had a TIA (ministroke) that scared me pretty bad. One of the recommendations were stop drinking sodas. This was mainly due to the last 6 years I have worked from home and always had access to them. One of them was to stop smoking. This was a problem for me (of course lol). Even while in the hospital after my heart cath, I would still go outside and smoke. Once I was well, I continued to smoke. Once I stopped smoking, those murmurs have since stopped. Have not really got the other good things that come from stop smoking yet, but already can feel a difference and now my daughter and my wife seems to actually want to be around me lol.
What got me away from smokes in the beginning were one of my friends on XBOX told me he was going to send me a some disposables. I took it with a grain of salt. The day they came in the mail, I went to do my normal convenient store stop of getting my 2 packs of smokes. I brought them home, started work and smoked as normal for a few hours. I then looked over and grabbed the Fins my friend had sent. I thought, hmm I’ll give this a shot. From there I tried some other brands like NJOY, H20 and finally BLU. I then went to a ego style battery, then a VV ego battery. I then started watching your videos after doing some searches on YouTube, that is where it really changed.
After watching you, and a few others, I kept coming back to you and your site for more information. I looked into tanks and then became even more confused, then came mods, I was lost. I started more research and ended up back to you. My knowledge is now where it should be and if I go another direction with a different type of device, I know can come to you, your site. I am now using The Spire VV/VW mod and am waiting on my Aspire Nautilus and The Russian tanks to come in. Your reviews, the technical aspects, the professionalism (for the most part haha), the funny moments (which I love), everything, those things kept me coming back. I have still continued to watch every new video you put out. Even if I don’t plan to use what you are talking about, I still like to learn and get more information and you provide a great wealth of information.
Not much more to my story of quitting the stinkies, but you have been a MAJOR part of it and I appreciate more than you can know.
Thank you very,
From David
Hey Phil, just wanted to say thanks for the videos. Really been learning a
lot. I smoked for about 15 years. Tried a few times to quit. Vaping finally gave me
what I needed. It has been two months now and haven’t wanted an analog. I am a
paramedic and my partner smoked. After getting some mechanicals and PVs and
rebuildables,(yes, I went nuts on gear) I was able to loan my egos and clearos to my
partner. Now she and HER partner 😉 are vaping instead of smoking. Not smoking is
awesome, but the hobby part of vaping is what really intrigues me. Love seeing the
reviews on these products. Now we just need more of them in stock! Thanks Phil.
It’s confirmed. I’ll be joining my Greek Brother From Another Mother at VAPEBLAST 2014 in Texas!
The dates for Vape Blast 2014 are March 14, 15, & 16 2014. The address is 100 North Charles Street Lewisville, TX 75057.
Get all the information by clicking the banner below!
I’ll be there all day on the 15th and possibly some of the 16th.
My only request… I hope someone can join me for some kick-ass, authentic Texas barbecue on Saturday night! (and then get me back in time for the post event partying!) 🙂
Looking forward to meeting you all at the event!
From Mike
Hi Phil,
I just wanted to let you know that I am so thankful for your videos and information and I used your information to stop chewing tobacco. I started smoking at about 16 years old and in my 20s I got tired of the smell and the feelings in my lungs so I had the brilliant idea 🙁 to stop smoking and start chewing…..I am now 41 and have been off the chew for three months now. My gums are already healing according to my dentist and their overall health is vastly improved in just a few months. I figured you might not hear a lot from guys like me who chew tobacco, but vaping does work for us too! I watched a lot of your videos and I love Good Life’s Original Sin as well! Try Vape Dude’s cheesecake, if you haven’t already. It truly tastes like a cheesecake! AmazingThanks again Pete….oops Phil :), I appreciate your efforts!
From Timothy
Hey Phil,
I wanted to thank you for helping me find a better way and share my story with you.
Cigarettes – I’m originally from northern california and started smoking around 16. It was irregular, until I turned 19 and started drinking more regularly. Then I was a few cigarettes a day, or half-pack a night smoker (when I was drinking). That continued until I was 26 with several attempts to quit smoking (cold turkey) which usually lasted 3-6 months.
Vaping – After college, I quit smoking with the help of Blu E-Cigs. It was “cool” at first, but after about a month it was just a way to quit smoking. I quit Blu after about 3 months because it was such a pain in the ass (swapping batteries, charging different devices, etc). It was easy to quit at that time as I was living in an area in Utah where smoking wasnt very prevalent. Plus life was going good – generally stress free. I also MOSTLY quit drinking (not on any kind of ‘wagon’ but definitely not weekly binges).
Fast forward a year of being tobacco free and my wife and I decided to make the move to Texas, to be closer to her family, after having our son. We moved in with her folks last August while we sold the house in Utah, and while we looked in Texas. We both continued to work for the companies we were working with in Utah, but from home. EVERYONE smokes in Texas, including her parents (though not in the house). My cravings fired up BIG TIME being at their house 24/7 and the stresses of moving and living with inlaws (they were great, but its always stressful living with someone else at their place). I still had my blu, but I knew it wouldnt cut it. I started the hunt for “Better than Blu.” I found your site and watched a dozen relevant videos in the >$100 range 🙂 after seeing what everything was about and SEVERAL DAYS of research, I finally ordered a Joyetech Ego-T passthrough 1300mAh with a few Evod tanks and a Vivi Nova. I LOVED IT! Soon after I bought a Vision Spinner 900mAh and those two setups last me several months. I was mostly using AVEJuice, though later tried some TexasSelectVapor juice, and found a few flavors I enjoyed (mmm FIREBALL).
The end of January I upgraded to a SiD, with a Fogger v3, a KFL+ clone, and Trident RDA clone (couldn’t afford the authentics). I checked reviews from you, GrimmGreen, and RipTrippers. I really enjoy rebuilding! I’m mostly doing standard 28ga micro coils, though i bought some 32ga kanthal by accident, so I’ve tried some twisted wire… nothing to write home about. I also picked up about $100 of liquid from MTBakerVapor as everyone on ECF loves it, and my wife hated the tobacco/coffee flavors I was getting from AVEJuice.
I’m 28 and vaping 6mg nic. I’m soon going to step that down to zero as I love the flavors, the hobby and the community. I’ve also lost 10 lbs over the last few months because I’m not snacking all day and just generally eating healthier.Nothing spectacular, but thats my story.
Thank you again for doing awesome reviews.
I hope to throw some Vape Conventions in the future here in Texas (thinking of doing 3, Austin, Houston, Dallas), but I’ll let you know. I hope you can make it, but I know you already do so much. So no worries if you cant! If you have any advice or direction on event planning I’d love to hear it, but again, I know you are extremely busy.Thank you again for your great support for this community,
From Shawn
Phil, I would like to here or see some info on people who have stopped
using smokeless tobacco and started vaping. I for one have. After 30 yrs of using
snuff, I started vaping and never looked back. It was a little hard a first account
I didn’t smoke. I prefer the fruity flavors with a 80/20 PG VG ratio @ 18 mgs. That
said I do hear a lot of people on different forums advising non-smokers not to start
vaping. In my opinion vaping is a much safer alternative than the smokeless tobacco.
From Terry
Hi phil my name is terry and im writing to you from Scarborough in the uk.
I personally just want to say a massive thank you i watch your videos every night
(no its not sad)and i have found it so helpful. I have been smoking normal cigs for
25 years and decided to give vaping a go i found it hard at first but with time and
patience and your help choosing the right equipment that i believe is for me (from
your reviews the vamo v5 and kanger protanks)im now a full time vaper and love it.
So there it is i thank you from.the bottom of my heart best wishes from over the
water Terry.
The issue has been resolved. I’ve gone back in time and I’m re-sending all of the emails I believe were effected.
If you receive a duplicate from me… sorry, there is no way to tell which were effected.
If you’ve send me an email and don’t receive a response by the end of the day… sorry! Please resend!
Please note that I’m having email issues with the address.
It appears I’m getting yours, but your not getting mine.
I have no idea how far this issue goes back, but I’m sure HUNDREDS of emails have been lost along with HOURS of work. Cranky Phil in full effect.
I’m working with BLUEHOST to get the issue resolved and see if there’s a way to re-send all the affected emails.
This affects OUTGOING emails ONLY so no worries on the contests.
I’m NOT ignoring you!!!
A PBusardo Review – SvoëMesto Semovar APV & The Nivel
In this video we take a rather long look at the Semovar APV and my first go with the Nivel board.
The Links:
Semovar Manual
The Video:
The Photos:
Nivel Settings
oF = To turn it off – “OFF” menu now active
dn = Voltage or power down
UP = Voltage or power up
rA = Reads attached devices resistance
Ub = Reads the batteries remaining voltage/charge – press button while displaying to see voltage under load.
On = To turn it on – “ON” menu now active
SP = Power mode. You adjust in watts
SU = Voltage mode. You adjust in volts
rA = Reads attached devices resistance
Ub = Reads the batteries remaining voltage/charge – press button while displaying to see voltage under load.
Sd = Adjust the screen brightness – 1-5, 5 being the brightest
SL = Controls screen and button LEDs, either both off, screen only, button only, or both on.
H = Displays the amount of time the button was pressed for vaping since the last time this counter was reset.
Fr = Firmware revision