Posted in Success Stories

From Patrick

Hey Phil:
I wanted to let you know about how you have helped me. I will try to be short but it’s a long story. In 2007 I had to have an infusion and I had an anaplactic shock to it and ended up in a coma for 3 weeks. My heart almost stopped working and it stopped supplying blood to my legs. I had to have both amputated below the knee. They all thought I was going to die but obviously I didn’t. I hadn’t smoked in 1 1/2 months but when I had that first one I was off and running. It wasn’t till 2009 that I tried vaping. I had the old cig style batteries and cartomizers. I tried making my own with the stuff you get at the pet store they use for aquarium filters. Tried tea bags. Never was really happy with it tried probably $500 worth of juices. When they came out with the DCT’s I thought but I was still smoking about a 1/2 a pack. I have never bought from a brick and mortar cause we don’t have any good one. I got a GGTS when they came out and burned up IDK how many atomizers. Went back to the carto tanks and got a Silver Bullett. When the Provari came out I ordered on right away the VV really intrigued me. It worked great and I was pretty happy. Found a juice vendor HHV that I liked the liquid and all of a sudden the vendor I was using for my cartos started getting some really crummy ones at about this time I found out I was going to have to have my aortic valve replaced so had to stop analogues completely. Found a new vendor for my cartos SmokTek. Had my Open Heart Surgery in 2012 and it didn’t go as planned so I ended up with much the same problem I had before. I started watching your videos in that area of time in the dark room. They have come a long way. My cardiologist wanted me off nicotine all together so was working my way down. HHV mixed up different nic levels then they advertise and I am down to 3mg. Got my wife to stop smoking and start vaping after only 4 years of nagging. With all the equipment coming out I really started watching your videos to find out what would make the juice better. That’s when I started writing to you and have since gone to the Bottom Coil Tanks because of your reviews and I am so much happier with my flavors. My wife is using up my DCT stash, only thing she likes. I am going to some of HHV’s other flavors which have “Street Shout Outs” My next order will be Omg nic and 40/60 wife still needs the 60/40 and 3mg but she has been off anologs for 3 months. This came out way too long sorry Phil.
I know this can use some editing, shortening and paragraphs but wanted to thank you for all your help. I’m 64 years old and smoked since 16 especially after I joined the Army at 17 back when a lot of the guys were there by choice either Army, Marines or Jail. I wasn’t one of those but had a lot of friends that were.


Posted in Success Stories

From Ralph

Hi Phil, I wanted to share a short story. I quit smoking and started
vaping 5 month ago. I had to take a lung capacity test this week for work and my
results were that of a non smoker. I was a pack and a half smoker with a lot of
problems and look at me now! I’m very happy and very grateful to have such an
awesome resource as yourself to help guide me toward better decisions and a better
vape. THANK YOU!!!!

Posted in Success Stories

From Rich

Just wanted to drop you a note, I thought this vape thing was just a bunch of bull , till a few months ago when I saw one of your vids ..

I smoked for over 25 years, tried e-cigs, with no luck, then I found vaping, started with a ego, but after watching your vids I got a Young June Lava tube within two weeks …

Now I already have an assortment of tanks and starting on my tube collection ..

Thanks for being entertaining as well as informative, because no one wants to watch a seminar , you kept my attention long enough for me to actually learn something ..



Posted in CE Style Tanks & Clearomizers Recent News


A PBusardo Review Kanger AeroTank Mini & Mega

In this video we take a full and long look at these new tanks from Kanger & break apart one of their new heads. I also talk about cleaning clearo heads.

What’s the deal with “Take 2”?? Why Take 2? Because in that video a slightly cranky Phil looks at the FINAL VERSION of the Kanger Aerotank Mega and Mini as opposed to the pre-production prototype version he just spent 5 hours making the video review for. Which, by the way, he thought was the final version. Ugh!

The Links:

Post Review Follow-up:

  • 4/5/14 – I’ve confirmed with Kanger THIS IS the final version of their new tanks and the version you will be able to purchase.

The Video:

The Video – Take 2:

The Photos:

The Photos – Take 2:

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Posted in Success Stories

From Anthony

Mr Busardo,

I just wanted to take the time for thanking you for putting all this information out
there and making it available. You’ve helped me put down cigarettes – for good. In
exchange for a vapor.
Just to let you know how difficult and necessary it was to quit I’ll give you a
brief smoking history. I started when I was 16; and, being in the service
industry became a 2 pack a day smoker. Well 3 years ago I was a pedestrian and got
hit by a truck doing 60mph and while I survived and went through some other
changes I was left a paraplegic for life. My positive attitude and resilience led
me to become a volunteer counselor for other people in that situation. The fact
that my work history was driving a rig and working in the device industry meant I
had to go back to college at the age of 33 and move back in with my parents. ONLY
A LITTLE STRESSFUL. My fianc??, kids and the cigarettes were a great escape from
the stress. Not to mention I went to school for electrical engineering – why not
add more
In any event I graduated in December and had a major surgery scheduled for the end
of February. That surgery and the week long hospital stay and the need to be off
the cigs
To heal faster meant that it was time to make the cigs go
Bye bye. So around October I went and got a blu-it sucked. Then I got a ego blister
pack-it sucked too; so, I got an eroll- it sucked more. Then I found ECF and your
website; which, led to my MVP2 and aerotank. The day I got the Aerotank and decent
juice was the day the cigs went in the trash!!!! Now I’m waiting for my Provari to
get here say after tomorrow!!!
Anyway thank you so much for having such aarge volume of info in one place and doing
some great, entertaining and informative reviews!!!
Quitting cigs was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve done and if it weren’t
for all this information put in ways I can understand I would be smoking my pallmall
light 100’s right now instead of RY4 from SmokeCignals!!!
Keep up the good work in some cases you really are saving some peoples lives! In my
case that’s not being dramatic!

Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – The KGO VV2 Mega Battery

In this video we take a look at the KGO VV2 Mega Battery. We also kick off a new contest for a giant cup-o-juice and a Corolla semi-mechanical courtesy of E Vapor Hut.

The Links:
E Vapor Hut

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Success Stories

From P.Matthew

Mr. Busardo , I have been watching all your Review and Vids for a month
now, and I enjoy all of them please keep them up and thank you for all
your hard work. You have been a great help to me on my Journey in
quitting smoking, I have been smoke free for a month now. When I
Decided that I needed to quit but didn’t know if I could I found a
e-cig review you did and made me really stop and think that this may
work. I was a 2 pack a day smoker for the past 25+ years and it feels
good to not be smoking. I have had many family members pass away from
cancer due to smoking. The Love of my life for the past 20 years is
suffering from cancer and it hurts me to know I don’t have much time
left on this world with her. She was my biggest inspiration on
quitting, I want to spend as much time with her as I can and be able to
be here for her.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my Heart for giving me the tools
and information I so desperately needed to help guide me in the right
direction, To help me regain my freedom from the chains of smoking.

Thank You Brother,
Sincerely , P.Matthew

Posted in Success Stories

From Timothy

Hey Phil,

As a fan of your reviews and your rants, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear
about the loss of your uncle Nick.

Back when I was a smoker roughly a year and a half ago, I was skimming through some
videos on YouTube on other methods of quitting smoking. I tried everything man…
gum, dip, patches, throwing away packs then hours after buying another… then I saw
a video of one of your reviews. as confused and ignorant as I was about e-cigs I
began watching some older videos of your reviews, which sparked an interest in them.
I went ahead and purchased a V2 kit. Quit smoking cold turkey. Since then, Vaping
and your reviews have been my life.

Now I’m working for Avail Vapor in Norfolk Va. Without making this a book. I never
thanked you for your reviews and other videos not only were you the door for me
into the vaping world, your reviews also make my job Much easier. I really hope one
day I can enjoy a vape with you at an event.

Thanks again,

Posted in Recent News


A couple interesting new tanks from Kanger… The Aerotank Mini and the Aerotank Mega.

Both are glass & stainless.  Both are slick looking.  Both have airflow control.  The Mega has a very familiar look to it.  But it’s the heads that are most interesting.  Look familiar?


The design looks much less like a standard Kanger head and much more like an Aspire head.

You can bet I’ll be tearing these apart soon enough.

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Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


It’s been a trying night in review land tonight.

I grabbed the Electric Angel Nebula out of it’s slot for a review.  The goal was to build it and begin the evaluation.



Here’s a little detail on the atty:

  • Stainless steel body
  • Borosilicate glass tank
  • Adjustable air flow controller with 1, 1.2, and 1.6mm air holes
  • An insulated 2.25mm wick hole
  • 22mm in diameter
  • 4ml tank capacity
  • Brass connections
  • Holes in the posts for easy coil installation
  • Includes mesh, 32 AWG Kanthal, and spare o-rings
  • Price is 119,00€ = $164.20
  • Available from Electric Angel

The issues began right away.

  1. The first thing I noticed was the VERY SMALL wick hole.  I’m not a fan of tiny wick holes in the genesis design which limit larger wicks with more liquid capacity.
  2. I tried to remove the glass from the atomizer’s body.  I was applying so much force I started to worry about it breaking so I gave up.
  3. I built my coil with the plan of using a small cotton wick pushed into the tank.  When installing the coil, I noticed the negative screw didn’t tighten, it just kept spinning.  I tightened it as best I could.
  4. When I tried to position the coil, the negative post snapped off rendering the device useless.

I’m not going to spend time on a video for this.  Unfortunately, this one gets a thumbs down and will be removed from the queue.


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