Author: pbusardo
From Harry
My name is Harry and live in Sweden. I recently found your YouTube channel while googling for vaporizer reviews since I’m new to the vaping scene. I’d like to begin with giving you props for your amazing work! Your channel is by far the best and most informative channel when it comes to reviews and I have spent hours and hours watching your videos in order to learn more about the scene and I’m a big fan of your “number section”!
I’ve been smoking for 20 years and like you I have been feeling the downside to smoking for quite a while. I’ve known about eCiggs for a few years but I only knew about the cigarette lookalikes and didn’t find them interesting. By “accident” I stumbled on someone posting a pic of a MOD on Instagram and since then I’ve been hooked! 3 weeks ago I got my first eCigg (I don’t like the term and prefer the term vaporizer) and like you, I went cold turkey and haven’t looked back. I’ts by far the best change I’ve done in my life!At the moment I’m using the Ego-T with the CE5 Clearomizers and even if I’t does the trick, it’s just the beginning for me. I’m looking to get at least 3 different types of devices. Two for carrying with me and 1-2 for using at home. Right now I’m trying to figure out my next step and I’m using your YouTube channel for guidance.
Once again, thanks for the amazing work you are doing and I’m looking forward to following you!
Best Regards
From Michael
I found your site while starting and getting involved with vaping to try and help me
to reduce my addiction to cigarettes, this past Tuesday had been my 11 week of not
smoking. I started vaping with a ego kit and a couple of flavors of e liquid back on
Thanksgiving weekend on 2013. In January one day I decided that I was not going to
smoke anymore cigarettes about two week after that I got the urge for a cigarette I
lighted up figuring I would get the satisfaction that I remembered of the cigarette
hanging out of my mouth and the pleasure that I remembered, wow was I wrong it was
the nastiest thing I could have imagined and after the second attempted puff I put
it out in an ashtray and haven’t had one since, I won’t say I do not have the
concessional urge for one more I would say the feeling of holding a cigarette in my
mouth with my lips, that sound so wrong lol. But I have progressed to some
mechanical mods and a itaste SVD and a Siegeli ZMAX 3 and am very happy to know that
I am not inhaling all the harmful toxins that are in a cigarette as I smoke it. I
am glad that this option exists and yet am scared by the moronic speech of all the
politicians trying to ban the devices and the e liquids that may end up saving my
life from one of the multiple disease that are attributed to cigarette use. My
question for you is beside make more videos you rock and I check each week for new
videos, is is there some place that I can go that takes the data that these
politicians spew from these different studies and breaks the reports down into basic
understandable info that a normal human can understand and not something that make
my brain hurt that is the CDC survey report on school age kids using cigarettes and
personal vaping devices. I think that the industry and users need to get away from
using the term of e-cigarettes and e-cigs so that this can not be used against us,
and I know that it is a easy term for the companies that make product like blu and
green cig to market to smokers but it was maybe not the best thought out plan. Well
now that I rambled on way longer that planned . I just would like to say thanks
for all the great info and comedy you provide on your site and in your videos and
from a proud to say hopefully continuing ex smoker who smoked for 27 years prior to
trying vaping and finding a way to give up the cigarettes at the age of 44 and
knowing I have a long battle to stay off them. Thank you for all the encouragement
you give in each and everyone of your videos and maybe one day I will have the honor
to meet you at a vape meet somewhere.
From Tom
Just wanted to thank you. Have smoked for 60 years now. Startwd trying
E-cigs about 6 years ago spent $100’s, 8+ differnt types. 6 months ago got eGo C
twist. Went from 1 1/2 packs of Pall Mall red 100’s to 2 to 4 cigs a day & will be
off them soon. Thought I would die with a cig in my mouth. Found your site doing
reserch on ITaste VTR. Am learning so much Thank you so much.
NEW IN THE QUEUE – 04/19/14
With this New In The Queue update, the review queue is now closed for the summer, although a few more items may trickle in.
I’ll still be doing review videos over the summer, but this will allow me to catch up a bit and spend some much needed time with family and friends.
You may continue to submit items for review, but unless they are “Vape Shattering” they will probably not be accepted until after the summer is over.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support!
- The Radix V1
- The Vapor Shark DNA-30
- New items from Clean Tanks
- The Arnold RTA – Website coming soon
- The D-Eagle RTA
- The Eye APV
- The Mechano Double M Mechanical
A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Seven 22
In this video we take a full look at the Seven 22, we do a show & tell on the Vapor Ware resistance and voltage meter, we go over contest rules and how to enter, and we kick off a new contest for a Seven-22 and a Vaper Ware meter!
The Links:
Alibaba Product Page
Poneer4U Website
Distribution Contact Email
Vapor Ware Store – For the meter
The Video:
The Photos:
Being who I am and how I am, I can appreciate this… well some of it. I don’t like the word “weirdos”. People are people… all human beings at their core. But it’s an interesting read and I’m quite sure Russ Wishtart’s show will be interesting as well.
I’ve felt the same way. I feel the hotel could have handled things better. I even made the comment to several people that I felt like we were being treated like animals, but the more I reflect on it, the more I can understand it (but still not how they went about it). I guess I felt at the time like the good kid in the class. Remember? When the entire class was punished because of a few bad individuals?
One thing that really stood out to me…
A father walking his little daughter through the hall the night before the event. There was vape everywhere. There were “interesting” people everywhere. The little girl put her head down into her arm and breathed into her shirt.
Without knowing what we were doing, without knowing how and who we are, I could only imagine how that little girl and her father felt about us.
I hear it all the time. We should have the right to vape anywhere we want! Really? I dare you to vape in the maternity ward of a hospital. No, we don’t have that right, and we shouldn’t. However, we also shouldn’t be forced into smoking sections, where we KNOW second hand exposure is dangerous. We need our own set of rules.
But we also need to show respect, be considerate, and represent ourselves well.
Why do I vape? I vape NOT to smoke. I personally don’t see the need for my PV to produce any more vapor than my cigarette did smoke. However, I think you can be this kind of vaper and still be a hobbyist & enthusiast… searching for consistency, flavor, a device you really like, and overall vape quality.
And I’m not even saying this is the right way, nor do I dislike those who don’t do things this way… but it is my way.
Click on the logo below to see the article…
From Roy
Hello Mr. Busardo. Just wanted to say thanks and share my continuing
success story. About a month or so ago a friend at work started talking to me about
vaping. I really had no clue and wasn’t understanding some of the stuff he was
talking about, but i was interested. I also knew of a vape store that was pretty
close to me, Poppie’s Vapor Lounge in Marlton NJ. So i went in hoping to learn some
more, but got kind of the same. Terms being used left and right that weren’t exactly
being explained. So after my visit there i did some reserach online and found your
site. Your glossary and intro videos cleared so much up. I have to say the glossary
was the biggest help. I went in with better knowledge and was able to pick out a
nice starting set up to help me kick a pack and a half a day habit. After purchasing
my first PV it took me 8 days to finish my last pack of cigs, and I am now smokeless
for 12 days and counting. As much of a success this has been, my biggest one will be
getting my mom to quit smoking as today I’m taking her to go purchase her first
vape. She’s been smoking for over 35yrs. Hoping this will finally be what helps her
quit as well. Thank you again for such a wonderfully designed site, and all its easy
access, useful information. I look forward to watching many more of your videos as i
see myself getting very much into vaping. I will be trying to cut my nicotine levels
down but I can see continuing to vape even if I’m down to 0 lol.Thanks again,
From Brian
Hey Phil,
Me and my fiancee Steph had an awesome time over the weekend at Vape Bash. I went in expecting to check out some stuff and just bum around but WOW! Not what happened. EVERYONE was friendly and was so easy to talk to.
A little background on my journey, I was a smoker for about 7 years and going on 1 to 1 1/2 PAD by last June. I had a few co-workers using cigalikes and cutting back just a little bit. I figure what the hell, i’ll give it a try. I didn’t really didn’t want to quit, but figured i should try for my 1 yr old daughter. Once i started investigating i found this community of people on ECF helping each other out. I soon found myself a new hobby. I was rebuilding my protanks, dabbling in drippers, and dreaming of a provari and a russian. Finally santa brought me both for christmas :). I have been using them everyday since enjoying my hobby.
Last weekend changed that. Seeing 4000 people of all races, genders, orientations, age, and whatever else differentiates us from each other, in the same place for one reason. We are vapers. Thats all we are to each other, vapers. I met Big on the first night at the bar and stuck up a conversation with him about his rebuild stand (which retails about 75 i think, I dont think you mentioned in the video) and it just started there. Sat down out side the event on saturday for a bit to cool off when Amber and Gypsy sat down with us. Soon to be joined by a few others and Ruby Roo and Josh. Me and Steph had the time of our lives in the “living room” that day, wish you could have joined us!
I went to Vape Bash with a hobby and some cash to spend on it. I came out with a passion and a few bottles of juice. I cannot wait for the next meet i can attend and i hope to see you there along with the other people i met over the weekend.
Thank you so much for videos and helping me along the way. I sent along the picture we took with you.
Thanks again,
In this video we take a full look at the V3Tronix Flip Mechanical and have a contest where you can win one at the end!
The Links:
The Video:
The Photos:
From Dave
Just wanted to say Thank You for your Amazing videos and informative site.
As a new vapor and now non smoker your site have helped guide me through what
started out as a very confusing hobby. I have since followed many of your
recommendations and supported Several of your recommended vendors with 100%
satisfying results. Just wanted to say thank you for your amazing work!