Author: pbusardo
From Daniel
I just wanted to take the time out to tell you thank you for all your great
reviews you have out on youtube. I was pretty clueless about information on vaping.
Recently separated (Honorably) from the Navy and serving jointly with the Marine
Corps. I smoked all the time and wanted to quit. So far I’ve been vaping for about
10 days now and haven’t once had the desire to smoke a cig (from 2 to 3 packs
daily). AMAZING! I can say that spending the time to review and putting information
out on products has made a difference in my life. Thank You! Very Respectfully Petty
Officer Nelson
From Charlie
Been watching your post for the last 6 months on youtube and just wanted to say you have been very insightful. I quite smoking cold turkey 2 years ago and about six months ago or 7 i was so ill all the time or you can say i was acting as if i was pissed off at every one that i all most smoked a cig but didn’t , they just smelled awlful. My wife decided to try the E-cigs , so i bought her the ego starter kit. After a while i decided the nicotine might help me chill out a little, so i bought the kanger mega and the kanger turbo. I’ve only been getting 3g of nic and it has helped chill me out a bit. I have been getting my E-juice from MT Pocano vapes. Im in to the fruity stuff. I did try zeus juice it was great but cost more , so now keep trying the fruity flavors from mt pocano hoping to find one that is close to tasting like zeus juice from zeus juice. Just orderd hana 30 , vamo 6 and the 454 bigblock rda from fasttech. I don’t have the big budget , so have to buy from them. The down side is i have to wait a month to get any of it. I’ve also been rebuilding all my dual coil kanger atomizers, but using cotton instead of silica. Man i really love this vaping thing. Thanks for all the wisdom and insight . charlie
From Joanne
I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to give you my story. I’m a 32
years pack + a day smoker. I had given ecigs a try three of four times. However they
never seemed to satisfy my craving so after a day would be thrown into the junk
drawer to be forgotten. Tried the evoc/pen style wasn’t happy ( i think it was the
juice) after getting pneumonia for the second time this year I jumped both feet
first into the ecig community. I went to the local (non helpful) vape shop, and
asked for the best of the best vv/vw, clearomiser they had in stock. Thinking surely
that would do the trick. Wrong I was left confused, unhappy with spitting juice on
my lips, pushing buttons I had no idea what they were doing. Determined to figure
this all out i sat down one Sunday afternoon looking for information. Most of the
other guys like rip tripper just annoyed me. Then I found your videos!! Thank You
for the clear concise and technical info I needed in a format I could actually
watch! I have been smoke free the first time of my adult life for 3 weeks. Again
thank you for getting me this far. I got it from here.
After the e-liquid poll was mysteriously lost, it had to be re-created from a screen shot a very helpful viewer took of it. Unfortunately, all the vendors under “The Refuge” were lost. Is this fair to those who had votes and were on this list? Absolutely not. Is there anything I can do about it? Absolutely not. I tried working with the poll developer and they were, shall we say… less than helpful.
But voting for hardware and software (liquids) is back up and running now.
See it in the Review Queue by clicking HERE or under Information/Addition in the left sidebar.
This is the latest Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos study I’ve talked about to many of you behind the scenes.
The crowd funding effort for it has now begun.
It’s an important one. We need to better understand what we’re doing to ourselves, good or bad. This information is extremely important in allowing vapers to make better, more educated decisions on how they vape…. or not. 🙂
I urge vendors, shop owners, mod makers, liquid manufacturers, vapers… ANYONE involved in or associated with this industry to help out.
Please support and feel free to share.
Thanks everyone!
Click the image below to be taken to the Crowd Funding page and read more about the study.
From Kostas
Hi Phil,
Just wanted to say you are one of the guys I really like to hear opinions from.I
appreciate you helping us find our way through so many devices liquids etc.Keep on and remember that your work is much appreciated.
Kostas from Greece
A PBusardo Review – The Squape Reloaded by StattQualm
In this video we give an update on the iStick and take a full look at the Squape Reloaded by StattQualm. A really nice RTA.
The Links:
Pipeline Store
Beyond Vape
The Video:
The Photos:
From Anthony
Good Afternoon Mr Busardo,
I Wanted to thank you for all the great videos, reviews and insight on vaping. Taste
Your has helped tremendously in my transition off the stinkies! I know you
probably get a ton of email but wanted to personally (best I can) thank you for all
the hard work and time you sacrifice.Forever grateful and thankful,
A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Eleaf iStick
In this video we take a look at the wildly popular Eleaf iStick. We also have a contest to give one away!
The Links:
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 10/13/14 – Candi! Thanks for the heads up on a feature I missed (and also the next 100 people who will let me know. 🙂 ) – The slow adjustment on the iStick does not have to be slow. Once in auto-scroll, click the control button again to go from .1 increments to .2, and again to go from .2 increments to .5. Clicking it again will stop the scroll as will clicking the opposite button. This makes scrolling through the setting much quicker. It works in both wattage and voltage mods. Scratch that one off the thumbs down list. Sorry I missed that everyone!
The Video:
The Photos: