Posted in Success Stories

From Stevewildman

Just wanted to thank you for all the insights of vaping you had brought to
me in my quest to quit smoking. I started e-cigs on a kanger product a 14 months ago
and advanced to a Nemsis, and a K-fun 3.5. Adjusting my juice mix on nic levels
each mix, I mixed at 100ml volume per batch dropping the nic level from 18,16,14 and
so on. My last batch was at an 10 nic level and I was able to just walk away from
vaping all together.
My Goal to quit cigs has HAPPENED, a 40 year smoker who had tried EVERYTHING to quit
is now a none smoker. Thanks for the Help Phil I will still sign in to your vids at
times and send folks your way . Stevewildman

Posted in Recent News


As we continue to sift through all the footage from China for the upcoming videos, I’ll be joining my buddy Dimitris tonight on his show tonight, “Smoke Free Radio” to talk about why we all went, the experience, the culture, the things we got to see, do and eat, and I’m sure there will be some ball busting as well…

Tonight “China recap” Join me and Phil Busardo on ‪#‎smokefreeradio‬ as we recap the Shenzhen experience. The factories, the food, the culture and an open access to a clone c&c shop! Show starts at 9:00pm EST

Click HERE to listen to the replay!

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Cloupor Mini

In this video we take a full look at the Cloupor Mini. A nice little box with a couple annoying issues. We also find out who won the last contest and kick off a new one!

The Quick Stats:
Type,Box Mod
On-board Charger,Yes
Max Wattage,30 Watts
Max Voltage,7 Volts
Minimum Resistance,.45 Ohms
Approximate Price,$49.00
Overall Rating,Thumbs Up

The Links:
Vapor Tek USA

The Post Review Follow-up:

  • 1/26/15 – One of the things I hate most about doing these reviews is when I have a good experience with a device and you do not. Keep in mind that in my reviews, I can only report on my personal experience with a device.

I’ve heard and seen enough regarding this device to issue a warning even with the overall thumbs up it received in the video.

I can’t speak to what’s causing the melt-down of this device, but with regulated devices, no matter HOW you use them OR charge them, they should not melt down. They should have the built in safety required to keep you safe and prevent issues like this from happening.

Here are some of the photos I’ve seen:

10934344_10204711931091785_265823337_n 10952090_10204711931171787_1580688394_n 10949989_10204711930931781_2022624940_n

I did have some conversation with Cloupor and I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the response:

Hi Phill ,
firstly, we are so sorry to hear the melted issue . But , it’s very very rare rate happened in mini device .As the state we collect until today , we shipped out more than 100 thousand out , only about 40-50pcs with melted issue….

His email goes on, but IMHO, not matter how small the percentage, NO pieces should be melting. I would consider this a pretty major defect.

Recalls are costly and ugly, but in this case, it may very well be warranted.

Buy, use, and charge these at your own risk!

This post will be placed with the review here on TasteYourJuice and a warning placed in the description of the video itself. I know that Cloupor has my review listed on their site and I’m asking it be removed.

  • 1/27/15 – I’m now getting reports that these are getting hot on their own without firing or charging.

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Success Stories

From Miah

Thanx Phil! Your YouTube video on the Aspire bdc was so helpful…I’m new to vaping and I just bought one…I live on an island and just the liquid is illegal in my town…so I knew nothing about vaping…I stumbled on your video and now every question I had is answered…I had someone (who doesn’t vape) telling me I was crazy…why was I going through a head every week…they should last me two months or more…so I was very confused..and concerned bc vaping cured me of a 30+ year pack a day habit when nothing else did (not patch, ECig, gum, or chantix helped) so thank you for educating me with the knowledge I need to continue. Miah

Posted in Recent News


Thanks for the heads up Shai! Thanks for the detailed information Niagara!

The Canadian vaping community, there retailers and organizations are united in support of a new organization called CVA. We now have gathered support and finally ready for the fight! Together now we cannot be beat. This is a first of its type org in our community. It took alot to get it together but now the hard work has just begun. The Canadian Vaping Association is a national, not-for-profit organization responsible for the management of government and media relations on behalf of the electronic cigarette industry.

The mission of the Canadian Vaping Association is to provide a unified voice, in achieving fair and equitable regulation, for the benefits of our members, both consumers and vendors and to promote a safer alternative to smoking.

CVA’s primary goal is to ensure that government regulation is reasonable and practical, through the strategy of professional proactive communication and education supplied bilingually to health officers, media and elected officials funded by member dues and consumer donations.

Much of the media coverage has focused on the potential downsides and risks of these products. We need to respond to these unfounded fears and communicate the facts and science regarding e-cigarettes.

We seek reasonable regulation that promotes the vaping industry as a viable, safer alternative to tobacco.

Ckick HERE to be taken to the site to read more.

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Posted in Success Stories

From Don

Hi i had to write to say thank you to all your reviews ,they are totally
awesome , i was on 50 fags aday and since i came across your videos and reviews ,i
now vape 6mg juice and qit smoking all together and ive bought a rdna vaporshark
also a smok 50w box mod , also sub tanks and started rebuilding my own atomizer and
its all thanks to you , so once again keep up your amazing work ,you are now my vape
GOD hahaha kind regards don in England uk

Posted in Success Stories

From Carlos

Hi Phil !

First of all: Congratulations, great job ! I love your videos, you really help
people who falls in the giant world of vaping! Clear speeches, good information and
a very nice guy. Really Great Job ( 10 x 1 against other “reviewers” i “met” ) .

I’m from Portugal, i had been watching your reviews since i started to think passing
through the old analog cigarettes to the wonderful tasty vape, you don’t know, but
you helped me a lot with your tutorial for beginners, that’s where i started to
understand what is vaping, and what devices to start with, since then, I’ve been
following your videos on your YouTube channel and i’m starting to step up for
rebuildables. Now i see vaping as an healthy devotion for taste and I’m completed
addicted to the wonders of engineering and design of that “New World” electronic
devices. for the first time this night I’ve tasted your site, and
find the contest was still running, so i decided to participate and send you an hug
in a kind of thanks for all that help, and a few bad English words in a kind of
strength to continue your great work.

from a Portuguese follower,


Posted in Success Stories

From Sam & Nancy

Mr.Pbusardo. My husband and I want to thank you for all of your videos,
charts, graphs, explanations ect. We are new vapors since October of 14 and we are
enjoying being smoke free, me; 31 years, hubby; 16 years-smoking cigarettes. We have
spent many many evenings watching your videos on everything. Sometimes because we
need answers sometimes just for the enjoyment of learning something new to try. You
were one of the first reviews I found in this journey and we just stayed with you
because you are articulate and informational, funny and practical. Besides you seem
to have either a video or info on just about everything! We highly value your
opinion and before we buy we search your sight to find out what you fact,
tonight you saved us from the Fogger! Thank you for that. Anyway we are on a
fantastic journey and wanted to let you know how much we enjoy you being part of it.
Please don’t stop what your doing…you are a life line to us newbies!

Posted in Recent News

FROM CASAA – New York Call To Action: NY State Bills threaten consumer choice and subject e-cigarettes to tobacco taxes

Once again, vapers in New York State are being threatened by multiple bills intended to severely impact the electronic cigarette industry and, by extension, dramatically limit consumer choice and increase the cost of these potentially life-saving products. Representatives Rosenthal and Dinowitz and Senator Rivera have introduced bills that would impose a punitive 75% wholesale tax on “e-cigarette cartridges” and completely ban the sale of refill liquids.

Please follow THIS LINK to the CASAA site to find out more and to take action.

Thank you!

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Posted in Success Stories

From Jim


Let me start out by saying, Thank you.

I had been smoking for about 30 years, my wife about 25 years. Me, about a pack and a half a day or more, usually more. My wife, about a pack a day.

We are both retired U.S. Navy, and now work in the civilian sector. In any military branch, the important decisions were always made in the smoke pit (Smoking area). So neither of us ever considered quitting.

I have to admit, that cigarettes ran our life. It was always, do I have enough cigarettes for the day, or on trips, where can we smoke, where is the smoking area in this airport, and does the hotel have a smoking room? While out to sea, when will the smoking lamp be lit? I am sure you remember what some of that was like. I guess I was also married to Marlboro.

Well, for years, our families were always on our butts to quit. In our minds, we sacrificed over half our lives for freedom, which included our right to smoke, or slowly commit suicide from inhaling carcinogens.

A little over a year ago some people at work that I spent smoke breaks with, started Vaping, forced to vape in the smoke pit. Where I work, we are mostly Veterans of all branches of the military, so yes, it’s constant BALL BUSTING. Back to the vapors, yes we gave the vapors a hard time. I notice seeing them less and less at the smoke pit, and they said they were not smoking at all anymore. They would talk about the flavors, and the fact that they don’t smell like a dirty ashtray anymore. Also, how much better they felt, breathing better etc.

Back in October 2014 I started talking with the wife about the smokers at work who were now vaping. She was intrigued, but skeptical. So I started researching on-line about vaping. So many people out there saying so many things, most of it was a foreign language to me, but I came across your site and I learned stuff, lots of stuff. The language barrier was became easier and easier. You are the Rosetta-Stone of Vaping for us.

November 2014 came, the wife and I talked, and decided on Veterans Day, November 11th as our quit smoking date. The morning of the 11th we went to the local Vape shop, somewhat educated, less intimidated. I wasn’t intimidated into buying the expensive mods, we just wanted the starter kits to get started. Tried every flavor we could at the vape shop and picked the ones we liked, and we were out the door, and done with cigarettes for good.

As of today, we are at our 2 month mark, or 8 weeks and 5 days, which ever sounds longer. We both feel better, breathing better, smell better, and smelling better. We can’t stand the dirty ashtray smell, and we point it out to each other when we are out and about. I can’t believe we smelled like that.

At work, being the heavy smoker, people were shocked seeing me vape. They couldn’t believe that I totally gave up cigarettes for an electronic device. I received the same ball busting I had given others, but I could take it. Within a week they were saying if I could do it, they could too. I was getting tons of questions, I answered what I could about what was working for me, nic levels, devices, tanks etc… Referred them to your site, the “Getting Started” section. When they came back with questions, it was so much easier to answer them now.

Thanks to your inspiration, as of yesterday, I have converted 6 people from smoking to Vaping.

So from all of us, thank you for all that you do.
