Author: pbusardo
From Dave
This one meant a lot to me. Thought I’d share. Thanks Dave…
Hi Phil,
Sorry in advance for the long email.
When I met you at Vapecan last year, while we were talking a guy came by and said “Hi Phil I’m a big fan” and you said “Don’t be a fan, be a friend.” A few months later on your taste your juice website, you were talking about people sometimes calling you Pete or Paul or even Dick (Ok that was only one guy). It reminded me about my father. He was born Cyril Sydney Ball in 1922 in Cape Breton. As a teenager, he and his friends spent a lot of time at the beech. His friends noted that Dad had skinny legs and a large body and when he ran around on the beech, he looked like a Sand-Peep (small sea bird). They started calling him “Peep” as a joke. As new friends joined the group they misheard the name and thought it was “Pete.” Soon everyone was calling him Pete and he didn’t bother correcting them. I didn’t know his name wasn’t Pete until my late teens and started working at the same company as him. All these guys were calling my Dad Cyril. When Dad passed away in 2000, I had to publish his name as Pete in the paper so people would know who I was talking about. I asked Dad one time why he never corrected people about his name. He said that it didn’t matter what people called you as long as they called you friend. So take from that what you will. Just remember that what is really important is that you are a friend.
From Greg
I just wanted to thank you for all you do for the community. I stopped smoking 2
years ago. I started out, like most, with a carto tank and an ego battery. Luckily
shortly after I found your youtube channel and videos. I have watched every video
since. Now I have ‘moved on’ and I am strictly a cloud chasing hobbyist. I went
through alot of gear, most of which was purchased based on your reviews and
suggestions. I went to the ViVi Novas, to the original Protank, PT2, etc. Then
made my way into the kayfun world. Stayed there for a bit and moved into
rebuildables and mechs. The first was the original K100 and a Patriot. Now as I
type this I have moved through other things. Now sitting here with an IPV3 and a
TOBH V2. I still watch your videos, and have recently grabbed an atlantis, based on
your review. Loving it so far for an in-the-car type of vape.Your hard work and dedication has not been for nothing, because I am sure that my
story is not unique from anyone else that has found your channel or site. I love
your review style, very honest and straightforward. You cover all bases and aren’t
a “Flavor of the week” type of review.In closing, thank you so much for what you have done for me, and everyone else. I
am looking forward to 2015, the regal vape 4000, and many more reviews!Thanks,
From Ramiro
Hi Phil, sending this out from Nicaragua… I love your videos I learned a
lot from the added value you give by explaining the technical things we normally
overlook. I personally enjoy it, there are some of us that don’t mind a lengthy
video if we you are kept at the edge of your seat captivated with such rich
information flow.Please continue uploading I appreciate your time producing the videos and the time
when I watch them. I smoked for 17 years, that is half of my life and your videos
helped me to stop smoking, I have been vaping and off of smokes for six months and I
know for sure I am never going back again, nowadays just the smell of cig smoke
really bothers me and I cant believe I got hooked on them for all that time. what a
waste… anyway I just thought I would tell you this, I have gotten a few of my
friends to switch and to my surprise felt quite satisfying.Best Regards from Nicaragua.
The Formaldehyde Fiasco Continues
In case you read this… Hidden Formaldehyde in E-Cigarette Aerosols from the New England Journal Of Medicine
Now please read this… The deception of measuring formaldehyde in e-cigarette aerosol: the difference between laboratory measurements and true exposure from Dr. Farsalinos.
And this… Verified: formaldehyde levels found in the NEJM study were associated with dry puff conditions. An update from Dr. Farsalinos.
“The Japanese Formaldehyde Fiasco”
Many of you have read the story… “E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times carcinogens”.
Many of you have and continue to ask me questions about it.
IMHO this is what happens when testers who don’t know what they’re testing test things and why it’s so important that the research on e-cig safety needs to be done by those who actually understand how people vape.
So here are some responses to the story that you may find interesting…
From Dr. Farsalinos: “Electronic cigarette aerosol contains 6 times LESS formaldehyde than tobacco cigarette smoke”
From Clive Bates: “Spreading fear and confusion with misleading formaldehyde studies”
From the American Vaping Association (AVA): “New E-Cig Study Hypes Formaldehyde Fears Based on Faulty Experiments”
I hope this helps and puts your mind at ease.
More testing is needed. Testing should not be feared. Results should not be feared. They should be used as an opportunity to do what we do in safer, healthier ways.
From Thomas
Phil, just have to say I have been following your reviews for the past few months and just wanted to thank you for what you do. I was a smoker for about 8 years and have been smoke free for over a year. As my vaping journey continues, I find myself checking your videos to see what is new and what will help create an even better vape experience, and I can say without a doubt that your videos help me accomplish that. I live in Fort Worth, TX and hopefully I’ll catch ya at Vapeblast. I’m a police officer so if I remember I’ll bring you another patch to add to your collection.
Thanks for what you do Phil, -Thomas
A PBusardo Review & Winner & Contest – The iPV Mini
In this video we take a full look at iPV Mini, announce the winner of the last contest, and kick off a new one.
The Links:
My Vapor Store
The Video:
The Photos:
From Brandon
I’ve just recently stopped smoking death sticks 3 weeks ago and I had no
clue about anything and your reviews helped me out a lot in selecting a setup. You
cover everything that is needed to know about everything you review. Thank you so
much and keep up the excellent work my friend. HAPPY VAPES!!!!
In this video we do some show and tell on the new VaporShark rDNA-40 large screen, verify that the DNA-30 does not have the same start-up delay as the Cloupor Mini as mentioned by several YouTube comments, take a full look at the Kanger Mini and Nano Subtanks including a look at the build deck and do a build for the Mini, talk about the insulator material, and do a show and tell on some new coil making tools. Phew!!
Kanger US Contact information:
KangerTech US Service Center
11555 Medlock Bridge Rd, Unit 100, Johns Creek, GA 30097
Phone: 1-888-799-1988
The Links:
Vapor Shark
Kuro Coiler
Coil Master
The Video:
The Photos: