Author: pbusardo
From Michael
I just wanted to thank you for your work and let you in on another success story.
I was a 2 pack a day Marlboro red smoker. I had always said quitting was easy I
did it a hundred times. Patches, gum, cold turkey, even Chantix nothing worked and
the urge to light up was always there. Even though I worked as a Pulmonary
Function Tech measuring smoking effects on others and myself I was hopelessly
hooked. About four years ago I tried a minimart Ecig but it had little effect. I
did some research and bought V2 cigs online yet even those replaced only a few
analogs and left me thinking of lighting up. About six weeks ago I went into a
local vape shop and picked up a MVP mini 70watt a Aspire Nautilus and Kanger Nano
tanks along with a couple of juices. That was on a Saturday, on Sunday I simply
stopped smoking. I didn’t quit as I had before with the thought or planning, I
just stopped without the desire to light up. After just a few day the reduction of
CO in my blood was like getting a new lease on life. The swells and tastes coming
back are an added pleasure
Shortly after stopping while gathering as much information on the art and science
of vaping as I could I found your videos and then this site. I have gathered more
info here than from all the others combined. Your videos are entertaining and very
informative. Your impressions are close to my own experiences and the technical
info is a welcome change from so many reviews based on opinions alone.
I have since added 3 Kanger sub minis to my tank collection and a dripper for
those times I want a stouter hit. I am rebuilding all my own attys experimenting
with resistance and power and have build a carry case out of an old day planner to
carry all the tanks and a few accessories to work with me allowing me to rotate
through juices throughout the day. I have locked down favorite juices for three
tanks now ( Castle Long, a blend of Gambit and $100 Apple Pie, and a local shops
coffee blend) and am working through others to find favorite for the other two.
When I read your opinions on the 5 pawns favorites of mine I decided to give your
shout out list a try. Though I have to admit I don’t seem to have your affinity
for peach.
You mentioned how you worried about leaving out assumed knowledge on some subject
thinking those new to vaping would lack understanding on the matter. I found
going back over 3 years of videos I could gain that base and watch the evolution
of the tech. So keeping the older stuff available and chronological was a great
In conclusion though your videos may not have effected my first purchase they have
help filled a need for knowledge I have. So Thank You very much Sir and keep up the
good work!
A PBusardo Review – Eleaf iStick 30W
In this video we clarify the “overly analyzed” Joyetech eGo One device, and take a full look at the Eleaf iStick 30W.
The Links:
Cravin’ Vapes Cucumber Melon
The Video:
The Photos:
From Chris
When I get down, this brings me right back up. Thanks so much for sharing Chris and to all the others who have shared their stories as well! Vape Happy everyone!
Dear Phil: I began vaping on Feb 7,2011,You posted my success
story,I would like to share this with you.I went to get my pre-employment
physical on Wed,And the Doc was checking my lungs.To both of our
surprise,They were very clear. I began to brag about how vaping has
changed my life..And she was very impressed especially when I told her
that I smoked 2-3 pks of Marlboro reds a day for 24 years..I would like to
thank you from the bottom of heart for helping vapors like me kick the
smoking habit.If it wasnt for your videos,I wouldnt be writing you
today,,Thanks Phil you really do make a difference!!!
From Marc
I don’t know what it is but your videos help me relax man. I can go back and watch your old videos, looking at where we all come from, what we all struggled with and it relax me.
I spent the day playing GTA 5 on one screen and your YouTube channel on the other. Day well spent!
Something you may not hear but I suffer from a pretty rough depression and more often than not I am messed up. It’s pretty sucky but one of the few things that gives me real and genuine joy is Vaping and part of that is sitting down and watching PBusardo videos.
Thanks again man. I know I messaged you in the past and said thanks but really Thank You for doing what you do man. Tell your real world boss (not your YouTube boss) to reduce your work load so you can do more vaping videos.
Episode 10 – Dripper Bottles Part 1
Ok folks, thanks to the wonderful advocates we’ve found out the CA Dept of Health is about to unleash lies and propaganda against vaping. We are getting a jump on them. We might not have the millions but we have passion! Let’s amplify this website to counter their fear-mongering!
A New Website With Facts You Need To Know
As a counter to the massive advertising campaign scheduled to launch Monday (March 23, 2015), provides the inside scoop as to why the California Department of Public Health is spending nearly 7 million dollars in anti-vaping propaganda. Get informed and share this info with everyone you know because if we do not stand up for ourselves then who will?
You will likely find yourselves in many conversations about this topic in the next few days, so be prepared and arm yourself with answers to this unfair and imbalanced attack on vaping!
In other words SHARE SHARE SHARE… and… SHARE!!!!
Click the images below to be taken to the site…
A PBusardo Video & Contest – China Part 4 – BoomerTech – The Clone Factory & Shopping
In this video we wrap up the China trip video series with a look at Boomer Tech, the clone factory, and some of the shopping we did while there. The video ends with a new contest!
We sincerely hope you enjoyed this look at Shenzhen and the factories we visited!
The Links:
Boomer Vape
Brian’s Email Address
The Video:
The Photos – Boomer:
The Photos – The Clone Factory:
The Photos – Shopping:
From Paul
Hi Phil , my fellow vapour sorry ,sorry just been watching your BF channel
lol .I just want to say i am a big fan of yours Phil and although i did not find
you till recently boy you have changed my outlook on vaping in a big way , when i
stopped smoking 7 months ago i did not find it too hard to stop, the tech after all
is a lot better now than in 2009 ,however i thought would use vaping as a way to
stop smoking and then i would stop vaping , it seemed to me a natural course of
action and what you are supposed to do. I really dreaded that day , i have tried
every thing in the past , patches, gum, tablets ,sprays and a inhaler , rubbish, all
of them and the thought of giving up vaping sent shivers down my spine because i
knew that once i stopped i would be back smoking again , not because i was addicted
to nicotine , i was nicotine free before with patches for 7 months but i was
addicted to the act of smoking ,every smoker has triggers whether it is a drink (in
my case) stress (in my case ) emotional (in my case…… i think you know where i
am going with this lol ) all these triggers don’t have nicotine as a overwhelming
factor its the act of smoking that has .This is where you come in , after watching
your video’s i have come to the conclusion that i like vaping i am not going to
stop vaping for the first time in 17 years i enjoy the act of it , is it a 100%
safe maybe not , is walking through a city with all the car fumes maybe not ,
there are lots of things that are not good for your lungs all i know for 100% fact
that vaping is better for you than smoking the evil weed , i know this because my
chest feels good again , i don’t get out of breath , my lungs don’t feel restricted ,
like they did when i smoked .Our top medical adviser in the UK has stated that if
smoking is a sore of 100 bad for you vaping is a 5 , well that’s good enough for me
So a big thank you for your informative video’s and your web page , it has been a
eye opener for me and has given me believe that i can remain smoke free for the
rest of my life.Kind regards Paul . Ps looking forward to see you in London, Vape
Jam .
A PBusardo Video & Review – VapeBlast 2015 & The Joyetech eGo One
In this video we take a look at VapeBlast 2015, we take a full look at the Joyetech eGo One, and find out who won the last two contests.
The Links:
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 3/24/15 – Turns out I over analyzed the shi*t out of this device. I was looking way to hard for something that simply didn’t exist and I made the mistake of not running a battery charge cycle with a known reference atomizer. Bad on me. This is simple an un-regulated device with some built in safety features and an on-board charger. Fully charged this will put out around 4.2 volts. On that same full charge I measured a loaded voltage 3.79V on the .5 Ohm head and 4.01V on the 1 Ohm head. Being un-regulated the vape quality diminishes as the battery charge goes down. On the .5, I measured 3.79V then 3.42V then 3.3V then 3.16V and then it shut down. Sorry for the confusion on this one folks.
The Video:
The Photos:
FROM CASAA: FDA Call to Action: Submit comments on FDA’s e-cigarette “workshop.”
This is directly from CASAA. Please act and share!!
FDA Call to Action: Submit comments on FDA’s “workshop” regarding e-cigarettes.
In December 2014, the FDA held the first of a series of “workshops” in which “experts” are invited to inform them about the physical characteristics of e-cigarettes. It should be no surprise that the people who were granted time to speak were largely non-experts and that consumer representatives were closed out of this meeting. This is your opportunity to help remedy that. If you watched the workshop, you know what we are talking about. If you did not, all you need to know is that FDA sought the opinion of people who presented information at about the level you might see in a magazine article on e-cigarettes.
Please note that the comments we are asking you to submit are for the first workshop (December 10 and 11, 2014). The second FDA workshop last week was much the same. The speakers were somewhat more expert, but still could have learned a lot from a consumer representative, and yet our application to include CASAA experts on the program was refused. We will have an opportunity to comment on that meeting later.
FDA claims that these workshops have nothing to do with their decision about whether and how to impose the “deeming” regulations and are only to inform the eventual regulation, but this is ridiculous. Whatever information flows now will obviously affect both.
The good news is that consumers and other experts on e-cigarettes have an opportunity to comment on this matter.
We know that the vaping community — which includes everyone from small manufacturers, to DIY modders, to consumers who make themselves expert on the hardware or liquid — has more collective expertise than FDA and their supposed “experts.” We need to collect examples.
1st – Please try to recall your favorite writings on the relevant topics from: threads on ECF or other forums; informative blog posts by consumers, consumer advocates, or vendors; how-to videos; etc. Keep in mind that the topic at hand is characteristics of e-cigarette hardware and liquid, including variations, modding options, etc.
- This includes:
- product engineering (how the devices work, new innovations, how to optimize them, etc.),
- physics,
- chemistry,
- the toxicological (effect of chemicals on health) implications of those.
There are tens of thousands of great threads and posts out in the world that cover these topics, providing consumers with useful information about the products. **Please make sure that the material is high-quality. (A few bad posts on a forum thread are inevitable, of course, but keep in mind that you are demonstrating that we are more expert than their “experts.”) Also, please do not include material that is primarily about smoking cessation or other behavioral issues; this is specifically about physical characteristics of the devices, liquids, and vapor.
2nd – Collect a list of these – at least one or two of them — and ten or a hundred if you want – and make them part of a comment (talking points provided below).
- **Please note: It is far better to create a PDF of the material you are referencing and upload as additional files or append it to your comment; if you just send a link, they will probably ignore it, but if you send the content, they are required by law to take the time to read it.
3rd – Submit your comment here. The Deadline is April 15, 2015.
Required and Suggested Talking points –
- (Required) Include the following information at the very top of your comment:
- I am commenting on Electronic Cigarettes and the Public Health; Public Workshop; 79 FR 55815, September 17, 2014, Docket No. FDA-2014-N-0001
- Describe yourself a bit:
- Mention if you are an e-cigarette user and how long you have been using e-cigarettes. Go ahead and mention how long ago e-cigarettes allowed you to quit smoking if that describes you. (It is not relevant to this docket, as noted, but it does not hurt to remind them.)
- If you are a CASAA member, please mention that to remind them that there is an organized consumer voice they should be listening to. (If you are not, please go HERE and join. It is free and important.)
- The material presented at this workshop would have benefited greatly from consumer input.
- I am commenting to call attention to some of the enormous body of knowledge and expertise that exists in the consumer community.
- Thank You.
Sample Letter –
To: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Re: Electronic Cigarettes and the Public Health; Public Workshop; 79 FR 55815, September 17, 2014, Docket No. FDA-2014-N-0001
I am a consumer, writing on my own behalf. <DESCRIBE YOURSELF>. I am writing to comment on “Electronic Cigarettes and the Public Health; Public Workshop; 79 FR 55815, September 17, 2014, Docket No. FDA-2014-N-0001.” This docket fol lows up on a workshop you held in December 2014 that was intended to hear expert presentation about physical and performance characteristics and variations of e-cigarettes and their toxicological and other implications.
It was apparent from the material presented at that workshop that the event could have greatly benefitted from expertise that exists in the consumer community. Many e-cigarette consumers, like myself, watched the workshop presentations. The simplis tic assessments coming from many (if not most) of these hand-picked “experts” were so inexpert and so clearly politically motivated that it was actually insulting.
I am commenting to call attention to some of the enormous body of knowledge and expertise that exists in the consumer community. Please consider the following material that came from consumers and/or small producers who are close to the consumer community:
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
- <http:…>
For convenience, I have provided copies of the content from these links as part of this comment.
Once you review this material and similar material from other consumers, it should be apparent that FDA’s level of expertise, and that of its supposed experts, is inadequate. FDA should be reading what is already known in the world, not tryin g to reinvent the wheel. FDA should get itself up to speed on this material, which already exists, before it presumes to judge who is even expert enough to comment, let alone before it bans 99.99% of the products on the market, as it is currently proposing.
Thank you for considering my comments.