Posted in Success Stories

From Denis

Hello Phil,

My name is Denis and I am a new vapor since 4 weeks today. I started watching
videos on youtube like yours and Dimitris (I sent 2 emails to Dimitris but did not
receive any answer back ). I wanted to let him know that I believe he is doing a
very good job with all the warnings about what your Government is doing with vaping.
What is going to happen in U.S. will bounce back in Canada for sure.

I watched your videos and they are great. They are very good and funny as well. It
helped me to determine what device I wanted to try. I started with the egrip from
Joyetech and it is now my travel device. I bought recently the Istick 50W with the
Kanger sub tank mini and really like it. Now, I would like to have another sub tank
in order to vape more around 40 watts (with the Kanger mini, even if I build my own
coil, I can’t vape over 25 watts without having a burned taste )

I want to tank you for what you do. I believe you help alot of people to quit
smoking tobacco cigarette, starting with me. I am helping my brother in law and
sister in law to quit smoking as we speak. My brother in law dropped from 35
cigarettes per day to 5. He still struggle in the morning and after dinner but he is
getting there.

Please keep doing what you do, the way you do it. Great job!


Posted in Recent News


Let’s just hope they fix up those heads and get them ready for prime time!!

The iSub Pyrex Glass Tank – the iSub-G and iSubPro are made with high quality Pyrex Glass and is also packaged with two 0.5 Ohm iSub Coils made with 100% Japanese Organic cotton to deliver awesome clouds and pure flavor. The iSub Glass tanks will be available soon at Authorized Innokin Technology Vendors .

iSub-G E-Cigarettes

iSub-Pro E-Cigarettes

The Innokin iSub works best at between 25 – 35 Watts and vapes perfectly with the MVP3.0 and the upcoming CoolFire4 and MVP3Pro.

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Posted in Success Stories

From Matt

Hey Phil,
I know you’re probably overwhelmed with emails these days and wont be hurt if i don’t receive a response from you.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you as i do every year for being integral to my success with quitting smoking 3 years ago today.
I found you about 3yrs ago when i was trying to learn how to rebuild my vivi nova heads. I, like you, was thrilled by the vivi when it first came out! My how far we’ve come! Since, i have evolved with the industry, started my own business wholesaling eliquid (Which is now distributed across 7 states) with the goal of providing the perfect flavor to get someone off the stinkies!
I love your style of review and all the detailed information you provide. Since I’ve found your website and youtube channel, I miss nothing you produce. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to meet you at some point in the near future. Perhaps the ECC in Chattanooga.
I would lovethe opportunity to share my eliquid with you as a token of my appreciation, not for review or for opinion or promotion, but simply as my way of saying thank you to a dear friend on this road to better health through vaping rather than smoking.
In closing, i just want to thank you again for all you do for the vaping community. Your advocacy, your reviews, your passion. Thanks for sharing so much time focusing on this industry, thank your wife for me as well for giving up time with her husband so you can be so detailed in your reviews and interviews. Im so glad she finally quit smoking! Thanks Phil!

Kind Regards,

Posted in CE Style Tanks & Clearomizers Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – Some Sub Ohm Tanks

Sorry, some of the audio is over-driven in this video.

In this video we get into and take a look at several different sub-ohm tanks currently on the market including:



  • The Aspire Atlantis 2
  • The Eleaf Lemo
  • The FreeMax Starre
  • The Horizon Tech Arctic
  • The Innokin iSub
  • The Smok VCT
  • The Smok VCT-Pro

Is this all of the sub-ohm tanks currently on the market?  No.  And as I type this I’m sure another 10 of them have been released.

We wrap it all up up with a new contest.

From Dr. Farsalinos…

If you consider that a regular vaper consumes on average 4mL per day, the 20 or 30mL range can only be characterized as extreme. And as everything extreme, it cannot be good. Imagine someone drinking half gallon of water and another drinking 10 times that. Water is good, but not at quantities 10 times higher than average!!!

The reasons are many: flavors have unknown properties when inhaled, even VG and PG have unknown properties when inhaled on a daily basis. At low quantities we expect the risk to be minimal, but 20 or 30mLs are extreme quantities and we do not know what will happen. We always say that it is not the chemical but the amount that defines toxicity. I consider vaping 30mL per day an extreme amount. It is definitely much worse than vaping 4mL per day.

We know that e-cigarettes contain few toxic chemicals. The more you vape, the more you get.

If you remember, i told you during our meeting that subohm vaping concerns me not because of the high wattage but because i have not seen anyone doing subohm and consuming less than 10mL of liquid.

Taking the opportunity, i will make my first aldehyde measurements at subohm vaping in early May.

The Links:
Horizon Tech

The Video:

The Table (This has been cleaned up a bit post review – click it for full size ):

ScreenHunter_23 Apr. 17 15.35

The Photos:

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Posted in Event Videos Recent News


A PBusardo Video – Meet Jeremy & Good Life Vapor

In this video we meet Jeremy Dollar, the CEO of Good Life Vapor, maker of Deadly Sin, and one of the mix artists from Njoy’s Artist Collection. We tour his e-liquid facility, have an interview with him, and briefly see one of his two shops.

Remember to use the code THEGOODLIFE for 10% off your next Good Life Vapor order.

The Links:
Good Life Vapor

The Video:

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


The Cool Fire 4 is coming from Innokin. Estimate May before they start shipping.

This is going to be a 40 watt device capable of firing down to a .2 Ohm (.3 recommended) load.

More info as I get it.

You’ll see the new Cool Fire 4 on the far right. Also seen in these photos are the new glass and metal iSub tanks also coming soon from Innokin.

iTaste MVPPRO , COOL FIRE4 with the iSub Glass Tanks

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Posted in Recent News


Supposedly coming from Eigate’s new (or purchased, not sure which) battery factory…

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Posted in Success Stories

From Doug

Just started vaping after being a 20 yr smoker, just wanted to say your
site has been so helpful. Searched all over for info now i can’t stop watching you.
Thank You
Sincerely Doug

Posted in Recent News

Truth About Vaping – Episode 1 “Why They Hate Us”


Revealing the real motivation behind the California Department of Public Health’s attack campaign on vaping called Still Blowing Smoke.

The view more of the TRUTH visit Not Blowing Smoke.

Follow Calls to Action on CASAA or SFATA.

The Video:

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Posted in Recent News


WAY TO GO FOLKS! We need to see more of this. Very impressive! BE HEARD!!

Thanks for the heads up on this Edward Wolff!

This video was started about four minutes in to the opposition comments. So it represents about 70% of the opposition voiced.
This is a video of the opposition to Senate Bill 140, sponsored by State Senator Leno, at the California State Capitol on 4-8-2015.
The room was packed and many Vapers and Vendors were pushed off into overflow rooms. It was scheduled for 1:30, but Vapers had to wait until 6 pm before they could be say only their name and their stance on the Bill. Many Vapers had to leave before they were allowed to speak in opposition.
It was clear on the faces of the politicians that this showing by Vapers made a large impact to them. It would be fair to say that they were Stunned.

Huge shout out to SFATA-CA and Stefan Didak who were on the preset panel.

The Video:

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