Author: pbusardo
A PBusardo Video – Show And Tell – Kayfun TC Build – Contest Winner & New Contest
In this video we do some show and tell, by request I show you my Kayfun TC build & materials used, we find out who won the last contest and kick off a new one!
The Links:
Elevated Vape Accessories – The SX-Mini Battery Cap
Eclyp – The Omni Mark II Eclyp
Blue Blaze Vapes – The Kanthal Spool Holder
Phiniac – Custom Etching
Vaper’s Gold Cotton
Sweet Spot Vapors – TI Wire Information
Sweet Spot Vapors – TI Wire DNA-200 .csv Files and Custom Screens
The Video:
A PBusardo Review – The DNA-200 Episodes I, II & III – The Board, The Software, & Some Of The Devices.
Now that Episode III is complete, I’ve consolidated all of the posts into a single, all encompassing one.
Episode I, The DNA-200. In this video we take a look at the board itself, the features as accessed by the device, and the numbers.
Episode II, Parts 1 & 2, The EScribe Software. In these videos we take a look at the EScribe software. They are one part tutorial, one part review.
Episode III, The Device Comparison. In this video we take a look at some DNA-200 device offerings. Note that this is not a full review of the devices. No individual thumbs up, thumbs down, or overall thumbs are given. Just a look at each with some pluses and minuses pointed out. The ratings are EXTREMELY subjective. Look for what is important to you!
The Links:
EScribe Software Found Here
EScribe User Manual
EScribe Training Course
DNA 200 Themes Facebook Group
Sweet Spot Vapors TI Wire
Steam Engine Website
HCigar – The VT200
VaporDNA – Hcigar’s Recommended Vendor Website for the VT200
HotCig – The DX200
Hot Fire Tech – HotCig’s Recommended Vendor Website for the DX200
GearBest – Where my DX200 came from
Opus Vapor – The Opus 200
Flawless Vape Shop – The Tuglyfe DNA-200 Box
Vaporshark – The VaporShark DNA 200
Steam Monkey – The Vero
Volcano – The Lavabox
Wismec – The Reuleaux
Clear Mist Vape – Wismec’s Recommendation for the Reuleaux
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 11/3/15 – There is some confusion over the charging capabilities in the Volcano Lavabox. I’ve confirmed with both Evolv and Volcano that they use standard 1A charging like all the rest except for the Shark which uses 2A “Zip” charging. It appears they have now removed the “Internal 90-Minute Lightning Fast Charging” comment from the website.
The Evolv Recommended Procedure For Calculating TC Material .csv File:
Note: Any manufacturer supplying TC wire or coil heads should be able to provide you with a .csv file. If they’re not, IMHO, they’re not doing their jobs.
Run extension wires (kanthal is best of the easily available stuff, it has a very very small TCR) to the coil and back to the DNA 200.
Fire up atomizer analyzer. Short the kanthal together at the far end to get the resistance of the kanthal and mod. Then connect the kanthal to the coil under test.
Put the coil in a flask, fill the flask with the mineral oil and put the thermometer measuring the oil temperature. Put the whole apparatus on the stove.
Don’t start a fire. Use an oil with a high flash point and low conductivity. Silicone oil works best, but it is a bit spendy. Transmission fluid works if you keep it under 450F or so.
You can use this sort of setup to generate a TCR curve for anything with a little care and practice. The oil is easy to measure, and it keeps the coil at a nice uniform temperature. Stir the oil so you don’t get hotspots and don’t set your thermometer on the heated bottom.
You’ll then need to take the temps and resistance readings at room temperature, and at increasing temps to come up with the file. Here are the contents of the SweetSpot Vapor TI .5mm .csv file to model your file after:
Of course, unless you have some pretty special equipment, you’re not going to be able to get readings as accurate as this.
The Evolv Recommended Procedure For Calculating The Mod’s Resistance:
Note: This value should be calculated by the mod’s manufacturer.
Coming Soon
The Default Battery Curve .csv File Contents:
Note: This is provided so that you’ll be able to tell if the EScribe Battery Analyzer was correctly run by the mod’s manufacturer. If you see these values in place and the device DOES NOT use Evolv’s recommended battery, the FullyMax FB900HP-3S, 11.1VDC, 900mAh (10Wh) then they are probably incorrect and you should run the tool with your mod and battery to get the best possible accuracy from your battery bar.
The Default Mod Resistance:
Note: This is provided so that you’ll be able to tell if the mod’s resistance was correctly calculated by the mod’s manufacturer. If you see a zero here, it was not done. Although it can be measured by you (see above), it requires specialized equipment which you may not have. I’d recommend contacting the mod’s manufacturer as they should be the ones calculating this. This value will lead to improved temperature accuracy.
The Default Case Thermals:
Note: This is provided so that you’ll be able to tell if the EScribe Case Analyzer was correctly run by the mod’s manufacturer. If you see these values in place and you DO NOT have an Evolv DNA-200 Reference Device, then they are probably incorrect and you should run the tool with your mod to get the best possible temperature accuracy.
The Spreadsheet Seen In Episode 3:
Note: Again, the ratings are EXTREMELY subjective. Look for what is important to you!
HANA V200 | 199 | 4 months | 950 | 10.545 | TBD | 40 | 92 | 24 | 88320 | ?? | Aluminum | ?? | ?? | ?? | 1 | 1 | ?? | 1 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | 3 | ?? | | |||
Hcigar VT200 | 169.95 | 1 year | 1300 | 14.43 | 9.99 | 55 | 96 | 25 | 132000 | 200.5 | Aluminum | Metal | Brass | Brass | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | Battery life score changed due to actual measurement. | 20 | | | |
HotCig DX200 | 149 | 30 day, 90 day DNA | 900 | 9.99 | 9 | 52 | 90 | 26 | 121680 | 218.2 | Aluminum | Rubberized | Gold Plated Stainless | Stainless | 1 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 23 | | | | |
Opus 200 | 229 | 6 months | 1000 | 11.1 | TBD | 55 | 94 | 23 | 118910 | 198.1 | Aluminum | Metal | Silver Plated Brass | Stainless | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 17 | | | ||
Tuglyfe DNA-200 Box | 200 | 90 days | 1200 | 13.32 | TBD | 47 | 95 | 27 | 120555 | 217.3 | Aluminum | Cerakote | Brass | Stainless | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 18 | | | ||
VapeCige VTBox200 | 160 | ?? | 1800 | 19.98 | TBD | 55 | 99 | 32 | 174240 | 300 | Aluminum | Painted ?? | Copper ?? | Stainless ?? | ?? | 1 | 4 | 4 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | 5 | Waterproof Buttons | ?? | TBD | | |
VaporShark DNA-200 | 199.99 | 4 months | 900 | 9.99 | TBD | 48 | 90 | 24 | 103680 | 170.6 | Aluminum | Rubberized | Gold Plated Copper | Stainless | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 2A charging +1 | 24 | | | |
Vero | 260 | 30 days D, L | 2500 | 27.75 | TBD | 58 | 98 | 34 | 193256 | 219.8 | 3D - Fused Nylon | Textured Nylon | Brass | Stainless | 1 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 20 | | | |
Volcano Lavabox | 169.99 | 90 days | 900 | 9.99 | TBD | 46 | 95 | 28 | 122360 | 200.3 | Aluminum | Metal/Rubber Grip | Brass | Stainless | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 5 | 20 | | | ||
Wismec Reuleaux | 169.99 | 90 days | 2500 | 27.75 | TBD | 50 | 84 | 40 | 168000 | 319.4 | Zinc Allow | Painted with UV Coating | Gold Plated Brass | Stainless | 1 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 4 | 4 | -1 | 26 | | | |
- 12/18/15: The VaporShark is starting to show signs of the finish coming off:
- 12/18/15: I’ve experienced an issue with the Volcano Lavabox. The screen has gone blank due to an issue with the fire button hitting the ribbon cable that connects the screen to the board. The unit was quickly replaced by Volcano and they’re looking into the cause of the problem. Although I cannot confirm it, I’ve heard the Reuleaux has a similar issue.
The Video – Episode I – The Board:
The Video – Episode II, Part 1 – The EScribe Software:
The Video – Episode II, Part 2 – The EScribe Software:
The Video – Episode III – The Device Comparison:
The Photos:
From Ray
Good evening Phil,
No questions or comments for ya this time. Just wanted to say I really appreciate the work you do and outside of vaping hope all is well. You may not think so, but the vape community would be a much different place and much worse off without you in it. All the hard work you do for all of us and yourself, I don’t think we can all thank you enough. Ah crap I guess I did have a comment…oh well. Take care sir.
From Robert
I just finished watching your second episode for the DNA-200, and I just wanted to say thank you. I see all of the effort you put into your videos and I wanted you to know how grateful I am. I have vaping for about four years now and I look to you for information on ways to enhance my vaping experience. I am in love with temp control but I cannot use nickel, i am allergic to it. I don’t know if vaping it would hurt me but prolonged exposure of it on my skin cause a painful rash so I’d rather not attempt it. I went with an evic vt to do titanium, but after your last videos see myself going to a Dna-200 when i can. Sorry going off topic, Again I just really wanted to thank you for everything you do for us as a community, you’re changing people’s lives by the thousands and I just wanted you to know it is appreciated.
Thanks Again,
Getting a lot of questions about this, so thought I’d do a post.
You saw me using version 1.0.34… but it’s not available. Yeah, I know.
Evolv supplied me with a later beta release of the software with the hope that it would be ready in time for public release and sync to the video.
Looks like that didn’t happen. I’ve contacted them and recommended they release it as soon as possible so I can stop fielding the same questions and comments over and over again.
I’m sure (hope) it will be released soon.
Thanks all. Now back to your regularly scheduled broadcast.
- Love the look of this one!
- Love the feel of this one!
- Love the interchangeable colored grips!
- Love the ease of battery replacement! (it is a little tough getting the balance connector past the main connector)
- Would love to see the grips be snap-on or magnetic as apposed to screw-on for rapid changing.
- Not a fan of the fire button 🙁
When I first saw this, I thought it looked “manly”. Which is why Dimitris will hate it unless he can get a nice pink grip for it.
Since the device has the same shape on either side and the fire button is flush with the device, I find myself hunting for the fire button at times even with the grip telling me the orientation.
The flush mounted fire button was done intentionally to prevent it from being accidentally pressed.
So this is where everyone is going to be different. Some will not mind the button, but for me, the first time I need to hunt for the button… well… you know.
Expect to pay $169.99 for this one from Volcano.
If I change my mind and wind up liking the button, can you guys have a luau in my honor? 🙂
Photos show it next to a Shark 200 for a size comparison.
From Kevin
Hi Phil,
First of all I want to thank you. I was a smoker for 22 years and I quit and
switched to vaping after watching your videos and videos by GrimmGreen. I have been
cigarette-free for about three months. I was so excited to find something that
actually helped me quit smoking (I tried all of the “FDA approved’ methods) that I
even started my own YouTube channel dedicated to vape reviews and tutorials under
the name “CageClouds”. I only have about 240 subs right now after about two months,
but I am just so excited to share my experience about vaping with others. I just
wanted to let you know that you changed my life, and I wanted you to know that what
you are doing IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE in people’s lives. I know are very busy, but I
would love to get some feedback on my channel from you. Any help would be very much
appreciated. Thank you again..Kevin
From Dave
Hey Phil,
Thought of you today as I ordered an ISub Apex. Last year I emailed you for help on how to get into mods and tanks and you were just so helpful with your suggestions. You helped me settle on the MVP 20w and an Aspire Nautilus. I have used that set up for over a year now and as I await the Apex and a new battery for my KBox, I realize that the MVP 20w is going to get retired.
Your recommendation kept me off the stink sticks through some really difficult times, family deaths, employement issues, finacial issues, all things that would send me right back to Big Tobacco. I was Tobacco free for a year before you suggested the MVP/Nautilus combo but I highly doubt I would have made it through the rest of 2014/15 on the eGo cheapos I was vaping.
I just wanted to thank you again for the work you do, helping to keep this industry alive and giving hard data to users in a way we can understand and enjoy. So thanks for your work and keep it up! I’ll be keeping an eye on your videos to decide on what Mod I want next because the KBox is kinda boring!
Much respect and Love,
Your friend,
From Suzann
I just read the story by William and I am sitting here with tears in my
eyes. My Mom passed this June after 60 years of smoking and I don’t know what was
worse the day she died or taking her for chemo all those months. I have written to
you before but I am now over one year cig free and I swear if it wasn’t for you and
a select few of other You Tube reviewers that have guided me, I don’t know where
things would be. Again thanks Phil for everything
From Andre
I just want to thank you very much for all your help and dedication. I have made a
decision a week ago to give up vaping and it has been a week since I stopped. Since
I won’t be following you as much as I used to in the past, I just wanted to show my
appreciation for everything you have done. Vaping helped me quit smoking, and now
I’ve been able to give up vaping as well, and thanks to you for keeping us out of
smoking. Again thanks you and I’ll be checking on your videos every once in a while.Sincerely,