Author: pbusardo
From Ben
Last night, I was fortunate enough to come across your You Tube video aimed
at smokers. Although, it was rather lengthy, it was also very informative. I have
been a smoker for over 50 years and have tried many different ways to quit,
unsuccessfully. Thank you for showing me a way that may work. I entered your
contest, and if fortunate to win, fine, if not , I will be looking into the purchase
of vaping supplies.Thank you again for this info. Keep up the good work. I am now a subscriber to
your channel. Again, thank you.Ben
From Andrew
Dear Pete, 😉
I’m a long time listener, but first time caller. I have to say hands down, your for
smokers video is the best vaping video I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
You covered information that took me weeks to find and longer to understand. You not
only covered great information but delivered it in most coherent way. What I found
also helpful(to smokers) was what you didn’t cover and your explanation for not
doing so.Thank you for all of your time and hard work that you put into your research,
filming, editing, uploading, and follow ups.Andrew
From Todd
Bravo Phil !!! That was a video long time coming. I’m really glad to see
you do one for the smokers to help give them a quick tutorial on the basics and
what’s available. I can now refer those I’ve been trying to help quit smoking here,
to an informative video to rest their minds on some of the issues. Been working on a
family member last few weeks and even though they like my advanced stuff, it’s
daunting to them, and the egos, while they served me well, still aren’t what gave a
good experience. I may go out and buy one of those endura’s, if I don’t win that
one, just so he can have an awesome experience without all the confusing bells n
whistles. Thank you for the review and beginners tutorial. Awesome job, sir !!! Love
to see these 🙂Todd
From Matthew
Hi Phil
I sent you an email back in 2013 to thank you for the role your videos played in helping me give up cigarettes, two years later and i’m glad to say that beyond a couple of times when nostalgia got the better of me, and i’m still vaping away.
I remain a big fan of your videos, and watch them religiously. You made a comment in one of your recent ones along the lines of “it’s not about blowing clouds, it’s about getting people to quit smoking”.
I couldn’t agree more!
For my friends in Canada… Bill 45 Protest Rally Dec 5, 2015 – A More Detailed Look
Thanks for sending this to me Jason Schwager, Owner, The Digital Smoker…
In protest of Bill 45, Schedule 3, hundreds of people gathered at Queen’s Park on December 5, 2015.
Our complaint is that Bill 45 will destroy the vaping industry and hamper vapers and potential new users to such a degree that many will return to tobacco.
We demand fair, reasonable, evidence-based legislation created in cooperation with the existing industry.We hope this video is viewed by as many Ontario MPPs as possible, so please share!
Take your tablet or laptop to their office and show them yourself!This is a long 1st cut that we have rushed out to keep this weekend’s rally fresh in the MPPs minds.
We will be releasing a final cut over the next few days as we get more time for editing.
The Video:
From Larry
Hi Phil,
I have been watching your reviews since I found your site a little over 3 years ago. I enjoy all the stuff you do, even stuff I might not have an interest in. I just wanted to tell you that I think that this review was quite possibly the best one you’ve ever done. I was intrigued for the whole hour and 18 minutes! It wasn’t so much the Endura, but more so the delivery. It reminded me so much of your older video’s. It was just nice to see you explain everything for the smoker who wants to quit and for the beginning vaper. Your were right on the mark with this one!!! Great job!! As always thanks for everything that you do for the vaping community!
From Andy
Phil I have vaped for 3 years now, I used to get bronchitis every winter, having smoked for 25 years I think I was a clear candidate for CLPD or worse. Every year my bronchitis seemed to get worse and worse.
Since I have stopped smoking I haven’t got bronchitis. I really feel like vaping saved my life. The best and worst part of me starting to vape is that my now 6 year old daughter doesn’t have asthma anymore. I only say worst because it proof that our smoking caused it. We never smoked around her directly but we would smoke in the car and house if she wasn’t around.
So if you are on the fence about quitting I hope my story pushes you in the right direction.
In this video, we add to the stocking, we take a full look at the Endura, and we kick off a new contest.
This is the longest review I’ve done all year on the simplest product I’ve looked at, but there IS a reason for it.
I’ve done things a little different in this video. I’m not necessarily talking to you the vaper, for this one, I want to talk to smokers.
So I have a request… If you have friends or family members who still smoke and have been considering vaping, PLEASE invite them to watch this video. Even if the smoker in your life HASN’T considered vaping, invite them too!!!
I think there is some helpful information in here for a simple, yet important product that is a perfect first device for a smoker.
Thank you so much!
Oh and at 51:55 I say, “I stopped vaping in 2009” Clearly that was supposed to be “I stopped smoking in 2009”. Oops.
Innokin Visit Video
My Vapor Store
The Video:
The Photos:
From Annalisa
It’s been almost two months since the first time I contacted you. I had so many
questions, as I transitioned from vape pen style vaping, to a box mod, and I
don’t think I can ever thank you enough for the time you took to ask questions,
offer advice, and provide much needed information. Your videos are the
highlight of my week, and now that I understand how that information impacts my
vape experience, they are truly enlightening.
It was my goal to take the information you provided, along with that I gained
through other sources, and pass it on to my family, most of whom are long time
smokers. As of Thanksgiving, my brother is vaping on an iStick 60w TC that he
purchased when the subox kit I gave him unexpectedly died. My parents have eGo
Mega Devices now, which they are going to try, with my brother’s assistance. I
do not know if they will enjoy vaping, but the fact that they are willing to
try is both a gift and a reason to hope. I am so glad there are sites like
yours where they can go for information, not just about advanced vaping, but
what many people consider “beginner stuff”, after all, we were all beginners
As for my own journey, I discovered that I like flavor, above all else, and
wandered into the realm of RDA’s. Tonight, I built my very first coil, closely
followed by my second. I’m learning to build on a velocity mini clone I found at
a local vape shop. One of the employees there held my hand while I built those
coils and installed them into the deck. The feeling of accomplishment from having
her say that they were “pretty” for a first attempt was like… Well, honestly,
it was like the first time I had a pita puff up in the cast iron pan. It’s silly
to say, but it’s almost like magic.
I appreciate what you do for the vaping community, from your reviews, to
actively posting information regarding vaping advocacy. It’s also a pleasure to
see you joking, teaching and sharing on facebook. I’m not sure if your family
likes baked goods, breads, cookies, those sorts of things, but if you would be
amenable, I would very much like to send you a gift basket of homemade goodies.
Please let me know.
In the meantime, I offer you my gratitude.– Annalisa
From Waylon
Just wanted to say keep it up and threw my vote your way. I love what you
do, you entertain and teach at the same time. If it hadn’t been for your videos I
probably wouldn’t have stuck with vaping. Have a great Christmas and I look forward
to another year of info and reviews (maybe 2016 is the year of the 3000).