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PHIL IS COMING! PHIL IS COMING! :-) TO E-CIG SOURCE, 955 S Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL – 4/2/22

Phil is coming! Phil is coming! 🙂

I’m really looking forward to this!

Let’s pretend it’s somewhere around 2012/2013…

People are excited about vaping and quitting smoking!
Vape shops are opening all over!
Vape events in the US are HUGE!
There are no issues with flavors, regulations, or negative PR!
Dimitris is fatter than I am!

Let’s pretend that and let’s head over to E-Cig Source and celebrate as we once did. Celebrate what we were able to accomplish, celebrate those who found tobacco harm reduction through vaping when all else failed, and celebrate what places like E-Cig Source and Peggy Whitmore are still able to accomplish.

Let’s have some fun.
Let’s have a chat.
Let’s tell some stories.
Let’s reminisce.

If you can go… get there.

I look forward to seeing you!

Thank you to Innokin for supporting this event!

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If you want to protect your right to vape contact your legislators starting today thru Tuesday and wear out their phones and emails.

Talking points:

What does SB2143/ HB2119 do?

This bill would ban flavored vapor products for adults – including products that do not even
contain nicotine. It mandates that the Department of Revenue create and maintain a new product
directory tied to the FDA’s Pre-Market Tobacco Application (PTMA) approval process. It also
creates a new Class C Misdemeanor for anyone under the age of 21 who uses a vapor product on
public school grounds.

Who does this affect?

All businesses engaged in the manufacturing and selling of vapor products in Tennessee.
However, the largest impact would be on independently owned and operated stores dedicated to
the sale of vaping products. It would effectively put [insert # of vape shops] out of business.

Are your local vape shops currently complying with regulations already in place?

Yes, dedicated vape shops have the best compliance rates in Tennessee. Of the 271 FDA
Compliance Check Inspections of Tobacco Product Retailers between January 1, 2019 and
December 21, 2021 involving the sale of e-liquids to a minor in the state of Tennessee, only 16
were vape shops (6%). Otherwise, the overwhelming majority of sales to minors occurred at gas
stations or convenience stores.

Would Tennessee be an outlier if it passed this bill?

Yes, Tennessee would become one of the first states in the nation to regulate synthetic nicotine,
outpacing the federal government. Nationwide standards are needed, not a state-by-state

Would this bill cost the state money?

Yes, because Tennessee does not currently have or maintain a product directory for each vape
manufacturer. Additionally, state and local governments would bear the cost of prosecuting and
jailing those under 21 accused of vaping on school grounds.

The Tennessee Smoke Free Association asks you to VOTE NO on this bill to
protect small businesses and their employees in Tennessee.

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH: Punted? | Provinces Could Have Final Say on Flavour Bans

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

It’s been nine months since Health Canada released details of its proposed nationwide ban on flavours in nicotine vaping products and there is still no word on whether the regulator intends to pull the trigger on what many believe could be a disaster for public health.
Is Health Canada punting on the flavour ban?

Joining us today for a special issue update edition of RegWatch is Dr. Mark Tyndall, renowned infectious disease specialist and harm reduction advocate. Learn why he thinks the flavour ban could be losing steam at the federal level and how the provinces might step in.

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Released: March 10, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

Part of our “Last Stand” Canada coverage

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Schism | Battle Over Vaping Within Public Health

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

As we’ve reported endlessly over the past years, there appears to be a schism within public health between those who believe safer nicotine products play a valuable role in helping smokers to quit.

And with those who believe that compared to vaping, smoking is the lesser of two evils.
Joining us today to unpack this question and more is world-renowned tobacco control researcher Dr. Michael Cummings, Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina. He formerly led the tobacco control program at Roswell Park Cancer Center and in 2002 Dr. Cummings helped establish the ITC-Project.

What explains the schism over vaping within public health? Find out!

Only on RegWatch by

Released: March 5, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Tax Trouble | Canadian Vape Industry Facing New Excise Tax

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

The Canadian government announced last year it would introduce a new excise tax on nicotine vaping products in 2022.
The tax is based on e-liquid volume and not a measure of nicotine content, which is a relief for many. However, the tax could still prove punitive for many smokers seeking to quit.

Joining us today to talk about the troubles of this new tax is Ian Irvine, Professor of Economics at Concordia University and Research Fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute.

Only on RegWatch by

Released: February 26, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

Part of our “Last Stand” coverage

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: “Surprise Switcheroo” | Industry Legal Challenge to FDA Denial Orders

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

The fight to save vaping in the United States appeared almost over when FDA issued Marketing Denial Orders to over 300 vaping product manufacturers, thus requiring more than 5-million vaping products to be taken off the market.

But dozens of vape companies fought back, launching legal action against FDA.
Today on RegWatch, hear from Eric Heyer, partner at the law firm Thompson Hine and litigator behind many of the court challenges on behalf of major U.S. vape manufacturers. Learn why several vape companies have been granted judicial stays on their Marketing Denial Orders, which means these producers can continue to sell their vape products while lawsuits remain active.

Could the industry stave off disaster? Find out.

Only on RegWatch by

Released: February 17, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Case Crumbles | Losing Logic Behind Flavour Bans

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

Health Canada’s case for a ban on flavours in nicotine vaping products appears to be crumbling as evidence mounts regarding its potentially disastrous impact on public health.

According to a new report, “The Case for Flavours,” by prominent tobacco harm reduction researcher Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, flavour bans effectively equate to a form of prohibition, which would fuel the growth of a massive black market and spur a deadly rise in cigarette smoking.
In this episode of RegWatch, hear Dr. Farsalinos discuss his multidimensional review of the use of flavours in nicotine vapes and learn what he recommends regulators should do instead of banning flavours.

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Released: February 12, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Is Vaping Immoral? | Flavour Ban Advocates at Health Canada May Think So

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

The science on flavour bans appears to be hardening. Studies show if flavour bans are implemented, many vapers would likely return to smoking.

And according to Dr. John Oyston, if Health Canada pushes a flavour ban into force, it could be “a public health disaster.”
Joining us today on RegWatch is anesthesiologist and tobacco harm reduction advocate Dr. John Oyston. Hear how he explains the motivations behind Health Canada’s proposed flavour ban and what could happen if it goes into effect.

Only on RegWatch by

Released: February 2, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by STLTH

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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Strict Reading | Could China’s E-Cig Regs Upend Global Open System Supply?

From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

Late last year, China amended its laws, so that vaping product manufacturers are now subject to strict regulation by the Chinese government, under the same regulatory authority as combustible cigarettes.

The move outlaws the production and sale of refillable vapes for the domestic market, causing genuine concern over the future global supply of open systems hardware.
In this episode of RegWatch, we are joined by esteemed regulatory lawyers Azim Chowdhury in Washington, D.C., and David Ettinger in Shanghai, China, both from the firm Keller & Heckman.

Could China’s new regs threaten vaping across the globe? Find out!

Only on RegWatch by

Released: January 23, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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What does that mean? Watch and find out how ladies can enter this show’s giveaways!


  • State of the Union with Dimitris.
  • Synthetic Nic Bans
  • New stuff from Innokin
  • & More!

The Links:

Synthetic Nicotine Set for FDA Regulation Under Budget Deal
Donate to AVM to help them fight the Synthetic/TFN ban


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