Posted in Success Stories

From Matt

Just want to say a huge thank you for your help. I’m am one of your UK followers
And I’ve been smoke free for 10 weeks now.
It began by stumbling across one of your review videos on YouTube. Now, 10 weeks on
any after watching many of your videos, I have finally kicked the habit.
I settled for a cool fire IV plus , and have my handy nautilus tank , isub A & G,
and kanger mini in my Arsenal. Not quite ventured into re building just yet, I’m
still using stock coils. Love MTL as it gives me that satisfied feeling, although a
good direct lung once in a while for some really good flavour goes down a treat.
Thanks for your reviews and I suppose your support (although indirectly). You really
have helped me. Can’t wait for the next video. Keep up the great work.

Posted in Devices Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Kanger DripBox & The Last Contest Winner

In this video we mention some up and coming events, briefly talk about the VapeNorthEast event, review the Kanger DripBox, and find out who won the last contest.

The Links:
VapeJam UK
Queen ECigs – Greece
Wapari Design Facebook

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of this video in part or in it’s entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News



Well, it’s no big secret that me and the Lotus Jellyfish didn’t exactly get along. Happily the company did not hold a grudge (nor should they ever… it’s nothing personal) and wanted me to look at their new device, the Lotus JellySlice.

Kinda happy about that too because I’m really digging the form factor of this device. It’s slim, very slim. Although the top tapers into a centered 22mm atomizer platform, the device itself is only 15mm thick, making it extremely pocket friendly. Feels pretty solid too. It’s going for $89.99 on the Lotus website. The board running it is a proprietary Lotus board.

Here’s some additional specifications and photos for you as well.

Lotus JellySlice 80W TC Box Mod Features:

2600mAh Internal Polymer Battery
Wattage Ouput Range: 1~80W
Max Voltage Output: 8V
Min Atomizer Resistance: 0.05ohm
Temperature Control Functionality
Ni200 Nickel Compatible
Anodized 6061 Aluminum Shell Construction
Intuitive LCD Display
Three Button Operations
Over Charge Protection
Over Discharge Protection
Short Circuit Protection
Over Fire Protection
510 Connection Pin


1 JellySlice 80W TC Box Mod
1 Silicone Sleeve
1 MicroUSB Charging Cable
1 Wall Adapter
Instruction Manual

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Posted in Success Stories

From Jesper

I just have to thank you for all you wisdom. I have been snuff and cig fre
now for 4 weeks and love to watch you channel. Like you I love mouth to lung. Have a
Innokin T18 and T22 but now looking for the next mod. Thank you again for a super nice channel.
Best regards

Posted in Success Stories

From Denis


Today is a very important day for me: it’s been a year now since I quit smoking,
thank to you. After 40 years of smoking tobacco cigarette, I watched your videos in
February 2015 and bought my first device, March 24, 2015. I never smoked a cigarette
since then.

It was so a revelation to me that I decided to share my findings with other people:

Thanks to you, I have converted four people: my sister, 58 years old (8 months
vaping after 40 years of smoking), my nephew, 25 year old (9 months vaping), my
sister-in-law, 48 years old (8 months vaping after 30 years of smoking) and my
brother-in-law, 50 years old (8 months of vaping after 35 years of smoking).

Thanks to you, I am convinced that I have increase my chances to live longer.

Thanks to you, I will be able to see growing up my two grandchildren longer (3 1/2
years old little girls and 1 year old little boy).

Thanks to you, my grandchildren will have the chance to see their grandfather longer
that I had with my grand parents.

Thanks to you, I will be able to have good times with my son and daughter longer.

Thanks to you, I will be able to love my wife longer.

I am so happy today that I wanted to share it with you. My greatest wish for the
future is to meet you in person to express my happiness. I am still a big fan of

Phil Busardo, thanks to you.

Your friend forever,


Denis, THANK YOU! But THANKS SO YOU! It was you who had the strength to get off the cigarettes. Thanks to YOU your friends and family are off the cigarettes. Give yourself all the credit! Never take that away from yourself. Maybe I just helped a little!

Posted in Event Videos Recent News


A PBusardo Video – A Visit To The Yongdeli Battery Factory

In this video we travel back to China to see how batteries are made as we tour the Shenzhen Yongdeli New Energy battery factory.

Here’s something REALLY interesting that I found out AFTER the video was completed.

Although the general manufacturing process you will see is accurate, the required staff to ensure quality and to properly test the cells was not on hand. Due to this, Tony could not ensure the quality of the cells. So ALL of the batteries you see being manufactured in this video were destroyed and recycled.

Impressive if you ask me.

I sincerely appreciate the effort put forth by Tony and Brian allowing me to show you the manufacturing process.

Whether or not these cells have the specs as advertised, I’ll leave that one to Battery Mooch! 🙂

I hope you enjoy it!

The Links:
Brian’s email address:
Boomer Vape
Shenzhen Yongdeli New Energy

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of this video in part or in it’s entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in From The Chair Recent News

Episode 15 – THOSE People

So this is a “From The Chair” but it’s in article format since 1) I didn’t want to forget anything, and 2) I think it an important topic to talk about.

At the last few events I experienced something (actually much more than the last few events) and I wanted to talk about it.

What would the average vaper look like at a vape event?

  • 90% change of blowing a giant cloud.
  • 80% chance of covered in tattoos.
  • 70% chance of wearing a snapback.
  • 60% chance of having a giant beard.
  • 50% chance of having ear gauges.
  • 10% chance of riding a balance scooter.
  • 5% chance of falling off said balance scooter. 🙂

This is what you will probably see.  If you’re not one of them, you may refer to them as “Hipsters”, you may even refer to them as “Those People.”

I want to look at the term “Those People” but I want to remove the word “Those” and keep the word “People” because THAT is what they are.  They are people.  Remove everything about them that may be different from you and me and they are still people.  They bleed red just like everyone else.  They just choose to have their own style and their own look.

It’s no different from you wearing a red shirt and me wearing a black one except for the fact that your red shirt is more likely to get you killed on the planet’s surface.

I’ve met many of “Those people”.  I’ve talked with them.  I’ve hung out with them.  I’ve spent time with them.  I’ve shared meals with them.  Many have become good friends. I can assure you that they are some of the nicest people I’ve come in contact with.  Friendly, warm, outgoing, and excited to be part of the vaping community.

They are “People” not “Those People”.

Are there assholes in there as well?  YOU BET!  But there are assholes in every group.  What you look like and how you present yourself doesn’t preclude you from being as asshole.

My fear is that people who judge, or more importantly… smokers who judge and who don’t understand this group may be scared off by what they see.  They may think that they would be categorized as “Those People” and it may turn them off to vaping.

Attention Smokers… Don’t!

I think this one of the many problems we have with vaping today.   We see a lot of “Those People”.  At the events, in videos, on social media, in publications, etc.  Be we don’t see enough of the other side.   That has the potential to turn people off to vaping before even trying it… before moving to a potentially lifesaving way of getting your nicotine kick.  Let me assure you, they are out there.

  • Me, the 46 year old corporate engineer.
  • My wife, the 42 year old hair dresser and salon manager.
  • My brother, the 41 year old professional services client director.
  • My mother, the 70 year old greatest cook and Mom in the world.
  • That little old lady I saw at a vape shop in Florida coming in with her walker to get her liquid and coils.

We need to see more of this.  In my humble opinion, we don’t see enough of the average vaper and too much of the hardcore vaper and it is potentially hurting us be it right or wrong.   But more importantly hurting those who may be turned off by what they see and it affecting their decision to try a less harmful lifestyle over smoking.

People need to put aside their pre-conceived notions about what people look like and not let that scare them away.   Vaping has MANY different faces.  Vaping has MANY different ages.   We need to see them all and if you don’t, you need to understand they are out there.

So I can only hope that for all smokers it is someday YOUR FACE and YOUR AGE no matter what you look like, no matter how you dress, no matter what your background is, no matter what your age, and no matter how big a cloud you want or do not want to blow.

Ignoring all of this, our lungs are basically the same, let’s keep them breathing.

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Posted in Success Stories

From Daniel

I wanted to drop you a note about the DNA 200 video series. First
wow…jesus man…nearly 4 and half hours worth of video I am truly impressed by
your dedication to the science of vaping, and yes I did watch all of it…painful at
times but immensely informative. Brings me to my second point, been on the fence for
awhile about getting a dna200 device namely because of how advanced, detailed, and
complicated it is. After watching your videos, I realize how clunky my cuboid is,
and that I shouldn’t be afraid of a DNA200 mod. As soon as I get the money together
I will be getting one (prob wiztech Reuleaux) namely due to your series. It is
beyond obvious the time you spent behind the camera preparing for the series, and I
know you probably do not get many positive comments back. So, I will say man keep up
the quality it is so refreshing to see a review step away from subjective
information and into objective quantitative information. Take care and enjoy a vape
well earned.


Posted in Devices Event Videos Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Joyetech eGo AIO – Some Show & Tell – The Last Contest Winner & New Contest!

In this video we talk briefly about VCC Tampa, we do a Show & Tell on the Top Hat Titanium V2, talk about the upcoming stabilized wood mod from Arctic Dolphin, mention VapeNorthEast this weekend, do a review on the Joyetech eGo AIO, find out who won the last contest and kick off a new one!

We also kick off a new contest where you can win one.

The Links:
VCC – Vaping Convention Circuit
Top Hat Mods Facebook Fan Page
Arctic Dolphin
VapeNorthEast 2016
My Vapor Store

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of this video in part or in it’s entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Recent News


12751769_10205666325837050_431013623_oI’ll see you all at VapeNorthEast this coming weekend. Click the banner for all the information! Let’s get together and have a vape.

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