Author: pbusardo
CANCER RESEARCH UK CONFIRMS – E-cigarettes safer than smoking says long-term study
Cancer Research UK-funded scientists found that people who swapped smoking regular cigarettes for e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for at least six months, had much lower levels of toxic and cancer causing substances in their body than people who continued to use conventional cigarettes.
Will yet another positive study on harm reduction when it comes to vaping help us here in the US?
Probably not as we all know by now that our lungs are different from those found in the UK.
“This study adds to growing evidence that e-cigarettes are a much safer alternative to tobacco, and suggests the long term effects of these products will be minimal.
“Understanding and communicating the benefits of nicotine replacements, such as e-cigarettes, is an important step towards reducing the number of tobacco-related deaths here in the UK.”
Are you reading FDA? Here, let me point this part out to you again….
“Understanding and communicating the benefits of nicotine replacements, such as e-cigarettes, is an important step towards reducing the number of tobacco-related deaths here in the UK.”
Would love to see that read… “here in the US” as well.
Read the entire article HERE.
A couple of things about this article coming from one of the most BIASED news medias out there really pissed me off. Here’s one:
Dripping generates higher heating coil temperatures than conventional use of e-cigarettes — and this is a safety concern. “Higher temperatures lead to greater emissions of a class of harmful chemicals known as volatile aldehydes,” including formaldehyde and acrolein, Shihadeh said.
My dearest Alan Shihadeh… you are a clueless fool and your comment is absolutely false. Although we know it’s going on, it’s not the fault and cause of “dripping”. Higher temperatures are not the cause of the method, they are the cause of the user. Lower resistances and higher wattages are what creates higher temperatures, NOT the method of dripping. These higher and dangerous temperatures can be created just as easily by the “other” method of vaping described in this article:
The normal process of vaping relies on an e-cig’s reservoir and wick, both of which automatically feed liquid to the heating coil within the device, minus any effort or intervention on the part of the user.
Have you SEEN some of the tanks out there? Do you even KNOW what they’re capable of?
Of course this…
“Higher temperatures lead to greater emissions of a class of harmful chemicals known as volatile aldehydes,” including formaldehyde and acrolein, Shihadeh said.
Does concern me greatly and you should know that about me by now, but it’s a USELESS COMMENT unless it’s compared to the same output of a cigarette. Harm reduction remember? Not harm elimination!!
Then there’s this beauty…
“Handling liquid so often, there is a greater risk of incidental skin contact,” Shihadeh said. E-cigarette liquids typically contain nicotine, which is absorbed rapidly through human skin.
If enough liquid is spilled, then, a vaper could be exposed to toxic levels of nicotine. Shihadeh also suggested young children might be hurt by spilled liquid. An analysis of calls to the National Poison Data System estimated that more than seven young children accidentally ingest e-liquids left within reach in households each day.
“Handling of liquids so often” Have you seen my reviews? Have you seen the amount of liquid I always have on my fingers? Somehow my fingers are still working fine enough to type this. What are you talking about? DIYing? Higher concentrations of pure nic? Can you be more specific please? Or are you just fear mongering?
Then there’s the “save the children” argument. How about we forget about the word “blame” and use the term “responsible”. Responsible adults should keep e-liquid out of the reach of children. Even with this, we know accidents will happen and I’m not being heartless, but perhaps we should compare this number to the number of children who were poisoned by other toxic chemicals found in households.
But we as an industry are not innocent here. Many in this industry have made those bottles as attractive as possible to kids. Like that comment or not, it’s the truth. Targeted marketing to youth or not, it’s certainly what it looks like and it will be used against us.
According to Krishnan-Sarin, “Emerging data is also showing that e-cigarettes contain many other chemicals like propylene glycol and glycerine, and they also contain a lot of flavor chemicals.
Really? “Emerging data” is telling you there’s propylene glycol, glycerine, and flavorings in e-liquids? Well thank you helpy helperton and NO SHIT! You just named the three primary components of e-liquids all across the globe and ingredients that are listed on most bottles.
Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration identified 134 incidents of e-cigarette batteries overheating, catching fire or exploding in the United States during a seven-year period ending in January 2016.
Would LOVE to know the percentage of the 134 incidents that were due to user error. Would LOVE to know the percentage of the 134 incidents that had NOTHING to do with vaping or vaping devices but were due to improper storage of a battery by a vaper and therefore, in their tiny little minds, became guilty by association. But even here, the industry has to figure a way to reduce this number and take the errors out of the hands of the users.
Christ, it’s only a matter of time before they come down on tricking.
Beyond dripping is another alternative use of e-cigarettes that is of concern to Krishnan-Sarin: smoke tricks. “You can inhale the vapor or the aerosol, and then you blow it out of your mouth or nose, and you create all different kinds of shapes,” she said. “People create dragons and volcanoes and little hearts.” Vape fests and competitions are devoted to smoke tricks, which are becoming enormously popular.
Well shit.
But, I mean, come one… we knew this was going to happen and it was only a matter of time… Didn’t we? Wasn’t it?
Wait till they get a hold of a 300W capable tank and a 360W capable device.
You can read the entire article HERE.
Here’s an update on A BILLION LIVES from Aaron Biebert…
It’s been a busy couple months preparing for the final release of A Billion Lives around the world on various broadcast, streaming, and Blu-Ray platforms.
Our new broadcast distribution partner, Principal Media, has been discussing TV broadcasts of A Billion Lives with HBO, AMC, MBC (Middle East), YLC (Finland), MediaLaan, RTL, ProSieben (Germany), Telefilms (Argentina), Bell Media, and Turner. The international interest in our movie from large networks is largely due to your work in helping spread the word via social media, as well as our spectacular international premieres over the past six months.
Momentum, while slow, is building and we are gaining the public’s attention. Thanks for being patient.
The Plan
This has definitely been a learning experience for us. Rarely has a film with this level of support and vital message been so ignored by the media and Hollywood establishment. Sadly, that means we’ve had to do a lot of unexpected work with distribution.
We’ve been pushing as hard as we can to get the word out using mainstream channels and it is working. It’s also taking a bit more time than expected. The ability to put it on TV was a pleasant surprise.
Here’s the plan going forward. Theaters
We’re wrapping up the theatrical release in English-speaking countries. However, I still believe that bringing people from other countries together to see the movie in a public forum is vital to getting new people to hear the message.
Last week in Copenhagen, I got to visit with officials from the Health Ministry and Safety Ministry after they watched the movie. There were tons of other members of the public there as well. It was powerful for them to witness the groans, laughs, and standing ovation. We are getting close to launching the movie in theaters in Germany, Austria, France, and maybe other countries. We’ve gotten commitments to show the movie in Germany & Austria at least 10 times to allow local groups to invite media and politicians. All countries that currently have the movie in theaters (US, Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland, New Zealand) will continue to have the opportunity to use Demand.Film (International) or Tugg (US) to host theater screenings for years.
Our new broadcast distribution partner is working to get the movie on TV, where it will be seen by people not currently introduced to the #ABillionLives debate.
We just finished preparing an international version of the movie (no English) and it is ready for one network that has already signed a deal to show the movie 15 times! As mentioned above, more deals are potentially in the works.
The downside of this, is that we will delay the digital release in countries/languages where it is on TV. We think it’s worth it. Digital Streaming
In countries where the movie will not air on TV (most of them), we plan one last publicity stunt to get attention by becoming the #1 movie on iTunes on our release day.
This is very possible with the level of support behind us.
After a succesfull iTunes launch, we’ll also have it available on other platforms (Amazon, Google Play, etc.).
Digital streaming is our best chance to make money and fund a follow-up film, so we are eager to begin as soon as possible. The only reason we’ve held off is to build more public awareness of the message and honor our commitments to theaters. Reaching the public is job #1.
In addition to a digital release, we plan on selling a limited edition Blu-Ray disk with special content (potentially a deleted chapter featuring Stanton Glantz).
We’ve been working on it and we’re ready to start taking bulk pre-orders. We don’t have the manpower to sell individual copies initially, so we’ll rely on authorized groups or companies to buy the movie at bulk prices and help distribute it on their own websites or stores.
In order to reward our strongest supporters and help us get better pricing on disk creation, we’ll be prioritizing the largest orders first. Please reply to this email if you are interested.
Any company or group that cares about our message is welcome. Final Notes
In addition to all the distribution work (and my job at Attention Era Media), I continue to be active in working with groups to meet with and educate government leaders and the media.
We are fully aware of the battles going on right now and we are helping as much as possible with our limited resources and small staff. We think a follow up film using our new network, expertise, and supportive community would be able to put away these liars for good. But to do this (without taking money from outside organizations to make the movie), we need to be smart. Thanks for sticking with us. I appreciate you. Talk soon,
– Aaron Biebert
From Michelle
Hello Mister Busardo,
I would just like to say thank you! For being such a kind, funny, intelligent,
talented and honest reviewer.When i’m getting a new device or tank, i always look you up first and i could just
listen to you all-day-long.There are also other good reviewers who are not
annoying (Richard ng i like also, because he’s so down to earth and real)(just like
you are: real), but you’re my favorite!I really appreciate your hard work.
I hope you get enough of these messages, because people don’t often understand how much of your time and
efforts this takes from you. Some people just take it for granted and always criticize.I could never do what you do. I don’t even know HOW you do it. But you DO.
If it wasn’t for you, i would never understand how to coil and wick certain tanks! I would be so lost.
I wish you a good health and i will keep watching your videos.
I’m now ten months smoke-free and i’ve convinced a lot of people around me to guit too.
(My parents, husband, friends, co workers..)I want the whole world to quit smoking! 🙂
Have a great day and
with very kind regards.
Michelle from Belgium
A PBusardo Review – The GG Tilemahos Armed and some Show & Tell
In this video we do some show and tell with the Avatar Controls Vapenut & the Moon Mountain Capsule Disposable. We then take a full look at the GG Tilemahos Armed.
The Links:
Avatar Controls
GG – Golden Greek
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos – GG Tilemahos Armed:
The Photos – Avatar Controls VapeNut:
The Photos – MoonMountain Capsule:
A PBusardo Review – The Asvape Strider + Last Contest Winner + New Contest
In this video we take a look at the Asvape Strider, find out who one the last contest and kick off a new one.
The Links:
Asvape Facebook Page
Heaven Gifts
VO Chipset Page
VO-Tech Dagger
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
From Nick
As you know I have watched your reviews since started vaping since Oct 2014 and have chatted from time to time about devices. I bought an evic mini which worked good with the nautilus tank. Then back to the pen style. So I usually purchased online, but decided to go to the brick and mortar “Vast Vapor”. I was going in for a AIO that you reviewed with high praise. Told the guy about how you recommend and we started talking about you all good of course. Was interesting how one of there prior job requirements was to watch your videos to learn specifics. Now you can add to your resume “Employee training adviser”. Vast Vape nice store have a selection and clean. They told me to give you a shout and say Hi from them. Also enjoying AIO just what I needed going to pick up another this week.
I seriously think in my opinion that if it was not for your videos that I would have
been too frustrated with devices that I would have started the sticks again. God
sent you are “Following your passion”Thanks for all you do always.
THE LATEST FROM REG WATCH – No Comparisons | Analyzing Canada’s Vaping Regs | Part 2
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Reg Watch:
Adverse impacts of new regulation are a more dramatic way to describe unintended consequences. Yet, not all impacts are unintended. After all the purpose of regulation is to change industry and consumer behavior in the marketplace. Canada’s new federal vaping regulations certainly intend to do just that.
Once passed, how would smokers seeking to quit learn about the benefits of vaping? Would healthcare practitioners have the most current information to inform their patients? Do the new regulations cripple the industry’s ability to grow?
Get the answers from regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma and find out why he believes the one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best option for vaping—only on RegWatch by – January 31, 2017.
There’s also a “Web-Extra” that goes along with this…
The single most powerful argument supporting the war on vaping is adherence to the precautionary principle. Simply, when a new product, policy or practice is suspected of risk causing harm to the public government rushes to ban it. Even when there is no scientific evidence proving the risk. Is this fair?
Hear what regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma thinks on this RegWatch Web Extra—only on – January 31, 2017.
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Reg Watch:
Canada’s new federal vaping regulations offer a bewildering slew of new rules, which when in effect would fundamentally transform the vaping industry in Canada. That transformation is founded on established regulatory frameworks built and deployed for the tobacco, pharmaceutical and consumer natural health product industries.
Join RegWatch for part-1 in our 2-part special analyzing the impacts of the vaping regulations as they stand now in draft form. Hear objective 3rd party feedback from regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma and find out why he believes the one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best option for vaping—only on RegWatch by – January 29, 2017.