Posted in Event Videos Recent News


A PBusardo Video – VTA Conferences Recorded at VapEvent NY.

I recently attended VapEvent NY and VTA was there providing a valuable array of conferences for those attending. I recorded two of them for you and have been permitted by Tony Abboud to share them.

The first is a “State Of The States” with a focus on NY. I’m from NY and some of the bills on the table are frightening, will be detrimental to vaping, and need to be fought.

The second is on state associations, their benefits, and help in getting them started.

I hope you find some of the information contained helpful and informational.

The Links:

The Video – “State Of The States”:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Video – “State Associations”:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

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A PBusardo Video – The NY/NJ Wrap Up – Dimitris Meets The Parents!, The Last (Not A) Contest Winner, A New (Not A) Contest, And A Whole Lotta Laughs

For the most part, this is a fun video with a whole lotta laughs and some serious bits thrown in. This is not a review video, but what you will see is a bit from the VapEvent NY that Dimitris and I were sponsored to attend by Innokin. Following that, Dimitris finally meets my family and it’s all captured on video. We “try” to help my brother with a spaced coil. Then we head over to Good Karma vapor for a meet and greet. After that we find out who won the last (not a) contest and kick off a brand new one.

I hope you enjoy it and it brings a smile to your face.

The Links:
VapEvent NY
Good Karma Vapor
Giant Vapes

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Posted in Recent News


A PBusardo Video – Meet Mike Runshe AKA “Hill Giant” from Giant Vapes

It’s been a while since I’ve done an interview video and I really enjoyed doing this one.

I’ve known Mike for quite a long time and had the privilege of spending a couple days with him and doing this extensive 2-part, 2-hour long interview.

We talk about all things vaping and some that are not including his history as a vaper, his history with Giant Vapes, his philosophies with his company, his thoughts about vaping past, present, and future, his hobbies, and so much more.

He winds up turning the interview around on me and we talk a bit about the B. E-Liquid line and the story behind “Miami Phil” AKA DJ Miami.

Hang out with me hanging out with him and learn more about one of the biggest on-line companies out there and the man behind it.

Thanks very much Mike for the opportunity! You’re welcome back ANY TIME!

The Links:
Giant Vapes Website
Giant Vapes Facebook Fanpage
Giant Vapes Facebook Group

The Video – Part 1:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Video – Part 2:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

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Posted in Recent News

FROM DR. FARSALINOS – Irresponsible marketing by parts of the e-cigarette industry requires immediate measures

I’ve been saying it, Dimitris’ been saying it, other have been saying it, many have been saying it, and now Dr. Farsalino’s is saying it…

One would expect a “clever” industry to take measures to minimize the negative publicity, produce best quality possible products, minimize appeal to youth, strictly follow a “no sales to youth” policy and take every necessary measure to create an image of a responsible and serious industry with consumer responsibility. A characteristic example is the European market where a self-implemented rule for child-resistant packaging was applied almost universally years ago and long before any regulation. However, I was really shocked when I received yesterday some photos of products (liquids) from a very recent vapexpo in the US.

This situation needs to be strongly condemned and criticized, and action needs to be taken to remove such products from the market.

I couldn’t agree more.

Read his entire article HERE.


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Posted in Recent News


Congratulations to Andy on winning the Volcano Lavabox M!

BTW – Shipping to Kronos was a BITCH!

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NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Dangerous Precedent | Vape Store Owner Pans Federal Vaping Regs

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

If regulators are going to ban scientific fact, it’s a very dangerous precedent to set. That’s the message Ottawa vape store owner Ron Couchman has for the politicians and policymakers in charge of deciding Canada’s new federal vaping regulations.

In this outspoken interview, hear Couchman scrutinize key elements of the proposed legislation: flavour restrictions, No Comparisons clause, crackdown on information and access to vaping for harm reduction.

Also, hear what he thinks of the war on vaping in the province of Quebec—only on RegWatch by – March 2, 2017.


Shocked Reaction | Healthcare Worker Hears Truth About Federal Vaping Regs

Canadians that believe they have the right to make informed decisions about what they put in their own bodies are beginning to learn the truth about the No Comparisons clause in the new federal vaping regs.

When they do they are shocked.

As was dental hygienist Tracey McAskill, when she learned the details of Bill S-5 during RegWatch’s visit to Clear Sky Vapes in Ottawa—only on RegWatch by – March 2, 2017.

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Congratulations to Cathy on winning the Dagger Mod!

I am sorry it took a bit to get back to you. You are such an awesome person to do this for people and I am still on cloud nine that I actually won a contest!!

I am sending a pic. It’s not the greatest as I am not very good at taking selfies. Once again thank you dear man for the extra something you through in for me that was just so grand of you. With many thanks and much gratitude.


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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Revenant Vape Cartel 160 Mod

In this video we take a full look the Revenant Vape Cartel 160W Box Mod.

The Links:
VapEvent New York
Good Karma Vapor
Cartel Mods
Revenant Vape
Vapor DNA

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Success Stories

From Miloslav

Dear Phil,

I have been following you on YouTube for quite some time without saying “Thank you”
for that.

My father had a very serious health issue few years ago – arteries clogging. He had
been smoking cigarettes from his youth and it was somehow clear that smoking played
a significant part of that problem.

I had started to look arround how to help him. Vaping was already on its way to
spread and YouTube was (and still is) fantastic channel how to learn things. I have
just realized that it has been some 6 years since I purchased him the first ecig
set. It was eGo-T.

Fortunately, my father wanted to make some changes in his life so my role was just
to help him and offer an easy and sustainable way. As far as I know he has not
touched a single cigarette since than and now he is enjoying vaping. He is not
getting younger but he is doing fine 🙂

I will always remember your ViVi Nova rebuild video which has started my rebuilding
era. Since than dozens and dozens of your reviews are of big help.

I like the way you do your videos a lot. Starting with shooting itself – quality,
details, lighting, sound and your cave :). I like the way you describe technical
specification, your personal experience, different set ups and by the way your
English… which is really nice and easy to understand. Your humor fits to mine
perfectly as well…

Let me thank you once more and wish you all the best and I hope you will continue
updating your channel with new stuff. It makes sense.

I remain your big fan.

Czech Republic

Posted in Recent News

NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Awkward Allies | Big Tobacco talks Vaping, IQOS & Federal Regs

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

There’s a tremendous amount of scientific research substantiating the fact this product presents less risk of harm versus continuing to smoke. Sound familiar?

If you are a vaper it should as it’s the principal argument to support vaping as a harm reduction tool in the battle to stop smoking. The wrinkle is that this assertion is made by a top executive at one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, regarding its new risk reduced tobacco product, the IQOS.

In this episode of RegWatch hear from Peter Luongo, managing director at Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. a subsidiary of Phillip Morris International. Learn why PMI is betting its Heat-not-Burn technology, recently released in Canada, could usher in a smoke-free future.

Does Big Tobacco see common ground with the vaping industry?

Find out—only on – February 25, 2017.

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