
Some people buy Bic pens, others will only write with a Mont Blanc. Some people will tell time perfectly with a Casio and others will only stare down at a Rolex or a Hublot. Some people will be happy driving their Hyundai to 7-11 to get their Slurpee and others jump in their Ferrari, Lamborghini or Bugatti.

With all things, there are great price ranges and selection for you to choose from. Vaping is no different. There’s something out there for everyone.

You can get an amazing vape in the $30-$50 range these days. But for those who like the finer things, Crovape has you covered.

From their $80 Crotip drip tips to their $450 base Cromod to their $4,700 Cromod VIP Swarovski Crystal version to their $313,370 (yes… three hundred thirteen thousand, three hundred seventy dollar) 15 carat diamond encrusted Cromod mechanical, these are among some of the most beautiful and finest mechanicals I’ve seen.

Crovape is a Croatia based company with the ultra high end market in their sights.

Will these vape THAT much better than less expensive mechanicals? No. But then again, how much better will you be able to read a sentence written with a Mont Blanc over a Bic?

I was able to get an interview with this company at VapeJam UK, and they were kind enough to supply with a unit to review (no, not the $200,000 model… DAMN! 🙂 ). Look for that interview along with the review coming soon.

In the meantime… some vape porn for you…

BTW – The diamond version is not pictured below. But you will find the very first photos of their new Cromod VIP Swarovski Crystal version. Plan on that one setting you back a couple thousand.

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Author: pbusardo