From Jim


I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your reviews and for sharing your
knowledge. I started dipping nearly 10 years ago when I joined the Army Infantry,
and I could not kick the habit. With the help of my old squad leader and his juice
company, I kicked the habit in less than two days.

Your reviews that are not gimmicky and focus on getting people off of tobacco have
been a constant source of information since I started watching.

I grew up in Rochester, and will move back there once my wife and I finish our
graduate degrees in a couple of years. I visit a few times a year and of course do
not expect you to waste your time with a visit.

I am also aware that you are a RPD veteran, and I would like you to thank you from
the bottom of my heart for serving both my beloved city, and the vaping community.


Author: pbusardo