I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing for those people out there trying to learn more and the help you have given me through all your reviews. I had started vaping a while ago using an Ego-C during a period I had quit and I felt that urge come back to me. Well you know how the Ego-C is and it just didn’t do it for me to stay away from the horrid tar sticks. Back in March I had enough. Enough hacking, enough choking, enough of everything related to smoking. I was a pack a day at least and being in the social work field…they would be chained at times. I pulled out that Ego-C again and was determined…but wasn’t cutting it. Went online and bought the Ego-CC to try to kick it up a notch with some better results. Less craving but wasn’t quite there. That’s when I decided to start delving into the world of vaping more because all I knew about was the ego’s. That’s when I found your reviews.
At this point in my vaping path I watch for your videos. In my slow work periods I check a couple times a day for a new video. During those busy periods not so much but I try to check (Missed the vapor shark giveaway by one day…I cried on the inside). I started with the Aerotank Mega after watching your review. Massive massive improvement in any urge to fall off the wagon. Glad I listened to what you had to say. Wasn’t enough. I wanted more. Lets watch more Phil. Lets read more info. Kayfun. Learned to build from your videos. I have had so much success and wealth of knowledge from what you have conveyed to the community that I took it further. I managed to get a friend switched over…got my fiancee off the smokes too. I even got her a kayfun and her cravings went away just as fast once we got her upgraded. Next step is to spread the love and try another poor soul still hooked on cigarettes.
I want more toys of course. If I had the money I would very much end up with the shark and a squape to go along with my nifty kayfun and poor dying VAMO. Until I do, I shall be watching, learning, and passing what info I can along. Keep posting and Thank you. You have made a difference.