From Drake

Hey Phil,

I’m a fairly new vaper, just started about 2 months ago really. I tried blu way back
a few years ago, but I couldn’t stick with it because it just didn’t do it for me so
I went back to the “regular”. A couple of months ago, I decided to go back and give
it a shot with some new stuff on the market and to appease my fiance and mom because
they were worried I would have health issues later on (which I definitely would). I
have already seen a dramatic increase in stamina in that I don’t get winded nearly
as easily and taste and all has started to come back. Anyways, that’s my background
and here is why I am contacting you. Your videos and everything you do has been
amazing and I’m one of the many benefactors of your efforts. I am currently using
Halo Triton VV’s, but I’m wanting to step up to something else now. I’ve decided to
go with the Provari, but that is as far as I’ve gotten.

All the best,


Author: pbusardo