Today’s New In The Queue are for those who love the ornate.  Both of these pieces deliver.

When I was first contacted about the X-Fire, I think my first comment was, “it’s just a Chinese Twist with a cover right?”  That’s still basically what it is, but done VERY well.  How well the wood carvings will hold up under daily use remains to be seen, but these are pretty damn nice out of the box.  If you’re into wood and Aztec design, you’ll like this one.

V3Tronix continues to impress with their latest mechanical, The Flip.  The “3D” CNC machining on this mod is very impressive.  The locking mechanism is, once again, done right.  It also has some unique features I haven’t seen in a mech before like the flipping battery tubes to change battery configurations over the never-ending screwing and unscrewing you find in many telescopic mechs, or the replaceable tubes that you wind up losing or mixing up with other mod part.  The spring loaded center pin is pretty awesome as well.

If this one does well on the mech test, it deserves some recognition.

I think if I were to ever come out with a mech, V3Tronix will be doing the machining!

Enjoy the photos!

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Author: pbusardo